Heputs a firemanhadonme, and I just I justlookedatmymeetinganddruggedand, youknow, atleasteveryone's verycompassionatewitheachotherrightnow, so I thinkitxfiles, butyeah, it's It's prettywild.
It's prettywild.
Well, itsoundslikeyouhandleditwellinthe 19 seventieswhen I wasah, youngmanthatagewhenwedidstufflikethattoourparents.
They, youknow, that's that's whathappened.
That's whatusedtohappeninthegoodolddays.
Youjustget a backhandlike, uh, therewasnophysicalhitting, buttherewasgoodemotionalscarring, emotionalscarring.
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