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Grab your fork and knife because today we are going to use TV series to teach
you some RealLife English that you can use at the restaurant
So we're going to learn not just the basic stuff but some phrases that I bet you did not learn at
school that natives use all the time now this will be useful whether you are
traveling living abroad or if you want to simply help some foreigners in your
own country and by mastering these phrases you will be sure that your
English is always top-notch when visiting a restaurant
By the way, if you're new here everyone we can make fun lessons like this one so that you can
understand the fast speaking natives,
without getting lost
without missing the jokes
and without subtitles
just like David who tells us that our
channel has helped him to get confidence when he speaks English so if you want to
get fluent confident English too. It's really simple just hit that subscribe
button and the bell down below so you don't miss any of our new lessons
Hey! Would you like to understand natives no matter how fast we speak?
and wouldn't you like to be able to watch your favorite movies and series without the subtitles?
Well our Fluent with Friends Course can help you a ton in reaching your goal
and having a lot of fun along the way!
You will learn alongside the first two seasons of the TV series friends
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We look forward to meeting you inside.
So, after this lesson what I recommend you do is watch this other lesson that we made
teaching you all the vocabulary you need next time you're at the airport by
having these two lessons together you will be really prepared for your next
trip so you can find that bike being up here or down inscription below after you
finish this video.
So one thing that can get foreigners into trouble when they visit the United States is not tipping
or simply not tipping enough.
Now a tip is the extra money that you leave at the
end of a meal to show your appreciation to the waiter or waitress for their good service.
now waiters wages the United States are
very low usually below minimum wage because most of their salary is expected
to come from what they earn from tips so this is also one of the reasons that you
often find excellent customer service in the United States.
In the United States, unless your service was really terrible or something went really wrong you
should tip at least 15% although some people believe that it's more correct to
tip more around 20% so a good rule of thumb if the service was just okay
during the meal then you could tip around 15% but if the service was
excellent then you could tip at 20% or you could even just average it out and
always tip 18% if you're traveling in the United States this is what I usually
do when I'm back home culturally speaking this will keep you out of
trouble when you visit the United States and really it's what's fair to the
waiter now on the menu you might see something like gratuity is included for
parties of six or more now gratuity is another word for tip and what this
basically means is that if you're in a large group they will automatically add
in the tip to your bill so if you see that the gratuity is already included
for a group then this means you don't need to add it in later when you get the
check you could even ask your waiter or waitress does this include gratuity now
if you visit the UK you don't have to worry quite as much if you go out with
two people then sometimes it can be customary to leave a couple pounds on
top of the bill but not everyone does it and if you are in a larger group usually
you'll leave more but probably not more than 10% so in order to be respectful
when you travel I highly recommend that before you go you actually research what
is customary to tip in that country and actually I'm really curious do you
tip in your country why don't you comment down below and
tell me where you're from and what is customary for tipping there.