youbuildme a castlesaid I'm safeanditswallsButitwasmadeofcardboardorAndyoulit a matchandyouburneditalldown.
But I neveroncesized.
I'm nocasualtyJustbecauseyoudon't knowmanyasheswhatyousayquicklyway e Justbecauseyoudon't wantanymorecash, yousee e o e Atleastthatmeansyou'refeelingsomething A t leastthatmeansyou'refeelingsomething.
RunfrommeAtleast I know I triedforsomething.
E don't believe I meantnothing e.
youbuildme a castlesaid I'm safeanditswallsButitwasmadeofcardboardorAndyoulit a matchandyouburneditalldown.
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