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Can you guess what this is?
譯者: Lilian Chiu 審譯者: Zoe Chang
What if I told you there's a place where the creatures are made of glass?
Or that there are life-forms that are invisible to us,
如果我說有個地方的生物 都是玻璃做的,你信嗎?
but astronauts see them all the time?
These invisible glass creatures aren't aliens on a faraway exoplanet.
They're diatoms:
這些看不見的玻璃生物並非 太陽系以外的外星生物。
photosynthetic, single-celled algae responsible for producing oxygen
and helping seed clouds on a planetary scale
一種單細胞藻類, 能行光合作用產生氧氣,
and with intricately sculpted, geometric exoskeletons made of --
yeah, glass.
看似精細雕刻的 幾何形狀外殼的成份是──
You can see them in swirls of ocean-surface colors from space.
And when they die,
從太空中所看到海面上 深淺不同的渦流,就是矽藻。
their glass houses sink to the depths of the oceans,
矽藻死亡時,它們的 玻璃外殼沉入海洋深處,
taking carbon out of the air
同時將大氣中的碳 一起帶入墳墓,
and with them to the grave,
海洋中的碳封存量 絕大部分是它們貢獻的。
accounting for a significant amount of carbon sequestration in the oceans.
We live on an alien planet.
There is so much weird life here on Earth to study,
and so much of it lives at the edges of our world,
我們視線的邊緣 及人類知識的邊緣。
of our sight and of our understanding.
One of those edges is Antarctica.
Typically, when we think about Antarctica,
we think of a place that's barren and lifeless ...
except for a few penguins.
但南極洲其實應該被視為 物種的極地綠洲,
But Antarctica should instead be known as a polar oasis of life,
host to countless creatures that are utterly fascinating.
So why haven't we seen them on the latest nature documentary?
Well, they lurk beneath the snow and ice,
virtually invisible to us.
They're microbes:
tiny plants and animals living embedded inside of glaciers,
在海冰下方,或冰川以下的 地下儲水層中活動。
underneath the sea ice
它們的魅力可不輸那些 大自然紀錄片中常見的大型動物。
and swimming in subglacial ponds.
問題是怎樣鼓勵人們 去探索看不見的生物呢?
And they're no less charismatic than any of the megafauna
我最近帶了一個 為期五週的考察團去南極,
that you're used to seeing in a nature documentary.
這趟旅程讓我簡直成了 微生物的野生動物影片製作人。
But how do you compel people to explore what they can't see?
帶著 185 磅的裝備,登上軍機,
I recently led a five-week expedition to Antarctica
to essentially become a wildlife filmmaker at the microbial scale.
With 185 pounds of gear,
I boarded a military aircraft
但所知極少的生態系統 有進一步的了解。
and brought microscopes into the field
為了拍攝這些 看不見的生物的活動,
to film and investigate these microscopic extremophiles,
so that we can become more familiar with a poorly understood ecosystem
that we live with here on Earth.
每年,海冰的形成會讓 南極洲面積增加幾乎一倍。
To film these invisible creatures in action,
I needed to see where they call home --
我得爬入一根穿入海冰中的 金屬管狀通道,
I needed to venture under the ice.
Every year, the sea ice nearly doubles the entire size of Antarctica.
去親眼目睹一個不為人知、 充滿生命力的生態系統。
To get a glimpse below the nine-feet-thick ice,
I climbed down a long, metal tube inserted into the sea ice
to witness a hidden ecosystem full of life,
while being suspended between the seafloor and the illuminated ceiling of ice.
像是種蝦(藍眼淚)、 還有美麗幾何形狀的矽藻。
Here's what that looked like from the outside.
我也去了更偏遠的麥克默多旱谷, 在那紮營了兩週。
It was just absolutely magical.
南極洲有 98% 被冰覆蓋,
Some of the critters I found were delightful things like seed shrimp
麥克默多旱谷是南極唯一 沒被冰雪覆蓋的地方,
and many more beautiful, geometric diatoms.
I then went farther afield to camp out in the Dry Valleys
for a couple of weeks.
血瀑是由於地下儲水層 噴出氧化鐵的自然現象,
98 percent of Antarctica is covered with ice
直到十多年前,大家都還 認為那裡沒有任何物種。
and the Dry Valleys are the largest area of Antarctica where you can actually see
what the continent itself looks like underneath all of it.
發現無數生命力強韌的生物, 悠遊自在地活在冰層中。
I sampled bacteria at Blood Falls,
a natural phenomenon of a subglacial pond spurting out iron oxide
來自於細小的深色灰塵 被吹到冰河表面,
that was thought to be utterly lifeless until a little more than a decade ago.
塵埃處的冰融化,形成濃湯似的坑, 之後表面又再度結冰,
And I hiked up a glacier to drill down into it,
revealing countless, hardcore critters living their best lives
while embedded inside layers of ice.
Known as cryoconite holes,
你可能認得某些我發現的生物, 例如這類可愛的緩步動物──
they form when tiny pieces of darkly colored dirt
我好愛牠們,看起來就像 有爪子的小熊軟糖。
get blown onto the glacier
and begin to melt down into soupy holes that then freeze over,
preserving hundreds of dirt pucks inside the glacier,
like little island universes
但你無須親自造訪太空 或南極洲去看牠們。
each with its own unique ecosystem.
Some of the critters I found you may recognize,
like this adorable tardigrade --
很可能你每天經過的路邊就有 一大堆這種生物,卻視而不見。
I absolutely love them,
另外有些看似眼熟 卻不認識的生物,例如線蟲類。
they're like little gummy bears with claws.
線蟲類既非蛇也非蚯蚓, 牠們自成一類。
Also known as a water bear,
牠們沒有蚯蚓的再生能力, 也沒有蛇的爬行方式,
they're famous for possessing superpowers
that allow them to survive in extreme conditions,
那是牠們用來刺穿、捕殺獵物 並吸光內臟的工具。
including the vacuum of space.
地球上人類與線蟲的比例 大約是 1: 570億。
But you don't need to travel to space or even Antarctica to find them.
還有一些你可能完全不知道, 但同樣迷人的生物,
They live in moss all over this planet,
例如,頂著漂亮的冠的輪蟲, 它的冠可變成像掃地機器人般的嘴巴,
from sidewalk cracks to parks.
以及具有透明消化系統的纖毛蟲, 胃裡的食物一覽無遺,不想看都不行,
You likely walk right by tons of these invisible animals every day.
以及培養皿上到處都是的藍綠藻, 看起來就像派對上的彩色紙屑。
Others may look familiar,
but be stranger still, like nematodes.
Not a snake nor an earthworm,
nematodes are a creature all of their own.
They can't regenerate like an earthworm or crawl like a snake,
即便在戶外的環境中 牠們幾乎無所不在。
but they have tiny, dagger-like needles inside their mouths
牠們的日常是什麼樣子? 跟環境的互動又是如何?
that some of them use to spearfish their prey and suck out the insides.
For every single human on this planet,
there exist 57 billion nematodes.
And some of the critters you may not recognize at all
but live out equally fascinating lives,
我們才能清楚了解 這些本來看不見的生物。
such as rotifers with amazing crowns that turn into Roomba-like mouths,
透過記錄南極,甚至自家 後院中那些看不見的生物,
ciliates with digestive systems so transparent that it's almost TMI,
我們才能得知有多少生物 和我們共存在這個世界上。
and cyanobacteria that look like party confetti exploded all over a petri dish.
A lot of times what we see in popular media
我們所居住的這個 不可思議、奇妙的地球。
are scanning electron microscope images of microorganisms
looking like scary monsters.
Without seeing them move their lives remain elusive to us
despite them living nearly everywhere we step outside.
What's their daily life like?
How do they interact with their environment?
If you only ever saw a photo of a penguin at a zoo,
but you never saw one waddle around and then glide over ice,
you wouldn't fully understand penguins.
By seeing microcreatures in motion,
we gain better insights into the lives of the otherwise invisible.
Without documenting the invisible life in Antarctica and our own backyards,
we don't understand just how many creatures we share our world with.
And that means we don't yet have the full picture
of our weird and whimsical home planet.
Thank you.