And I hadthisgreatsceneinthemoviewhere I betrayhischaracteronthestandon a sidenotewhen I betrayhischaracteronthestand.
Mymomwaswatchingthemoviein a movietheaterandsheandwhen I when I turnedonhimincourt, shegoesnotmyJohn.
Afterwards I waslike, Mom, whatdidyousaythere?
Andshe's like I said, NotyouAnd I waslike, Whatdoyoumean, youwouldn't be a stoolpigeon?
I waslike, Mom, it's apart.
I wastellingthetruth.
Theseguyswerecriminals, like I wastelling, Likelike, no, butyouwouldn't be a stoolpigeon.
Tellmeyouwouldn't be a stoolfish.
And I waslike, Wow, Okay, I washopingfor a moreethicaltakefrommymom, butanyway, Godresther.
Sosorry, Mom.
Uh, butyeah, Sowe'reshootingthatscene, and I wasfeelingreallygoodbecauseitwas a greatlittledramaticturn.
I didn't have a tontodointhatmovie, butitwas a greatlittledramaticturn, and I wasfeelingreallyproudofmyself.
AndDannyDeVito, whodirectedit, wasreallyhappy.
AndJackwassayingstufflike, he's like, he's like a youngGeneHackman.
Hewaslike, Oh, shit.
Likehejustcalledme a youngGeneHackmanlike, um, so I wasjustfeelingreallygoodaboutmyself, and I remember, justlike, topoftheworld, I'm walkingdownthehallwayinthislocationwherewewereshootingand I gointothebathroomand I sidleduptotheurinal.
I'm justthinkingabout, like, thingsandandallof a sudden, before I canevenstartpeeing, Jackcomesintothebathroomand I waslike, Oh, shit, it, z man.