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  • Yeah, wear planting palm trees in the desert, and that is a little bit difficult way.


  • Hopefully, we will succeed in providing water and everything else.


  • This palm tree needs way.


  • Flecks of green bursting out of barren earth in Iraq Tens of thousands of palm trees, which Ali is helping to grow.

    伊拉克貧瘠的土地上迸發出斑斕的綠色 數萬棵棕櫚樹,阿里正在幫助它們生長。

  • It's a massive $58 million mega project here, with natural wells being dug and even a desalination plant being constructed.


  • Why to grow dates Sajjad Saleem Hussein owns a day shoppin Bahsrah.

    為什麼要種植棗子Sajjad Saleem Hussein擁有一天的shoppin Bahsrah。

  • People come from everywhere from all the provinces from Baghdad, Kerbala, the north of Erbil, Kirkuk from the central governor.


  • It's all of them comes through.


  • Of course, states are important.


  • They give energy, strength, identity, especially during Ramadan.


  • Ramadan Bahsrah is renowned for these fruit, but so many years of neglect put the industry in decline.


  • According to the city's Agriculture Directorate, from the 13 million palm trees once thriving in Bahsrah, only about 2.75 million and left today that waas until an investor from Kuwait, Abdulaziz al Bab obtain, started this massive effort.

    據該市農業局介紹,從曾經在Bahsrah興旺發達的1300萬棵棕櫚樹中,只有約275萬棵,今天留下的是waas,直到來自科威特的投資者Abdulaziz al Bab獲得,開始了這一大規模的努力。

  • Allah Abdel Hussein is the head of Bazaars Investment Commission.


  • In reality, it is among the most important agricultural strategic projects in the bazaar of province.


  • Theo Objective is to reach an amount of 80,000 palm trees.


  • They hope that this will also provide 400 jobs to locals as well as new green zones for raising livestock and setting up greenhouses.


Yeah, wear planting palm trees in the desert, and that is a little bit difficult way.


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