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Hello. Do you do this every day in the mirror? This is called "mascara". Today, I'm going
哈囉 你每天都在鏡子前做這些事嗎? 這是睫毛膏
to teach you about beauty -- beautiful vocabulary. The first one that I said is "mascara". We
今天要來教你有關美麗 -- 漂亮 的字彙 第一個就是我說的 睫毛膏
use this on our eyelashes. Now, it's very funny because when we do this, we always have
我們把這個用在睫毛上 好笑的是 當我們女生在用的時候 我們總會
to open our mouth. Guess what? We can do it without opening our mouth, too. But maybe
嘴巴張開 你猜怎麼著? 我們可以不用張嘴也可以刷睫毛膏 但或許是
we are afraid that we'll poke ourselves in the eye. I'm not too sure, ladies. So if you're
我們怕戳到自己眼睛 女孩們 我也不太確定 所以
interested in make-up or cosmetics, this lesson's for you. Let's begin.
如果你對化妝或是化妝品有興趣 這堂課就是你要上的 我們開始吧
Here, I have a list of verbs we use, and here are some nouns. So let's begin with the verbs.
這裡 我有常用的一系列動詞 這裡是一些名詞 那我們就從動詞開始吧
"Put on" or "apply". These two verbs are the same. We use these when we talk about make-up.
"畫上" 或是 "使用" 這兩個動詞基本上是一樣的 我們在談到化妝的時候 這兩個動詞很常使用
So you can "put on" mascara. So you're going to take your mascara, and you're going to
所以你可以"畫上"睫毛膏 你會拿著睫毛膏 然後
"put it on" or "apply" it. Now, if you look at my beautiful face here, the mascara will
你會"畫上"它 或是"使用"它 現在看到這張美麗的臉龐 睫毛膏
go on your eyelashes. You have to be very, very careful. You have to say "eyelashes",
這邊你要非常 非常小心 在英文的說法中 眼睫毛的複數一定要說 eyelashes
not "eyelash". "Eyelash" is one. You, I guarantee, do not put mascara on one eyelash. It would
而不是指單數的eyelash eyelash 只有一根 我向你保證 你不會只塗一根睫毛吧
almost be impossible. You'd have to very carefully -- it's not going to happen. So on our eyelashes,
這很難 因為你要非常小心地畫 所以根本不太可能啦 所以在我們的睫毛上
we put on or apply -- they're the same -- mascara. It makes our eyelashes longer and bigger,
我們會使用同樣意思的"畫上"或是"使用" 他們是一樣的 -- 睫毛膏 它讓我們的睫毛看起來更大更長
so you can wink more at people. Wink, wink.
這樣你就可以對別人放電 眨眼 眨眼
The next thing that maybe you wear if you're a lady -- maybe if you're a man you wear this,
下個你可能會畫上去的東西 如果妳是女生的話 -- 男生.....
too. I don't know. -- is eye shadow. Now, there are many, many, many different colors
也可以啦 -- 就是眼影 眼影有很多 很多
of eye shadow. This one happens to have blue, green -- some other colors. We also get with
還有一些其他顏色 這裡剛好有 藍色 綠色 -- 還有其他的顏色 我們也會用
the eye shadow a little brush, so you can brush on the eye shadow. You can use your
小刷子沾眼影 就能把眼影刷上去 或是你可以用
finger. Doesn't matter, really. I'm very sure that professional make-up artists would have
你的手指 都沒關係 我很確定專業彩妝師
very special brushes that would cost a lot of money. I am not a professional make-up
會用很特殊而且超貴的刷子來用 阿我不是專業彩妝師
artist, so I'm not too sure about the different kinds of brushes that one would apply mascara
-- or eye shadow with. But I do know that it adds color to your eyelids. So underneath
或是眼影刷 但是我知道 它是用來上色在你的眼瞼上 就是
your eyelashes are -- the skin here, which is your eyelids. You can paint them whatever
眼睫毛下面這邊 -- 這邊的皮膚 就是你的眼瞼 你可以畫上
color you'd like. Okay? It's up to you. Purple. You want purple?
你想要的顏色 隨你選擇 紫色 你要紫色嗎?
So we put on or apply mascara, eye shadow, and eyeliner. Now, eyeliner looks like a pencil,
然後我們就"畫上" 或是"使用" 睫毛膏 眼影 還有眼線筆 來 眼線筆看起來很像鉛筆
but it isn't. This is not eyeliner. I just don't have any eyeliner. But it would look
這不是眼線筆 但我沒有真正的眼線筆啦 不過
like a pencil. And all you're going to do is take it, and you're going to actually line
真正的眼線筆看起來很像鉛筆 你要做的就是拿起來 然後開始描
the outside of your eyes. Don't put it in your eye. It's going to hurt again.
眼睛外的輪廓 別畫到眼睛裡囉 不然會很痛
So with the mascara for your eyelashes, the eye shadow that will go on your eyelids or
有了睫毛膏來畫睫毛 眼影來畫你的眼瞼 或是
the skin above your eyes, and the eyeliner will go around the top and bottom of your
眼睛上方的皮膚 眼線筆可以從眼睛的上面
eyes. It just makes your eyes look bigger. Do my eyes look bigger? That might work, too.
畫到下面 它讓你的眼睛看起來更大 我的看起來有變大嗎? 睜大眼睛也有用喔!
Moving on from the eyes, we're going to move down under the eyes. Now, ladies, let's say
眼睛結束之後 我們要來看眼睛下面一點的部分 女生們 我們這麼說好了
one night you are out partying, talking, or drinking coffee a little bit too late. You
當你徹夜狂歡 聊天 或是喝咖啡 時間有點晚了
wake up the next morning. You look in the mirror, and it looks like you are very, very
你隔天早上醒來 你看著鏡子裡的自己 非常 非常
tired. Your eyes -- maybe at the bottom here -- are puffy. We have an idiom or an expression
疲累 你的眼睛 -- 在眼睛下面這邊 -- 浮腫 我們有個慣用語 或者說表達方式
for that. Very strange, but we call it "bags under your eyes". "Bags?" Now, it's not a
來形容這種情況 雖說非常奇怪 但是我們叫做 "袋子"(眼袋) 在眼睛下方 "袋子"?
shopping bag. You're not shopping at night. You're not doing Internet shopping. "Bags"
不是什麼購物袋 你晚上又不買東西 你也不網購 "眼袋"
just means it's really full under your eyes. So maybe when you wake up in the morning,
其實就是指你眼睛下方很腫的地方 當你早上起床時
you kind of have something that looks like this. You think, "How am I going to get to
你有類似這樣的情況發生 你會想: 我怎麼能帶著眼袋
work with bags under my eyes?" Well, we have the magic of the make-up industry of something
上班去? 嗯 我們化妝品業有神奇的魔法
called "concealer". Now, a "concealer" basically will erase the bags under your eyes, and it
就是 "遮瑕膏" 遮瑕膏會遮蓋掉你的眼袋
will make your skin tone an even color. So if you have freckles -- I have freckles. "Freckles"
也會讓你的膚色更均勻 如果你有雀斑 -- 我也有雀斑
are little dots on your face -- and you don't like them, you can use concealer to cover
雀斑就是你臉上的小斑點 -- 你不喜歡它們的話 就用遮瑕膏蓋住
or hide -- conceal -- your freckles. Or if you have a zit. What's a zit? A "zit" is when
或是藏起來 -- 隱形 -- 你的雀斑 或者是你有面皰 什麼是面皰? 面皰就是
you get a red point or a dot on your face. We call this -- the slang word for it is "zit".
你臉上有個紅點 我們就叫做 -- 這個就是俗稱的青春痘
But in a more medical term -- and you can have many zits, don't worry -- is "acne".
但是在醫學上的稱謂 -- 你會有很多面皰 但別擔心 -- 就是"粉刺"
So acne is a skin condition. A lot of teenagers -- so people that are aged 12 to maybe 18
粉刺是一種皮膚的狀況 有很多青少年 -- 年齡12到差不多18歲之間的人
-- it's really common to have acne or zits. So the concealer will hide the zits on your
-- 通常粉刺或是青春痘很常見 遮瑕膏可以掩蓋住你臉上的痘痘
face -- hopefully. Okay?
希望是啦 對嗎?
Now, we're going into a very, kind of crazy, little strange, I think, subject. Let's do
現在 我們要進入一個非常...應該說有點瘋狂 奇怪...的主題 來吧!
it. We're talking about eyebrows. Funny story. One time, a student said, "Teacher, Teacher.
我們要來談眉毛的部分 有件事很好笑 有次 有個學生說: "老師 老師!
You do not have eyebrows." I said, "I sure do have eyebrows." So I pulled one out, and
你沒有眉毛欸!" 我說: "我當然有眉毛" 所以我就拔了一根眉毛
I gave it to him. It's very difficult to see my eyebrows because they're blonde. But most
我拿給他 其實我的眉毛不容易被看到 因為是金色的
people have very dark or black eyebrows. And sometimes, if you have very dark and black
但是大多數人的眉毛是黑色或是深色的 有時候 你如果有很深很黑的眉毛
eyebrows, we need to make them look better. So first of all, "eyebrows" are the hairs
我們就會讓它好看一點 所以首先 "眉毛" 是毛髮的一部分
above your eyes. They're going to look like this.
在你眼睛上面 他們看起來會像這樣
Some people have hair in the middle above their nose that kind of makes it look like
有些人在中間鼻子上方 也就是眉心會長毛 看起來就像
one eyebrow. We have a slang word for this. It's called a "unibrow". Hee hee hee! So "uni"
只有一條眉毛 我們有個俗稱給它 就叫做"連心眉" 嘻嘻嘻! "連"
means one, so "unibrow". So to help you reduce your unibrow factor, we have some magic -- some
就是指合而為一 "連心眉" 所以為了要減少連心眉的因素發生 我們有一種魔法
make-up beauty magic tips. I have here a box of eyebrow wax. Oh, yes. So eyebrow wax is
就是化妝的美化撇步 我這裡有一盒眉蠟 噢對! 眉蠟
basically a very sticky substance. It's actually a wax like we would use for a candle. And
基本上就是一個黏黏的物質 它就是一種蠟 其實就像蠟燭裡面的物質
you heat this, so you put it in the microwave or -- I don't know. Maybe get a lighter. And
你把它加熱後 你放到微波爐 或是 -- 我不曉得 或是你拿個打火機
you actually put the wax, hot, onto your eyebrows. Then, you take a piece of cloth, and you stick
你就把熱蠟放在你的眉毛上 然後拿一塊布
it onto your eye. You've to wait a couple seconds, and then you rip it off. [Screams]
黏在你眉毛上 你等個幾秒後 然後就撕下來 [尖叫]
It hurts. It really, really hurts. But it does a really good job.
這很痛 真的真的超痛 但是它很有效
So what you can do is you can wax your eyebrows. Now, "wax" is a verb, and it's also a noun.
所以 你能做的就是蠟眉 "蠟"是一個動詞 它同時也是個名詞
So you can say, "I wax my eyebrows." Another thing that you can do is -- uh-oh. These things
所以你可以說 "我蠟我的眉" 另一種你可以做的就是 噢歐 -- 這個東西
-- these are called "tweezers". Tweezers. Tweezers. "Tweezers" -- we're going to use
-- 這叫做鑷子 鑷子 鑷子 "鑷子" -- 我們要用一個
the verb "pluck". Please be very careful with your P. "Pluck", okay? So "pluck" means you
動詞 叫做 "拔" 要注意發ㄅ的音 "拔" 好嗎? 拔就是
actually take the hair, and you rip it out. And then you take it, and you rip it out again.
你把毛髮拿起來 然後扯掉 然後又是一樣 拿起來 再扯掉
It hurts as well. Eyebrows are a very sensitive part of your face, and it really hurts, I
這也很痛 眉毛是你臉部最敏感的部位 不管你對眉毛做的任何事
think, anything you try and do to them. But the process of using tweezers and plucking
我想 真的非常痛 但是在用鑷子拔眉毛
your eyebrows or waxing your eyebrows -- the purpose of this is to actually get rid of
或是蠟眉時 -- 這個步驟其實就是在去除
your unibrow.
Sometimes, people go a little too far. I hate to say it, but I have seen some people who
有時候 人總會做得太過頭 我很不想這麼說 但是我看過有些人
have their eyebrows completely removed, and they get a tattoo. And the tattoo is a line.
整個眉毛都拔光了 然後刺青在上面 而那個刺青就是一條線
Personally, I think it looks unnatural. And everyone looks angry all the time if you just
個人認為 這非常不自然 如果就那一條線在眉毛上
have one line across your face. It's your choice. If you'd like to get a tattoo on your
那每個人肯定看起來都是生氣的樣子 這是你的選擇 如果你想刺青
eyebrows, go for it. It's probably painful.
在你眉毛上 就去做吧 不過應該很痛吧
Speaking of pain, the last verb that I get to teach you about your eyebrows is something
說到痛 對於眉毛 我最後一個要教的動詞叫做
called "thread", okay? "Thread" is a verb. We usually use it in the -ing form. I think
"繡" OK嗎? "繡"是一個動詞 我們通常在英文裡用進行式的時態表達
it originated in the Middle East because one time, when I was in the Indian neighborhood
這個字起源於中東 因為有一次 我在多倫多的
of Toronto, they had a sign that said, "Eyebrow threading, $5." "Five dollars? I like $5.
印度社區 有塊牌子上面寫: "繡眉 五塊美金" 五塊美金? 我覺得五塊美金不錯
Maybe I should get my eyebrows threaded. I don't know what that is." My best friend -- thank
或許我應該要去繡個眉 我那時不知道繡眉是什麼 我的好朋友 -- 謝謝你
you -- said go, go, go do it, Ronnie. You'll love it. It looks great. It looks awesome."
-- 說 去啊 Ronnie去試看看 你會愛上繡眉的 看起來滿棒的 看起來超好的
I was like, "Okay." Five dollars, I lay down in a chair; a lady took two pieces of thread.
我就想說: "喔 好吧" 想說才五塊錢 我躺在一張椅子上 有個女人拿著兩條線
So "thread" is like thick string. And I don't know how she did it. But she took these two
線 就是很像厚的繩子 我也不知道她怎麼用的 但是她就拿著
little pieces of string, and she ripped off my eyebrows, and she ripped off the other
兩條小的線 然後扯掉我的眉毛 然後又扯掉
part of my eyebrow. It was very, very, very painful. Apparently, it's one of the best
另一邊的眉毛 真的非常 非常 非常的痛 很明顯的 這是最好弄掉
techniques to get rid of the unibrow and to shape your eyebrows. I think I will stick
連心眉以及塑造眉型的技術之一 我想
to the good old plucking.
How about you? What do you do to keep your face beautiful?
那你呢? 你會怎麼讓你的臉部維持漂亮呢?
Men: Do you have a nose? I think you do. Women, we have a nose as well. However, men have
男人 你有鼻子嗎? 我覺得你有 我們女人也有鼻子 然而
a curious, curious thing called "hair", "nose hair". And what happens as men get older,
男人有個古怪 特異的東西叫做 "毛髮" 就是"鼻毛" 當男人年紀越大的時候會怎樣呢
is their nose hair begins to grow out of their nose. So maybe you're looking at your father
就是他們的鼻毛會長出鼻子外 你可能現在在看你爸的鼻子吧
or your grandfather or your boyfriend or your husband. You're like, [screams] "Ah! You have
或是你爺爺的 妳男朋友的 或是你老公的 你可能會 [尖叫] 啊!
a nose hair coming out of your nose." Ladies, grab your tweezers. Pluck those nose hairs.
你鼻毛長出來了啦 女生們 拿起鑷子 開始拔鼻毛吧
I promise it does not hurt. Yeah. Okay, gentlemen. It does not hurt. It just -- it doesn't hurt.
我跟你保證不會痛 好 男士們 這不會痛 就 -- 就真的不痛
You're men. You don't even feel pain. So grab the tweezers. Pluck out your nose hair.
你是男人欸 你不知道痛是什麼吧 所以 拿起鑷子 開始拔鼻毛吧
Make sure that your eyebrows are nice and neat. Apply or put on some mascara, eye shadow,
確保你的眉毛是完美 整齊的 在你的眼睛 畫上或是使用睫毛膏 眼影
or eyeliner to your eyes, and hide those unsightly bags with some concealer. Are you beautiful?
或是 眼線筆 然後用遮瑕膏蓋住難看的眼袋 你很美嗎?
I think you're beautiful without make-up. But this is a lesson for you. Goodbye.
我覺得你不需要化妝也很美 但這是為你上的一堂課 拜拜