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Welcome to Teaching you English through two-minute lessons.
In this lesson we will learn the phrases that you can use to talk to the airline staff.
Could I get another blanket, please? I'm a little cold.
Sure. Would you like to have one or two?
I think one will be enough.
Alright. Would you like anything else?
No. That'll be all. Thank you.
You're welcome. I'll be right back with your blanket.
Excuse me, how long will it take to reach Seattle?
It' s a long journey. We still have 5 hours before landing.
Will there be any snacks before we land?
Yes, another meal will be served in 2 hours, but I can get you a small snack now, if you like.
Yes, that would be great.
No problem. I'll be back in a moment with your snack.
Can I get something to drink, please?
Sure. Staying hydrated is important on these long flights. What would you like to drink?
I'd like some apple juice if you have it.
Yes, we do. Would you like to have ice in it?
No. It's already quite cold here. Just get me a plain glass of juice.
Sure. Just give me a moment. I'll be right back with it.
Here's an arrival card for immigration ma'am.
Thanks, and I also need a pen. Could you lend me one, please?
Another cabin crew member will be bringing pens around in a moment.
That's good. I need to fill out this immigration form before we land.
Remember it should be filled out using black ink. Someone will bring you a pen shortly.
Thanks a lot.
Could I get another blanket, please? I'm a little cold.
Excuse me, how long will it take to reach Seattle?
Will there be any more meals before we land?
Can I get something to drink, please?
I'd like some apple juice if you have it.
Thanks, and I also need a pen. Could you lend me one, please?