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  • My name is Anne and I am 19 years old.


  • I have a son and I live with my parents, brothers and sisters.


  • We share one room shack in the township in South Africa.


  • My father used to do odd jobs, but since the Kovar 19 pandemic, he hasn't had any work.


  • He ended up borrowing money from loan sharks on got into death.


  • With the lock down, the entire family had to spend every day stuck together at home.


  • In the first few months of the pandemic, my dad would get drunk and hit me.


  • My mom on DSA Sister Oh, we're at risk of losing a generation of girls and young women on going back at least a decade on progress that we've made around gender equality.


  • Girls are not going back to school, and we know that young women have lost jobs and not going back into the work into the working environment and also are the principal caregivers.


  • So I think it's it's really dangerous.

    所以我覺得這... ...真的很危險。

  • This happened to me in the middle of my favorite Thai holiday in the middle of the day.


  • With hundreds, I realized it.


  • There were five of them surrounding me and putting their hands.


  • Violence comes in many, many forms.


  • Emotional violence, you know, neglect as well.


  • And so, just looking back, yes, there's been multiple times where I've seen I've experienced it.


  • I've had to put foundation on on my friends legs to cover up the bruises.


  • Before we did, fashion shows were on Lee, talking to our girls were telling them that protect themselves, were telling them to cover themselves up.


  • Don't get into these situations where you're the only girl we're not talking to our boys about, you know, respect and consent and and things like that.

    不要進入這些情況下,你是唯一的女孩 我們不談論我們的男孩,你知道,尊重和同意和類似的事情。

  • Yeah, It used to be really bad at home, but now that my dad is getting help, things were improving for the family.


  • And I'm also getting help so I can continue with my studies.


My name is Anne and I am 19 years old.


Subtitles and vocabulary

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A2 女孩 暴力 女性 粉底 安妮 南非

科維德鎖定。一代少女和婦女遭受家庭暴力 - BBC新聞 (Covid Lockdown: A generation of teenage girls and women subjected to domestic violence - BBC News)

  • 20 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2020/11/25
Video vocabulary