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Reuters video footage over the weekend captured what's left of Colombia's San Andress Island in the Caribbean all but razed to the ground after Category five hurricane iota roared over the island last Monday in neighboring Colombian island Providencia.
路透社上週末的視頻畫面拍攝到,上週一在鄰近的哥倫比亞島嶼普羅維登西亞,五級颶風 "伊奧塔 "在該島上空咆哮後,加勒比海的哥倫比亞聖安德烈斯島所剩無幾,全部被夷為平地。
Nearly all the infrastructure on the island of some 6000 people near the coast of Central America was damaged or destroyed by the storm.
Now locals on both islands, which are dependent on tourism, are begging.
Colombian president even do que to step up and help.
I'm asking the Colombian people, and especially the nation's president, to support us and to help people who have lost their businesses so they can rebuild because we need it right now were in a crisis.
The entire tourism industry is broken in San Andreas I.
Oda's winds and heavy rains have killed some 40 people across Central America and Colombia, including at least two in Providencia.