Oh, theytriedagainButgreentwingeblueItgotworse e 00 e waswiththatiscompletely e o CanyouhelpmakemeOh, helloStickwithway e canmakeUgobecause I'm magic e canmakeUgo e canmakeyougoOh, I couldmakeyougo e o I couldmakeyougoOh, becausewhenever I'm around I play a littlegameMymagicwillastoundyouWhen I makeyousayyournameWhenmagicisaround I canmakeyoumake a differentsoundIfyou'rewearing a cap I'llgiveyouwork a popcapeIfyou'vegot a leakytap e couldgetyousomeape, Kate, Ifyou'remaking a e, I inviteyouto I'm dimebecausewhenever I'm around I canmakeyoumake a differentsoundIfyouspillallthestopit'llslidedowntheslopeYou'regoingtoneed a mopButyoubetternotwear a hugButit's goingthiobecausewhenever I'm around I couldmakeyoumake a differentsoundIfyou'vegot a littlebit I'lltake a littleButitwhenyou'rebuilding a kit I couldmakeyou a kiteGiveme a kind I'llmakeyou a caneShowmetheplan I'llmakeyou a planeBecausewhenever I'm around I canmakeyoumake a differentsound e canmakeyougoshape I canmakeyougo e these I couldmakeyougo e canmakeUgo e canmakeyougoYoucute I canmakeyougo e o Whenever I'm around I play a littlegameMymagicwillastoundyouWhen I makeyousayhernameWhenmagickeysaround I canmakeyoumake a differentsoundenoughOh, ohohWhen I'm withweighton a outgoatWhen I'm withwell, shalein a shavinghauteboot E o ohOh, oh, When I'm with o wecanrideonthebackof a OhDoes a femaledeergardens a mess?
We'lldigitupwithJustwatchoutonyouDon't stopyour 02 Oh, oh, oh I ammagic e onWhennogoeswithmeWe'refallinto a Oh, ohDon't giveuphopeGrabontotheropeWe'llescapeontheblackcoverOh, waitLoveSleepover E Yes!
Getupandplay e wayFeeltiredWeneedtorestIt's been a longdaywayNeedtogo, ThioWedon't wanttoplayWe'rebusycountingsheepSheepIt's nouse I thinkwemightneedboweepPeepThankyou, littlePete.
Let's goandplaysomewhereelse E he's atlast.
What a treat!
E Okay, when I'm with a way, make a worldclass B waybeingbusytodaywe'rerunningoutoffbeanchangeOh, wewantistogoofftosleepandget e dream.
Okay, sothekidsdidn't meantokickitsohard, wouldsinkshowedawake, fancy a kickaroundwayevergoingtogetanypeace, right?
Ifyoucan't believejointhemby I can't.
I bemorelikeyou.
I I justdon't knowwhattodo e You'llknowwhattosaybut I'm muchtooshytoeventry.
Yeah, yes, I'm okayatthestartofyellow.
Yo, youareyachtbut I'd liketobeheardattheendof a word.