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  • We become what we think about

  • focus on what you want

  • Rather than focusing on what you don't want. So who do you want to be?

  • You know, why? Why did why are you here on this planet?

  • You live according to the principles of love compassion, you know appreciative joy, you know celebrating other people's

  • Successes, but how do you overcome hatred and

  • Confusion and just having a good heart

  • Then I think that's what happened to me

  • Then I start to get clear about what I like to do and how I can be of service

  • How can I help other people?

  • That we were wired for success, but it's how we relate to our experience that determines whether

  • We're chipping away or we're you know, kind of burying of that sense of wholeness

  • That we that were born with it just that we

  • Forget it. We don't look inside. We're looking outside

  • And so unless we're still and we think about it and we understand that I was born with this masterpieces

  • No one can give it to me or take it away. It's it's an inside job

  • And so if I look at what's right, it just it makes makes a lot of sense

  • so it's whether you're coming from a place of

  • Scarcity or I would say survival mode or coming from growth mode which has to do with yes

  • I can't yes to life and I I have the capacity and the

  • responsibility to

  • Make it different but to make it make it better

  • Having that faith that vulnerability that just see things that are hard to see

  • Gotta get comfortable being uncomfortable

  • So can you handle the truth?

  • It's a question

  • and if you can't

  • then you if you see that that you can say well is if I'm going to change I'm gonna have to figure out how to

  • deal with that discomfort

  • until the point that I can see what I need to see then I can change it so as the persistence of

  • Continuing to do something that you can do it is

  • Is most of the work this is just continuing to make mistakes learn from mistakes, but the mistakes are viewed as feedback

  • Not as I'm a failure, it's just an event now who we are

  • So that error correction is really important and when you can see when you attributed this something you can learn

  • Or change now you've got faith and confidence to do it

  • Versus if you're seeing it like, oh, I'm just not strong enough. I'm not tall enough and all of that. That's just

  • That's what I call the negative committee telling you. You can't do anything rather than saying well, let me see

  • What can I what I can do so it's like a child learn how to walk right? Same thing

  • Your life can change your life can be more than just a place it can be your future your success

  • This change this change takes courage

  • It takes courage to stand up and break down the aspects of your life that you know is holding you back

  • Let your progress be idolized let it speak for itself

  • Average becomes sort of like this slow asphyxiation

  • It's almost like an anesthetic and that overtime would become kind of immune and dulled to the average that we're becoming

  • I know this is true. At least for me. You probably experienced it yourself, too

  • And so over time we sort of minimize where we're at in other words

  • I'm a little pudgy instead of being know your fat ass, right, you know

  • You don't magnify the degree to which the pain ought to be affecting you and so really what he means on

  • That is listen, you're gonna get out of your life what you'll accept that's really difficult for people

  • I think to understand is look what you think you're worth and what you're gonna tolerate is

  • absolutely what you're gonna bring into your life and what the outward part of your life is gonna look like and so I

  • live by that like I let myself sort of feel the pain and the difficulty of

  • Being not where I want to be in whatever that areas were those would be my spirituality my relationships my money

  • I let myself feel that pain because as you know, there's two motivators, right?

  • There's the gaining of pleasure right wanting to go get something chasing the dream

  • But then there's the avoidance of pain and for a lot of champions. That's a pretty big driving force for them

  • And so at least for me, I I leveraged both of those things on me to get myself to take action

  • one of the reasons I'm relatively fit is not just

  • Peak State. I have an uncle and my family that died at 50 years old of a heart attacks my godfather

  • My dad's only brother. I kind of resemble him and I look like a plan

  • So on the way back from his funeral my reticular activating art attacks on the TV screen on the airplane

  • I listen to music is the Oprah Winfrey Show. She's going through a new heart scan

  • I've unplugged my headphones plug into this airplane one. I scheduled it

  • I went in I had a world-class doctor who understood reasons and levers instead of just prescribing coolant. Only coach

  • Well you need to do this you need to do this like doctors do it take his pill take this he understood leverage and reasons

  • What you do is to take the scan, then you go to lunch you come back. I took the scan

  • I went those

  • I had a burrito I

  • came back, and I'm in the LA when I walk in I sit down the doctor comes up and he says

  • Oh my I can't believe these arteries are in that young body

  • Got my attention we walk back in we sit down

  • He could still go you need

  • Crestor eat clean get out of here is know what an average doctor does right No wired me with huge reasons

  • He goes, let me ask you a question

  • I heard your wife's pregnant you have I said

  • I have a son and he says do you want to be there when he graduates from high school?

  • To be there for that day. I said, yes, sir. Yeah, he goes your wife's pregnant. What do you have it?

  • I said a daughter. This is where you get a dad. He goes she was six months pregnant

  • He goes do you um, would you like to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day?

  • Are you okay that it's some other man?

  • I

  • Went what the

  • Zahn this skin right like and he goes I want to be very clear with you if you keep going down the road you're going

  • There'll be some other man with your son at graduation high school and a strangers walking your daughter down the aisle

  • that's not even born yet on her wedding day and I went to him and he goes

  • But if you do exactly what I tell you to do you'll be there

  • And so to this day brother, there are mornings when I wake up not every morning. I don't want to go to the gym

  • I go Bella's wedding

  • Bella's wedding

  • Bella's wedding so my

  • Standards are high because of my big old reasons

  • Other dudes may miss the gym that day cuz they're not gonna miss their daughter's wedding if they don't go, but I've convinced myself

  • I will get emotional

  • I've convinced myself on this my daughter's wedding

  • so I will get my ass out of bed at 4 o'clock in the morning and I will get to that gym because my

  • Reasons are bigger. So my standards are higher. So that's what I think

  • Causes us to have great standards as huge reasons

  • When you're inspired by something or someone in your life

  • You feel the magic?

  • Now's the time to be the magic

  • What are you going to do?

  • Are you going to let the Masters inspire you to feel it?

  • Or are you going to strive to be a master?

  • It's your choice the magic is waiting not only for you just a feeling but so be it

  • Nobody can take this away

  • In your life you can't escape

  • Anything that goes along with life, you know, we are not immune to problems

  • drama trauma the tragedy, you know we all

  • Here as human beings so, you know when you're going through some sort of difficulties, you know

  • First fighting or whatever that difficulty may be, you know

  • You know we do with within your power in terms of how to start slowly, you know, get yourself out of that situation

  • and you believe you'd be optimistic about you know being

  • negative about a situation stand in that place it never helps, you know, it's nothing wrong with

  • Understanding that place feeling bad about it looking at it for what it is, but don't stay there

  • you've got to get back on that other side and start looking at the

  • resolved

  • resolution of how can I get back to feeling good and feeling

  • Prosperous again to where I'm not dealing with this obstacle

  • Words are very powerful

  • Very powerful. So the thing is about getting within yourself and understand who you are to kind of you know

  • What off those negative comments that's coming towards my virtually always prepared

  • you know, you have to go for those things in order to see it in light of the

  • Light at the end of the tunnel, you know

  • I don't think anything is going to just be like this throughout your life and then you have to go through that difficult overcome obstacle

  • Because it's a testament of your character of who you are in high gear to deal with certain things

  • You know to get yourself back on it playing field

  • Everything happened for a reason no regrets all the negative things that happened

  • I'm thankful for it because I learned hopefully I learned from those situations and all the positive things. I'm humbly

  • grateful that those was able to take place and

  • Still striving to be the best I can be and you know going forward people didn't care at some kid to be the best

  • They could be

  • You know anything is possible positive thinking is also translating them, you know, so

  • When you have something that's

  • Positive up there you can be you know the best you can be

  • You know any negative out there and you could bring down the worst person

  • Misery loves company

  • Misery loves company. So we are not debbie down as we more uplifters

  • You know, we always no matter what the situation with the situation is. We're gonna try to look for the outcome the better of that

  • situation, you know

  • If we can't find a resolution to get out of it, you know

  • We're gonna keep on searching the continue to try to find a resolution to get out of because that's what you do

  • You know, that's how you get to the bottom of that's how you get to the facts of Nass

  • Are you willing to breath are you willing to be the warrior?

  • Bring your shield bring your sword stand up and fight

  • Today will be the day where you can take control take control of your power

  • Become this power because now is the time to fight you're a warrior

  • Warriors don't give up and they don't back down

  • Become the warrior

  • Transform your life transform yourself head out into battle step on to the battlefield

  • Use your weapons to fight through this pain fight through the rejection

  • learn from the bruises the blood scars because this time you can rise to become the

  • Step on to the Plainfield because now is the time to change

  • Now is the time to rise with the crown on your head?

  • You know you want to be a little bit better in some way tomorrow than you are today

  • But it's not gonna be in a linear path again these go through cycles of stress and recovery

  • So it's just kind of being able to surf the flow of that and know

  • Again, it really comes down to balance

  • so it's the

  • Practices that you need to know what to do for sure and then you need to know how to apply those things in

  • the right way, so

  • When you when to push and when to take the pressure off the gas as well

  • And I think that's really understanding that

  • So part of it is the knowledge and then part of it is the follow-through and then part of it is the discipline to know

  • not only when you need to go, but when you need to rest, I

  • Think it's important to really trust that what you're doing is going to work

  • What's a day that makes life awesome and and makes you again a little bit better tomorrow from having done it today

  • You have to really do the work like you have to back it with hard work

  • You know any of you ask Conor McGregor like what's the secret to his success hard work hard work hard work

  • I don't know if he actually worked harder than anybody but he believes he does, you know

  • he has no doubts in his mind that he's actually working harder and and that's I think important so

  • Really making sure that you really do your best to get the goods, you know

  • And to in to practice that and go out there and put yourself out there and then on the other side

  • What is the thing? What is the antagonist of belief? Well, the antagonist of belief is fear, you know fear is a

  • Belief that something negative is going to happen rather than something positive is going to happen

  • So it's like that's on the other side. You're almost believing in your failure right rather than believing in your success

  • so you have to go attack and collapse these different fears and part of that is going to be sucking out the

  • The penalty if if you fail right because like a lot of the fear comes because we're afraid that we're gonna judge ourselves

  • Harshly or whatever so you got to realize like there is no such thing as failure. There's just learning right?

  • So you collapse the penalty for failure so that collapses the fear which allows you to believe even more

  • So that's one way to do it

  • And the other way is to just look at fear itself and play out the different scenarios know that you're gonna be fine

  • again

  • Forgive yourself always and and really also just attack fear wherever you see it

  • Even when it's trivial even when it's some kind of we were just before the before we got on here

  • We talked about the fear of the number 13 true God trick a phobia

  • Like if you're afraid of 13, you know what you need to do. You put 13s all of you in house you

  • Know you need to like sit in Thirteen's you need to go to the 13th demand to be on the 13th floor of every hotel

  • in every airplane because you got to get over that shit because that is telling

  • yourself that there's something

  • Irrational that should control you and if you believe there's something that's irrational that should control you that will apply

  • Universally, so wherever you find fear specifically that's out of balance with actual danger

  • Like I'm not saying touch a hot stove or put your hand in a rattlesnake cage like there's danger there. That's not fear, but 13

  • No danger, you know that's not real

  • so go collapse that the fear of crickets like I have a fear of like whatever it is collapse fear wherever you see it and

  • That specific collapse will help with the universal collapses

  • You just got to understand the only thing that you're responsible for is your best

  • But he can't do better than your best. You just do your best and if you try to obsess too much

  • You're not doing your best. You're gonna be paralyzed, right?

  • So you have to get as much information as you can make the most educated choice

  • make sure that you're not choosing based on ego or emotion or you know greed or

  • These other forces that delude you and prevent you from thinking clearly

  • But if you do your best and you fail like what do you do beat yourself up for that?

  • Like that doesn't make any sense if you're doing your best if you're really laying it out there

  • There's nothing nothing more you can do and and that's I think that that's really the key is just to constantly

  • Rest and rely on that fact that I'm just I'm doing my best and there's nothing nothing more than that

  • You know, you have to really appreciate where you are in the journey and say yeah where you are is awesome

  • But you could be better cuz that's the the process is becoming better, right?

  • so it's not it's not judging it externally by any other criteria because every step is good, but the

  • process of striving for more in a process to really

  • unfailing who you are to an even greater degree to getting

  • Cleaner and clearer and more full and more robust and the best version of yourself like that process is a beautiful process

  • I think it's one of the reasons why we're here it feels the best

  • It feels the best to be continuing on the path

  • But that doesn't mean that you look forward to a point in the past say when I get there

  • I'll love myself when I get there. I'll I made it like love yourself where you are wherever you are. That's awesome

  • Let's still strive for more because the striving is the journey. It's always the striving

  • If we were able to do like even a fraction of the things we know we should we would all be badasses, you know

  • But there's so many things you talk to me. Yeah, I should be doing that

  • Yeah, I should be doing I know I should be I should be meditating

  • Yeah, I know I should be doing this. I should be eating better

  • I should be doing this and we all know what we want to do to be the best version of ourselves

  • But for whatever reason we don't do it, you know, and there's a lot of reasons why but we're not doing it

  • and so the ability to choose and

  • Actually decide what you're going to do to be the not well to be the art and say oh

  • well, if I believe I should meditate then I'll meditate and just

  • Collapsing that I know I should with actually doing it. You know, that is a superpower. That's what defines the

  • greatest

  • Performers from the people who haven't quite made it yet. It's really their ability to say

  • Oh if I should train now, I will know if I should eat like this

  • I will oh if I should do this, okay

  • Then I will it's collapsing that

  • Knowing what knowing what you should do and actually doing and making that one and that's ultimately a choice

  • We have way more power than we recognize and what people will tell us that we have so

  • Stepping into that power and deciding for ourselves

  • What we want to do with it

  • What time is it right now look at it face it stand up to it what do you see

  • What did that number say to you? How much of this number have you wasted wasted on waiting?

  • Waiting for what?

  • What is it that you're waiting for? How much do you want ask yourself this what's more valuable?

  • Waiting or your time your power and your action

  • This is where your journey starts

  • This is where you grow grow adapt improve to become the person you admire

  • This is you. This can be you

  • Stop failing to respond to react

  • This is how you shape your life

  • how you

  • Construct your future make this what it is your success

  • All this work now are the steps before you break the ribbon at the finish

  • This is your opportunity to change change towards a better life towards a life where you are the director

  • where you are the power the power that drives you forward to success the power that defines your life now that

  • Defines your legacy your future. This is the time to become something more than or do

  • something outside the realm of

  • Expected because you're more than you always have been but in order for you to become

  • This you need to work. You need to want it so much. It pushes you it pushes you outside your comfort zone

  • This is where it starts

  • This is where you become something something better than now where you build a life with?

  • Yourself one where you hold the reins where you make the final cut where you have that power

  • You deserve this you deserve to feel fulfilled

  • Proud and excited for this newfound success. You will and can embody your

  • Future your legacy your life can transform into the paradise. You've always imagined it could be

  • Your life can change your life can be more than just a place. It can be your future your success

  • This change this change takes courage

  • It takes courage to stand up and break down the aspects of your life that you know is holding you back

  • Let your progress be idolized let it speak for itself

  • Let it leave a mark so deep it can never be erased

  • This den can have such a positive influence on your life that it can transform your future

  • Transform your life using the potential, you know, you've always had

  • Make your life worth remembering make it worth the pain it took the hours

  • It used the effort put in

  • Know to take pride in your work know that your life can break all

  • Possibilities break all boundaries and become something beyond any

  • Expectations human letdown you face rejection and you failed

  • fortunately when you hit that point

  • The only place to go is up. I

  • Want you to imagine that your life is a tree

  • The failure that you've just faced is actually a seed and it's a seed that's gonna grow your potential

  • The light you need is your mindset and the water is your strength

  • because the rejection you feel right now is sprouting your success and in order for you to grow you need to feel the pain the

  • pain of the struggle is more than just some dark place you go to it's actually a starting place a

  • Place to begin trying and a place you start to improve and that improvement can be the start of the making of your success

  • Look at me you're not five feet under you're five feet higher than any position. You've ever been it

  • Man, stop bringing yourself down start learning that you are more than just your mistakes

  • In fact, they make you they make you grow and they make you branch out into a stronger and more courageous person

  • Give yourself the space to grow

  • Give yourself the space to grow into a better in a more successful person to see your potential is sprouting

  • You've got a better foundation now because those roots are dug deep into the ground and if something breaks you down

  • Know that you can grow further past the point you were at before

  • Because this tree can only grow taller bigger and stronger because you are stronger now

  • So you've got to know that this isn't a setback. This is just another ingredient that you need for the success that's coming your way

  • It really is stop making excuses take control of your situation and rise to your potential

  • Man, I don't think that we would be here if we didn't have a purpose I can tell you that

  • It's our job to develop that purposes. I've dealt with find and

  • Hone in and craft that purpose and the purpose is usually crafted through some level of suffering

  • It's the hero's journey, right like in film

  • you know the hero he's down and out and

  • he loses the girl in the in the house and

  • He goes on this journey and he finds strength and wisdom and knowledge and comes back and is now the hero

  • We have to go through that level of suffering

  • There's this hunger that everyone has

  • And it's always

  • Neutered my family my teachers my culture and

  • I believe you wouldn't be put on this planet

  • if you didn't have this hunger and if you explore this hunger and for me it was

  • Done being a fat kid than being a being a foreigner and then a fat kid and then fixing my problems

  • And then realizing I have the solution to other peoples weight-loss problems for someone else. It might be a financial thing

  • You know, they fix their financial problems and they realize they can help everyone else's financial problems, but you have to go through the suffering

  • You have to be hungry enough to deal with the pain and come out the other side

  • With some scars because scar tissue is infinitely more

  • resilient than regular tissue

  • But again goes back to most people feel like yeah, I think there's something great in me, but I don't want to explore it

  • I want to play it safe. I'm gonna stay bubble wraps. I don't want to risk it

  • But we wouldn't be put on this planet if we didn't have this greater thing to accomplish now

  • Some of us are going to be Elon Musk and were going to shoot a Tesla to the Mars

  • Right, and that's okay and others are gonna create a fitness franchise or a or a supplement company that actually delivers, you know

  • Great nutrients that help people in eyes their performance

  • Whatever your purpose is you've got to develop it you got to develop it

  • But you wouldn't be put on this planet if you didn't have it. I'm convinced of that

  • Not enough people are willing to build that mental emotional toughness and the moment they do they'll go perseverance

  • Nothing happens until you get done

  • Everyone's got a great idea. It'll make me this many millions and it'll help this many people nothing happens. So you get that done

  • Put yourself in a position where you're gonna thrive not where it's gonna be comfortable right get done

  • I

  • Believe we all are raised this fighter jets. Just we get neutered by parents by

  • Grandparents because of the filters they had and viewed life through the experiences

  • They had teachers who go you don't want to disappoint yourself. Just go to college go get a good job

  • Go to college don't go to college today. Don't go to college

  • it's the worst thing you can do and that's going to be a doctor or an attorney or accountant or

  • you know some kind of an architect don't go to college you can do a lot more in life with that go to college and

  • So again teachers professors will end up neutering us and when they take they take that fighter jet that hunger the claws and fangs

  • They've defamed us

  • Alright, so now we're crop dusters. I don't want to take too many risks

  • I just want to live a good life and they want to be average and mediocre. That's the crop duster

  • Yet everyone inside has this hunger see the fighter jet didn't go away. It's just been suppressed. You've been neutered and

  • That was me. Like hey, don't take big Ridge. Just go get a good job

  • Go be a smog technician like that was the advice

  • I was given gonna be a smog technician Society parents who ever have set the standard for you to not play it safe

  • It risks what if you lose what have you lose? You care? As long as you don't die, you can come right back and

  • so the fighter jet mentality, is that someone who is just

  • Determined relentlessly obsessed and achieving an outcome in the face of all adversity the crop duster

  • Is someone who's always looking for the easiest path to loophole?

  • Which what I used to be a severe crop duster the composter hits the snooze button every day because they'd rather take 10 more minutes

  • Of mediocre sleep than getting up and dominating their path every morning on my nightstand

  • there's two stacks of

  • dominoes lined up and

  • At the top of this stack says you're a loser the top of this one says you're a winner if I hit the snooze button

  • I've hit that first domino in the loser stack

  • The rest of my day is gonna suck now with that mentality am I gonna ever hit snooze again?

  • Absolutely not because I've sold myself on the idea that when I hit the snooze button, I'm an absolute loser

  • I'm scum of the earth. I am

  • My day is destined to be shitty. Now. Some people are you being off yourself?

  • More people should be hard on themselves we go around bubble wrapping ourselves, right?

  • We lead the training bills on for too long like be hard on yourself

  • Take up the bubble wrap off take the tikki training wheels out

  • No one did that for me man to be a fighter jet me a fighter jet go to battle every day take risks

  • That's what a fighter jet does a crop duster as a routine life and it's been boring

  • Every day is a new opportunity to change your life

  • Every day is a new opportunity to make your life a better place to live in

  • Your life is at stake

  • Think right now what you've done differently from the things you did yesterday

  • Perhaps you got up an hour earlier

  • Maybe you meditated or you went to the gym if you know that you haven't made any change today

  • Then make this your day take this

  • opportunity

  • Change you're better than you were yesterday

  • Because you know that today and the day after that you will make progress

  • You will know that you put in the work that you earned the improvement

  • You need to push yourself

  • So you feel the satisfaction that you've made further and further past your original routine

  • further and further past your failure

  • There is nothing else you can do, but work to work harder and harder

  • The struggle is the only way you know

  • You're going to succeed and take this new opportunity and make this change in your life. You will be better

  • Take this risk. Take this opening

  • this is the time to make your life a better place to make your future a place where you can see yourself achieve a

  • Future where your life is somewhere where you can create your own Empire

  • Know that not all of your successes has to be exposed or flaunted be humble

  • That's even more important than the progress you've made

  • Use your success for you and only you

  • use your success to boost your life into the next level use your success to make you grow into a more courageous and

  • stronger person

  • You are you for one reason to be yourself?

  • To use the potential you have as a person and make this your future

  • Use this as your first step into success change the way you view life

  • Switch your perspective of success and use it in the right place

  • Confident to stand up and take responsibility for your mistakes and courageous enough to make mistakes in the first place

  • educate yourself

  • Be this person become the person you've always wanted to be

  • You need to make this transition for your future to make your life better and bigger you

  • Will be who you need to be?

  • motivate yourself with that

  • the vision of your future the future of a successful life

  • What's the favorite lesson you've ever learned

  • What is your biggest achievement you've ever accomplished? And then what is your greatest success? I want you to think about it

  • Think about how you got there where you needed to be in order to get there in?

  • Order for you to make that kind of progress

  • What challenges did you have to pass? What limits did you have to crush? What hurdles that you have to overcome?

  • Now I want you to think about that satisfaction that overcame you when you accomplish these things

  • How did you feel and how do you need to feel right now?

  • Feel like you have the opportunity to repeat those actions that you once did because let me tell you right now you do

  • Make the progress now make your progress for the better for you to make more progress you

  • Have that potential now go ahead and spark your success and spark your inspiration

  • That inspiration it yields the progress that you need to make

  • Use the tools you have use your tools because no one can do it like you can all right use this

  • inspiration while you have the opening

  • Stop living in the past

  • Start thinking about your future the future where you can succeed

  • That future is actually happening around you right now

  • So take control of your future now by living in the present living for now because that at the end of the day

  • Is the only thing that mattered?

  • boost your life

  • Make your life and live your life

  • It's this time in history that most people are wasting on the wrong stuff

  • They're spending it on Netflix or fortnight or going out with their friends are drinking and if you want to do that

  • That's fine, you know enjoy your can mediocre ship life, but like there's so much more that you can do with weird knowledge and studying

  • You make a mistake it's a part of life

  • It's part of the journey, you know

  • You have to appreciate the lows you have to respect the lows

  • Celebrate the highs but respect the lows don't block them out and don't ignore them in order to be successful

  • I think this is the biggest thing you have to be so dedicated to your craft and so passionate about it

  • So single-minded focus on that, you know tasks and most people just don't take you that seriously

  • They're like, yeah. I want to be a millionaire

  • yeah, like well I meet people and they're like

  • Oh, you're that millionaire and it like a smile comes on their face like oh, how do I become a millionaire?

  • But they don't really believe it. They're not asking seriously, they don't

  • They're not willing to put in the thousands of hours requires. Like there's no magic formula

  • This isn't like get-rich-quick and those people who do get rich like the lotto winners like they're tough because they didn't earn it

  • They don't don't appreciate it. They don't understand it. I

  • Think that going through the ups and the downs is what makes you appreciate everything

  • You have to find meaning and for me and a lot of people like, you know, you're on this journey

  • Like I want to be successful. I want to be rich that's what I want

  • But what about when you get there, you don't have a plan for that

  • So now I'm trying to teach

  • You know all about charity and giving back in the lessons that I've learned now from being rich for several years

  • and it's not what you might think there's a lot of stuff that comes with being rich and you don't realize it and

  • You know, that's life

  • Because the world and even school teaches you teaches us in so many ways to

  • You know work on our weaknesses to get stronger and I think that's a huge flaw

  • I think we just get great at what we're good at

  • We only need to be good at one or two things and we can make an impact on the world

  • Everybody's in a vehicle

  • Like your wealth creation vehicle whether that's a job you don't like or a job you do like or business you started or business?

  • That's crushing or business. It's not doing great you have this vehicle and when this vehicle is not working

  • We're looking on the road of all the other shiny cars and it's like oh man. I tried selling stuff on Amazon

  • That's not working. I'm gonna go in the car business the real estate business

  • I'm gonna go in a speaking business the the nutrition business the suppli and you're looking for another car to jump in and

  • I realize people jump from car to car to car their whole life looking for

  • Satiation looking for satisfaction looking to make more money if you can stop jumping from vehicle to vehicle

  • The vehicle you're in might be the right vehicle, but you don't have the right habits or the right beliefs or the right rules

  • Whatever you want to call it. My books habit, so I call them habits

  • But it's really the foundation for success so you can overcome the obstacles

  • You don't like negative people in your life steer you in different directions. It doesn't you know

  • Even people who ask me about productivity people say, how do you get so much done?

  • How do you run a business and still coach the little league in baseball and saw how do you do all those things?

  • It's because of just simple success habits. Like I just wrote something on this recently

  • I said you have to treat your decisions for productivity like binary thinking which is X's and O's black and black or white

  • Yes, or no is this moving me toward a better version of myself a wealthier version a happier person or is it not?

  • We never give ourselves credit we'd never treat a friend the way we treat ourselves

  • It's like I know I've had days. I've gone till 10 o'clock at night go man

  • I got nothing done today the biggest lie like we beat ourselves up. We just were like these racehorses

  • We wouldn't even treat a racehorse that we owned as bad as we treat ourselves, right?

  • So I wake up and I'll do a quick little gratitude and they'll say what was one win yesterday that I accomplished

  • I'm like, wow, you didn't do that. Yes, and then I'll think of one win

  • I want to do that day like what I'm gonna need a million things done thing. What's a must today?

  • That would be a great win

  • I don't think we should drive for money

  • I think we should drive to be a better version of ourselves when money was no longer a worry for me

  • I drove into me and I have been ignoring and tucking down a lot of crap for a lot of years and

  • I was surface-level. I look like the guy that had it all going on, but businesses are doing good

  • I'm amazing children company thriving I live in the right neighborhood Drive. Do I have the right friends? I thinking looked great

  • but it was all masked and when money got out of the way I

  • was able to find digging to me and do my own personal development and my own personal growth and

  • Really find the things that I wanted to fix so I could become a better version

  • There might be something that makes you a lot of money but it robs your soul

  • So there's that balance and I think that doesn't happen

  • Oh that doesn't happen in your 20s and maybe not in your 30s at least been for me

  • I was just fighting to be successful in my 20s and 30s, but this face

  • I wish someone would have grabbed me at 25 and said

  • You're gonna make all the money you want. You'll have all the success you want

  • make sure your soul is aligned with that money and every time I don't know about you every time I align my

  • Values my soul my purpose whatever it is. You want to call it with?

  • My businesses and my profits they always soar without having to obsess on the you know on the numbers

  • Great people don't have anything magic. They worked relentlessly for years and years

  • They decided that they were going to be great

  • They decided that they didn't want to sit back and hide they decided that they wanted to shine. They

  • Decided that their name would be in lights and people would admire what they do. If not for you

  • Decide to be great for the world

  • Success never stops never stops to breathe never takes a day off never looks to take a break

  • We already have enough problems on this planet be different be a person who makes a difference

  • Be a person who makes a change for good be a person who has an impact on the world

  • You need to become someone and you need to become

  • your future

  • You're gonna handle your power and feel your potential

  • You gotta feel this pain to progress to change to feel fulfilled to feel satisfaction

  • This is where everything can and trust me it all will fall into place

  • Stop denying the world of your greatness you

  • Need to see every single day as a bank account

  • Nobody is poor. Nobody is rich

  • Everyone has 24 hours each and how you spend your balance each day will decide who you become

  • Now pay attention to every detail

  • Take every day

  • Like it's a brand new spankin opportunity take every risk as if it's a stepping stone into the future

  • you're carving out for yourself because you have control you have the control to change in the control to improve the action and

  • improvement

  • Spend your time wisely. Do not waste it on things out of your control if

  • The weather is bad

  • Do not waste time feeling down about it

  • If it is out of your control move past it look for the things that you can control

  • It all takes resilience resilience to push past any boundaries and push through every risk every hardship every wrong

  • turn

  • Right now right here is an open door

  • The door that puts you on the path towards success

  • Losing 24 hours because of the bad 10 minutes is like throwing

  • $10,000 away because you dropped a few pennies you

  • Have control you have control over your future a future fueled by your success

  • Constructed by your progress it all begins right here and it all starts right now

  • Don't waste one more minute sitting and thinking I want you to spend your next minute acting

  • Take your own direction and write your own rules

  • You need to write the next chapter

  • The next chapter that pushes you through towards a story and a story that you can finally be proud of

  • Now is the time to become someone you believe in someone with purpose don't stop now

  • Don't stop until you know, you can make it

  • Stand up to your success stand up to your power. This is your opportunity take it

  • Take it like you own it because you do

  • Be sure know your purpose your worth your intention your drive to strive towards success

  • Life is in your hands. It has always been in your hands

  • This is the time this is the time to make it past your fears your boundaries

  • This is the time you break them shatter them make them a part of you build your future

  • From the remains this is where it starts

  • Now is the time to succeed?

  • The power is in your hands the power to be something more something that has potential. You know that

  • You've always had it take the opportunity take the risk take the risk now before it's too late

  • It's never too late

  • never stop

  • This is where you can begin work

  • hard work

  • Become the person you admire

  • You know that you can be the best all it takes is power

  • Drive and work work until it hurts. This is where you succeed

  • This is how you succeed you can

  • be

  • You can be so much more start thinking about what you're actually doing

  • Like you're gonna only be so pretty you're only gonna be so smart like you like there's there's things are gonna be natural and there's

  • things that you can actually control I

  • Do believe and I don't know if I'm right or wrong. I don't but I do believe that work. Ethic is a taught behavior

  • It's something you do have more control over

  • I feel like there's a shift that can make people work harder. The big one that I push is you're gonna die

  • Like like if your complaint like to me life is broken down into complaining and not so if you're not complaining well

  • Then I know I have no advice for you, but I'm pumped like you did it

  • Great people don't have anything magic. They worked relentlessly for years and years

  • They decided that they were going to be great

  • They decided that they didn't want to sit back and hide they decided that they wanted to shine. They

  • Decided that their name would be in lights and people would admire what they do. If not for you

  • Decide to be great for the world

  • I think so many people are keyboard activists, right?

  • Everybody's good at sending a tweet about how the world should be and nobody's doing anything about it

  • And that just that is just very much human nature

  • But let's not be naive

  • I mean people literally complain when somebody gives them the wrong amount of like extra cream in a Starbucks

  • $6 coffee my

  • lack of interest in complaining is so high and when I watch what people complain about

  • It breaks my heart because they completely lack perspective and I genuinely believe my happiness and optimism comes from my perspective

  • Even in political unrest times like right now a lot of people very bent out of shape

  • But the reality is is that it just never been better to be a human being. It's that's just the truth. That's just data

  • that's that's reality and

  • Yeah, I mean, it's just a very fun time to be alive so much going on

  • Be prepared in life for a lot of rejection

  • Because if you're prepared for a lot of rejection it comes you don't get turned off

  • You don't get disappointed like well, I'm not gonna do this anymore. No one thinks it's a good idea

  • It's like I say selling encyclopedias not kinda hundred doors. They slab them you're faced

  • You must be just as enthusiastic on door number 101 as door number one

  • We're all worth far more than anyone can imagine

  • Our power honestly is endless in our potential has the power and make something real out of the life you live

  • That's crazy

  • But your life is now you can alter your future

  • This is where you begin to and this is where you start to succeed

  • Now this moment around you right now

  • That's the secret power that you have

  • Time is your power this time. You have the potential to succeed to be something with purpose someone with power

  • There's so many people there talking about how big of an entrepreneur they're gonna be and how much they're gonna achieve and

  • They don't work on weekends

  • You know, I worked every Saturday of my 20s like and I talk to 20 year old entrepreneurs every single day lately

  • I've been saying to them this Saturday you're gonna have more time off than I've had in my entire 20s on a Saturday

  • So like before you tell me how you're gonna be bigger than me start thinking about what you're actually doing

  • We're beating ourselves up

  • Like everybody sucks at something right like we all have shortcomings and we all have strengths and for me

  • It's like why don't we just audit that like why don't we just look at it that way and be like alright

  • well

  • I'm good at this but I'm not good at that like and then and then and then I only focus what I'm good at

  • Right, like I don't dwell that. I can't fix it around the house. I call somebody to fix it

  • Like I'm not like I'm not a man

  • I don't give a fuck like you know, like like, you know

  • like I don't I don't get it like we all like I also think it's awesome that I'm so

  • Emotionally stable and I'm the emotional backbone of everybody. Is that what a dude's supposed to do like like these?

  • Cliches these stereotypes. They're so silly

  • You're exactly right man. I don't judge myself. I'm fully in love with myself

  • But I'm also fully in love with everybody else too. Right? It's not like like it goes both ways

  • Like I tell people to buy into me that work for me. It's cuz I buy into them first

  • Like I don't need anybody to gain trust with me, I've it's they're

  • Like I believe if the human race is so grossly

  • underrated we are good of

  • Course, we have some bad. There's and seven billion of us

  • but like when you look at our net score, it's bonger like, you know any damage we can be doing to each other on a

  • Hourly basis and we don't like we're still here

  • Like we won were the Alpha being and we've figured out how to stay together. This is insane when you think about it and

  • Yet everybody wants to dwell on like somebody said something mean

  • We already have enough problems on this planet be different be a person who makes a difference

  • Be a person who makes a change for good be a person who has an impact on the world

  • Stop denying the world of your greatness

  • You need to see every single day as a bank account

  • Nobody is poor. Nobody is rich

  • Everyone has 24 hours each and how you spend your balance each day will decide who you become

  • Spend your time wisely. Do not waste it on things out of your control

  • Be prepared for a lot of rejection whether it's in their personal life that someone says you're too old you're too fat

  • You're too young. You're not going to do anything other than yes, you've got holes in your nose

  • You got these coming out your ears

  • Whatever is other than yes, this is wonderful realize this can happen in life

  • As soon as people know that when something goes wrong, they look at a piece of paper. Oh, yeah, that reminds me

  • But the best thing that happened to me no one helped me

  • No one felt sorry for me. No one looked at me and said like this day and age though

  • They'll take you in and it'll tell you bye stop picking on this person back then any care

  • The only person that's to turn this person around it's me. You don't reckon turnaround is put myself through the worst

  • Things possible a human being could ever endure and I'd be the only way that I can build this brain

  • To handle anything that comes in front of him callus in my mind through pain and suffering

  • Don't be afraid to step up to your fears

  • Don't be afraid to even become your fears take this opportunity now to be worthy of the success

  • You want to be the person that you admire?

  • Someone who takes extra steps to be more than they could ever imagine those extra steps putting in those extra hours

  • As humans we we want to find out how to be someone else

  • What we don't do is we don't go inside

  • So literally turn yourself inside out read the book that says like like we're writing a book every day for life

  • But we never read that book

  • So what I would challenge this young man or or you don't want me to do is you have to look inside of here

  • So if you see what you really want, what are you passionate about?

  • We use these words and these little phrases of only the strong survive and also the crap they're all just fucking words

  • Take this as your

  • Opportunity to change your life for the better to enjoy the life you deserve

  • To have the future you've worked for the future, you know

  • You can have use this as a tool a tool to motivate your life through your success

  • This is where it all starts kick off your life in the direction that pushes you towards a life a life

  • Where you can take control make sure you know, which direction you're headed in

  • Organize your world in your favor your favor for your purpose for your future

  • This is the opening to take you towards a life full of success

  • You have this control you have always had this power

  • unleash the animal

  • The only way you're ever going to get to the other side of this journey is

  • You have got to suffer to grow

  • to grow you must suffer and

  • Some people will get it something wrong

  • But they have to see what their journey is to start their journey several people live to be 100 years old

  • They have great lives and they have great kids the kids go to college long sort of stuff, but somewhere in their life

  • there was a point where they had a decision to make

  • They can go left or right on this path

  • Left was the easy route right was a hard rock

  • Allows you to take the easy route and they had a good life that way but the better life was going to the right side

  • And you may have 20 years of pain and suffering to get past it

  • but a lot of us die never truly starting our journey and

  • I would tell this to a person you got to start your journey. It may suck

  • But it will it will come out the other side where you're coasting. Just keep doing the right thing and the good thing it'll happen

  • The reason people change is because of pain

  • My relationship with pain runs deep and it's complicated

  • On the one hand I

  • love pain, I love

  • Trying to push the outer

  • edges of envelope of what the pain experience is in a physical sense

  • and it's also

  • Been my greatest teacher in terms of things that I've accomplished, but also my errant ways as well

  • Pain is truly. The only thing that's ever gotten me to change

  • So it's been my growth accelerator as well as my reminder of when I've gone astray

  • Okay, so there's a difference between pain and suffering there's a difference between there were we're all suffering

  • we all have suffering we all have an

  • emptiness or a dark place or

  • corners inside of our spirit in our mind that are not fulfilled and watered and full like we all can relate to that and

  • When I'm talking about pain

  • I'm not necessarily talking about suffering but acknowledging our suffering being in touch with the pain that's enough to say

  • when you're really honest that's enough to say I

  • I don't want to do the same

  • Like this is not the person I want to become and be on a regular basis if that's the case if that assumption is

  • Right, then as a loved one. My job is to help you get real and

  • experience those places as often as you can so that you make the

  • Declaration to say no. No. No, that's not okay for me to feel and be this way on a regular basis

  • You know we're so conditioned to avoid pain

  • Every message that we see every billboard we see every advertisement that we're exposed to is

  • Telling us that happiness can be can be purchased through comfort luxury through ease

  • and that's sort of implicit in that is that that's how we find happiness and I can tell you that I'm

  • Happiest and most alive when I'm butting up against the outer edges of my pain threshold

  • And I'm not afraid of it and so when I start to feel that sensation

  • Rather than shirk away from it. I realize that's an opportunity to

  • Experience a heightened sense of myself in my environment

  • To really be in a position where

  • Everything else falls away and it's just you and your ability to take one step forward

  • There's a purity to that that again isn't another great feature and so in terms of techniques

  • I've just learned through experience

  • That just like David Goggin says when the signals that you're receiving are telling you to stop

  • That you don't necessarily have to pay attention to that that that you are capable of so much more

  • if you can develop the acuity the presence of mind and the wherewithal to

  • Then take that next step and when you're on the other side of it to realize you're still okay

  • and you can take another step and a whole your horizon extends and you realize that there's a whole world of potential and

  • possibility

  • Available to you that you weren't previously aware of

  • Never should never exist in your world if you want to improve if you can see yourself being better

  • Never should even be in the picture

  • You have the power to do anything possible the power to transform into somebody capable of anything you can imagine

  • This this is the power you deserve let your success let your mindset be the beginning

  • The journey doesn't in here this journey doesn't end when the Sun goes up when the sun goes down

  • It doesn't end when you close. Your eyes doesn't end for one second because hard work waits for nobody

  • Let yourself be heard let your power speak for itself

  • Let your beginning be the potential to take you further and further along your path to success

  • You are the only inspiration you need you are the only force it takes to be someone more

  • to have so much more

  • remember your worth as a person remember the

  • possibilities of your power the fruitful future that lingers over your shoulders

  • This is where you never say never never

  • Say never to any possibility to any opportunity to any mistakes to any fear

  • You say yes, this this is the only way to grow

  • I

  • Think that that most people set the wrong goals for themselves and it's because they're disconnected from who they are

  • They are living someone else's life or they're living a life. That's so disconnected from who they are

  • It becomes very difficult to set the right goal. So I think in order to

  • Reconcile that you have to look inward

  • You know and that can be different for everybody that can mean a consistent meditation practice that can mean therapy that can mean

  • You know

  • starting to do yoga, it can mean many many things, but I think there's no

  • and run around the

  • very difficult long process of

  • Really trying to be honest with yourself about who you are what's important to you?

  • what you care about and then beginning to breathe life into those things as frivolous as they may seem

  • To bring expression to the things that that you do care about that that that get you excited in the morning

  • And that doesn't mean you quit your job tomorrow

  • but the more you can

  • foster

  • Something that has personal importance to you. I

  • think that's the first step in trying to

  • move past

  • Whatever it is that's holding you back whether it's professionally or personally

  • To being a more integrated authentic version of yourself

  • Let this be the moment you remember

  • Show yourself as the rocket in your own life. This is the journey you're on

  • You control the progress you make you strengthen the path that

  • Transforms you into the person you've been waiting to become the person that allows you to become someone new you

  • Have the skills to be bold the strengths to grow faster the power to be stronger

  • The journey you've waited for is here here for you to be something better

  • This is the opportunity in front of you. This is your future staring at you face to face

  • Waiting for the power to be granted to you

  • Your power is welcomed welcomed by your progress your progress that guide you towards your future

  • Be someone you can take pride in become someone, you know that you can become

  • This is the journey. You have the journey you're on

  • Take the first step towards success take the first movie of faith into the risks of your life

  • Push past the limits move toward a future you can imagine a future use design. This is your power

  • Self-reliance, is everything don't don't expect anybody to do anything for you

  • I'm the only one who can get it done

  • And if you just buckle down and go the extra mile, you will solve the problem and you will make your way in the world

  • You know

  • we all have a unique song and I think most people to echo the words of Henry David Thoreau are

  • leading lives of quiet desperation

  • and go to the grave with the song still in them and I find that tragic and so if there's anything

  • that

  • That that my work is about it's about helping people become cognizant of that and to take action so that they don't become

  • That person leading a life of quiet desperation, which I think I don't know

  • I wouldn't want to say most people but a lot of people are and I found out heartbreaking

  • You know, what's your major malfunction right now, what's the thing that keeps you up at night?

  • Do you resent the most? What are you afraid of what?

  • Do you want to achieve what's in it what's in it? What do you think is in your way?

  • you know, I think just by asking people questions and and and and

  • Then holding a vision

  • For that better life for them to say I believe in you

  • I'm not here to tell you what to do or how to live your life

  • But I believe in your greatest expression and I'm gonna hold space for you

  • To give people permission to be honest to be vulnerable. We're so afraid of being vulnerable

  • We're terrified of being honest

  • We're so used to being judged and being held to a standard that society sets for us

  • That we don't give ourselves permission to even ask these questions. Let alone answer them

  • What have you done today to be different

  • What have you done to step outside the conventions that you set for yourself?

  • The conventions and the rules set by your past

  • Today you have the power to move on today. You have the power to move away from your past and move towards a successful future

  • This is your decision your call to make in your future

  • This is how your life can gain its own direction

  • And this is where your life can be so much more so much better. You can make it better

  • you have always had the potential to take one more step the potential to take the risks others are too scared to take because you

  • Are more and you are stronger and you have the determination and the courage to be so much more

We become what we think about

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Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER - FOCUS ON YOU | 1 Hour of the Best Motivation

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    林宜悉 posted on 2020/11/30
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