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  • we utilize heavy lift drone swarms to reforest uh, immediately after wildfires.


  • Seattle based startup Drone Seed is on a mission to make reforestation scalable by planting trees literally from the sky.

    總部位於西雅圖的初創公司Drone Seed的使命是通過從天上種樹,使植樹造林具有可擴展性。

  • Drain Seed CEO Grant Canary.


  • We're losing forest faster toe wildfire that nature is regenerating it and our systems.

    我們失去森林的速度比野火更快 自然界正在再生它和我們的系統。

  • Today, with nurseries and manual labor out there doing superheroes work, it's insufficient to keep up and keep the forest we have.


  • That's where drones come in.


  • The company has been using its fleet to distribute tree seeds, fertilizers and pesticide current onto fire damage land to help speed up reforestation.


  • Thea drones, which are 8 ft in diameter, are capable of carrying £57 worth of parks on flying 8 to 18 minutes at a time.


  • The vessel is dry fibers, soaks up moisture, helps the seed avoid desiccation or drying out.


  • Has fertilizer has natural pest deterrents like spicy pepper and the getting carried in £57 groupings and dropped onto the site.


  • It's like a house taking off.


  • It's a very big aircraft.


  • Um, as soon as it's gone, it's Ah, there's there's Z.


  • When it takes off, it sounds like like bees drain Seeds, says its method plants trees six times faster than doing it manually.


  • Their projects are starting to cover lands of more than 1000 acres, and reforestation efforts are more urgent now than ever before.


  • 2020 was the worst year on record in terms of destruction caused by wildfires across the U.


  • S West Coast.


  • The way to think about this is not 0, 2020 was a bad year.


  • It's 2020 was the coolest year for the next 100 years.


  • And so as we think about that, like, we can choose a future in which we reforest each year and we have forests.


  • Or we could look at where the trends are taking us and say there is a future in which there aren't forests in many states, if not all.


  • In addition to helping with reforestation during, says says its mission also includes mitigating the effects of climate change via carbon capture.


  • By facilitating mass reforestation, Canary says the company offers a scalable solution to sequester carbon, and it's just a question of Are we gonna build the tools?


  • Are we going to respond to the damages and impacts that we've already made it by putting in the amount of carbon that's already in the atmosphere today out there.


  • And so that's what our team has signed up for is how can we be one of those tools?


  • There are many other tools were by no means the only the silver bullet solution.


  • But they were the ones that are scalable today, uh, to buy us more time.


we utilize heavy lift drone swarms to reforest uh, immediately after wildfires.


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