Now I wouldgotolike, 68 69 I wouldget a CadillacconvertibleBig, Big, longone, and I wouldlistentotheRollingStones.
Okay, I wouldtimetravelto 1923 but I'd bedriving a carfrom 1925.
Okay, it's just a twoyeardifference.
It's just a modelandandit's slightlydifferent.
And I wouldbeplaying a songthatwasn't It's like a RudyValleysongthathasn't comeoutyet, butit's onLeetwoyearsoff.
So I'vegonetoallthetroubletotimetravelandhavethemachine I want.
Butinsteadofgoingbackto 16 20 beingworshipedas a Godforhavingthismachine, I'm showinguponpeoplelike, say, thatlookslike a 1918 1920 Model T And I'llsayNo, it's notchum.
It's in 1922 Model D andthenthey'llsay, isthatRudyvaluessingingand I'd sayyes, butthiswon't bereleasedforfourmonths.
I don't know.
I lovewastingpeople's time, andthatwouldbe a hugewaste, a hugewasteoftimetravel, a hugewasteoftimetravel.
That's that's a perfectanswer.
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