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  • welcome to watch Mojo, and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10.

  • Scariest Dungeons and Dragons monsters.

  • DND history is littered with the evil of mind flares.

  • Chemical is tired of silly human differing.

  • They manipulate uses to create these creatures.

  • The blacks for this list will be looking at the most terrifying creatures from the world's most popular role playing game.

  • Let us know which monsters frighten you the most in the comments now on to the top 10, Number 10 flesh Gholam Gholam Czar constructs that can be cobbled together out of a wide number of materials, including stone, iron or INM or horrific cases.

  • Body parts often constructed out of mismatching parts from different deceased humanoid races.

  • Flesh columns are unthinking, hulking monstrosities that can't be reasoned with E.

  • O.

  • Largely inspired by Frankenstein's monster.

  • The hodgepodge of body parts is perfect for a Gothic horror campaign.

  • As with Frankenstein's creation, one of the few things that's effective against the flesh Golam is fire.

  • In fact, the monster possesses immense strength and resistance is to most non magical forms of damage and is even healed by lightning.

  • Number nine mimic many an adventure has been tricked while walking through a door or opening a treasure chest on Lee to find that the object has sharp teeth and is trying to bite their hand off, Possessing the ability to make themselves look like almost any in adamant object.

  • A mimic could be anywhere or anything.

  • Worse still is the fact that anyone that touches a mimic while it's disguised become stuck to it because of its adhesive ability.

  • Yeah, this means that those foolhardy enough to be tricked have to break free from a grapple to avoid being devoured.

  • Number eight.

  • Gibbering Mouth ER.

  • While it may be terrifying to see a gibbering mouth er, hearing, one is even worse.

  • A disgusting, amorphous blob covered with mouths and eyes, these grotesque creatures get their names from the constant babbling or gibbering they emit.

  • Those within 20 ft have to succeed on a wisdom saving throw or be driven mad by the terrible sounds getting even closer.

  • Players have to succeed on a strength saving throw or be trapped in the ground that surrounds it.

  • When seeing one of these ugly beings, it's best to keep one's distance and attack from afar.

  • Number seven basilisk this fearsome reptile has taken on a wide range of forms and myth and popular culture.

  • Harry Potter fans might be most familiar with it.

  • As a giant snake, however, it's also sometimes described a similar to a cock Atriss or a huge lizard.

  • The Dungeons and Dragons variety is lizard like with eight legs and purple spines.

  • As in many legends of the beast, it's piercing.

  • Gaze has the power to petrify anyone unlucky enough to be caught in it.

  • There was water on the floor that night.

  • She only saw the basilisk reflection.

  • Its tactics include freezing its foe in place and then striking at the immobile enemy with its massive jaws.

  • Yeah, number six beholder.

  • There's a reason why the cover of the Monster manual features a group fleeing in terror from this aberration.

  • While many may focus on the large I in the middle of the floating monster, the eyes you truly need to worry about are the ones on its many stalks.

  • Please don't tell my supervisor.

  • I was sleeping.

  • Aside from allowing it to see and practically any direction, the 10 eyes are each capable of hitting their opponents with a variety of beams including fear, charm and even instant death.

  • Thes air.

  • No mindless monsters.

  • However, as beholders air often master manipulators in their own right, Number five carry in crawler These monstrous worms Congar Oh, underground and swallow and unsuspecting adventurer in just one bite reminiscent of the sand worms from Dune.

  • The secret weapon of these giant centipede like monsters is the paralyzing tentacles near their carnivorous maw.

  • Ah, a few errant roles could lead to an entire party unable to move and for lower level parties, even a T.

  • P.

  • K.

  • Perhaps the most disturbing thing about these creatures is they're awful.

  • Stench.

  • Jesus Christ.

  • Those that have encountered these massive worms have said their smell can most accurately be compared to that of rotting bodies.

  • Number four abol ith the AB elicits are reminiscent of Lovecraft and horrors.

  • Huge, ugly and possessing terrifying psionic powers.

  • They come from a time before even the gods existed.

  • Incredibly intelligent, they inherit memories from their ancestors and possess secrets of the multiverse beyond mortal imagination.

  • Existing beneath the waves, these sea dwellers have haunted sailors and adventurers since Centeon races first ventured away from the shore with their large, gaping maws rows of glowing red eyes and dangerous mucus.

  • They resemble a gigantic £6500 eel with multiple fins.

  • Meeting one of them on the open sea will often spell certain doom for all but the most experienced adventurers.

  • Number three a blacks.

  • While walking through a dimly lit cave, you see your long lost brother, a dead friend or a past lover.

  • Other than a faint smell of sulfur, nothing seems amiss and you go to embrace them.

  • Once you do, however, you notice a slimy, sticky sensation.

  • This is not your loved one at all, but a perfectly crafted imitation.

  • An adult or elder obliques can actually carry within itself basically the memories of, ah, host of people and cause versions of those people to pop up.

  • Soon you're devoured by the carnivorous slime known as an Obelix, which feeds on your memories.

  • Once you're gone, it will know everything you've ever known and perhaps will even use your form to trap its next victim.

  • Number two Drac Elitch wizards that have used dark magic to mock the bounds of death.

  • Witches are, without a doubt, one of the most terrifying enemies in D and D.

  • More terrifying than a human or an elf.

  • Litsch is a dragon from beyond the grave.

  • Living dragons are already some of the most powerful foes around, and adding horrific undead abilities to them makes them nearly unbeatable.

  • Even if a party is able to kill one of these unholy terrors, it'll come back from the dead again and again unless the flattery housing its soul is destroyed.

  • Two.

  • Before we unveil our topic, here are a few other D and D monsters that will give you the heebie jeebies.

  • Hegg, This plane shifting monstrous has an ethereal creepiness.

  • We owe Rask.

  • This frightful beast is all teeth, horns and claws, bail or warmongering humanoid anarchists driven by pure rage, tha uses thes gelatinous cave dwellers air both icky and deadly.

  • Siberry X These reeking flesh grafters are legit nightmare fuel.

  • Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell To get notified about our latest videos, you have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.

  • If you're on your phone, make sure you go into your settings and switch on notifications.

  • Number one mind flair.

  • Some of the most intelligent and evil beings in all of Dungeons and dragons lower these tentacle faced horrors enslaved entire worlds in past ages.

  • DND history is littered with the evil of mind flares.

  • Now they operate from the shadows, dwelling in the vast network of underground civilizations known as the under Dark, seeking to manipulate the free races of all worlds.

  • Once again they perform grotesque experiments, including the creation of the public's mind, players of very powerful mind powers that will let them dominate entire kingdoms entire worlds so they can once again ascend and rule everything.

  • They strike fear into the hearts of sentiment.

  • Life across the multiverse.

  • Perhaps worst of all is that in the rare event it's unable to defeat you with its wits.

  • It may simply wrap those tentacles around your skull and feast on your brain.

  • I don't know.

  • Do you agree with our picks?

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welcome to watch Mojo, and today we'll be counting down our picks for the top 10.

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