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Sup Deansters! It's me again Games Dean
Big news today, Brian D did totally challenge me and my friends to a match
He came in all like, ew ew what!
And I was all like, what?
so we were beating them up
until Jenny comes out of nowhere all like
No! Don't hurt Brian!
I'm like What?
She's like don't!
yeah, Law's Jenny
I was like completely shocked
then she made us lose
and then like after we lost and were leaving
those two are macking on each other
moving in on another guy's girl Brian
i wouldn't want to be you when Law finds out
cause he's going to be like
That's the daily dean, we're going to be doing more of that all week long
and month here on vghs
just stop in Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 3:30 to 4:45
and i'll be giving you all the goodness you've just got here today
see ya guys
well it's only got like 400 views
nice moves last night lover boy
Brian, VGHS only has like 400 students
Huh, i should probably go talk to Jenny
Nah Nah, I should probably go talk to Jenny
it's ok?
Are you ok there, boy?
Ted is presenting his new features at drift racing to freddie today i think he's got butterflies
I don't have butterflies, I've got DRAGONFLIES!
We don't need your presentation, imma tell him right now
Oh there's Jenny
I'm probably gonna go talk to her
Yeah I probably should pretend to not sit Ted for a few seconds
then wheel him into Freddie's room
Yeah, don't let him eat anything in there, ok
about today's daily dean
Whatever, Games Dean is an idiot
Right? Yeah he is! Total!
You beat it
Oh yeah, all your highscores too
Oh don't worry it wasn't hard
Oh! So basically I suck
Yeah ehm
speaking of that
We can't really hang out anymore
Or be friends
now that came out wrong
Brian I think that you're cool but The Law is Varsity captain
and my parents expect me to make the team
so i can't have people talking about you and me
so wait wait wait
you're telling me that Law won't put you on the team because he thinks that you and I
just answered my question
so are we cool?
cool? No! we're not cool we're like the opposite of cool like
Jenny when you and i played last night it was
awesome, I know
I'm sorry, I have to go
And that is why i am going to sign up for drift racing this year
I love you dad
Mr. Wong
we all know Ted will never be a great rythm gamer
he just needs to hear you say it
you'll never be a great rythm gamer
i knew it
and that concludes our meeting!
You know how many losers told me that
on my way to the top?
pro shredders aren't born, Ted
they are forged to the fire and the flames
of course
see you're a Wong
you're born to be a pro shredder
the reason I bust your chops is because i know you've got what it takes
I got it
i knew you really cared
Now stop whammering and start hammering
on that is, practice-wise
hey, see you at the sign-ups
i won't let you down this year
Thanks Ki-wy
The presentation was tops!
you're Ted's first groupie
Ki Swan 1360 points
I don't like you
On to the wise Ki-wy
you've been his lady for what... a week?
I'm his father twice a month a weekend for his entire life
Ted stays where he belongs, you hear me
Attention players, one hour left to sign ups for clan try-outs
choose your team carefully because once you swipe that card your fate is sealed
Brian hey!
are you to top off my lemonade or...
oh wait, I'm sorry, That's why i have her
Thanks, babe
just here to sign up
that is precious
Here's the deal Brian
i did you a favour by sparing your life, remember?
so now you're going to do me a favor by not signing up
sorry Law, the favour train has left the station
Last chance tanner-tom
are you sure you want to do this?
What would you do Law?
I think you would sign up
but you're not The Law!
Are you?
Believe me Brian, i get it
you want to be this
Listen to Law's lesson, loser
everybody hates you Literator
I mean who wouldn't
I've got it all
i've got the looks
i've got the brains
Ehm... Check me by the way
I've got the whole school in the palm of my hand
but wait, there's more!
I've got the girl of your dreams
eSsen my D
Styling My Do
you want to be this
Brian D?
You want to be The Law?
Well you've got to get through The Law first
Hey Ki!
Sorry i ditched you back there
did you and my dad get the chance to talk
yes we did
and he's
your father
I have to get to the fighting sign-ups Ted
I tought you wanted to make games
Hey, what better resources than playing with the best
Hey Ki wait up!
Yo, Little Wong!
Making a graph on how bad you suck
I made that graph leave him alone
It's cool Ki
Hey guys how is it going?
Ted for rythm gaming this year came to join the team finally
you mean you're actually going to sign up again?
How me suffer why?
Oh my god, The Law is trolling Brian D
I gotta go help my friend
goodbye guys
That guy should litterally be doing anything but rythm gaming
Why are you doing this?
you've already proved you're better than me
Brian, dude
It's because i can
it's fun
And because you
made it personal
the spotlight wasn't enough
so you had to move in on my girl
dude, we're just...
we're not even friends
So on to you
Cozy up to jenny so you two can play on JV?
Didn't you hear? She's getting on Varsity
Yeah, her boyfriend runs the team!
Oh I love gossip
let's dish
did you also hear
oh yeah
her boyfriend doesn't give a sht
Jenny stays on JV
this is my year
and noone else's
so i suggest you skit out
go practicing your dance moves, Brian
sign-ups are closed
This is too good for you Law?
Oh my god
Somebody S my D
Stay away from him
back off!
Okay, I've got your back
What are you waiting for? Let's go!
To war!
Are you wounded Theodore?
this doesn't change anything
Yes Calhoun?
I'm expelled?
I gave you a chance to leave quietly
and this is how you use it?
assaulting a student?
initiating a brawl?
stealing a hat?
and worst of all Brian
worst of all
you forgot that it's all about the game
Sir, please you can't do this
Yes I can
It's done
you're facing a 300 point abduction
300 points you do not have
you've got to be joking
Do you hear any rotflcopters son?
Pack your thing and get out of my school!
Are you more like a rockstar everyday, kiddo
Is this a joke?
Am i a joke to you?
No no no no
There must be some mistake
you know Ted you want to bail on the Wong, that's fine
but getting some groupie to take your place?
That's pathetic
Dad your face, now get out of mine, forever!
Welcome to the team, Theodore
you switched the cards
Er... reason one
as I explained in my previous presentation
I don't care about your stupid graphs Ki
my dad hates me because of you
that brings us to reason two
Ted, your dad hates you
and not because of me, i mean, from before
We're through Ki
Ehm... ok
I know you're upset
if we think about this objectively
OBJECTIVELY you've ruined my life
I never want to see you again
but i was just looking out for you
Look out for me?
Look form over there!
Get out of my face
Did you really want me to...
just go!
Jenny I'm sorry
sorry for punching Law in front of the school
or for ruining my chances of making Varsity this year
yes, both of these things, and before you hit me again there's something i've got to take off of my chest
What? That you like me?
That you were just sticking up for me against my big mean boyfriend?
Look i get that you're upset we can't be friends
but you're not the only one who has a tough round here ok?
If you can't suck it up then leave
You'd be happy to know i just got expelled
SO i am leaving
oh and your big mean boyfriend
he told me he's not going to put you in the team anyway
so at least you've got a show out of it
You're an asshole