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  • the coaches are now wildlife protectors, and poaching incidences has also minimized they've decreased good.


  • NAMI based the only country in the world that still has free room in black rhinos and cheetahs and lions, especially in the northern part of the Conservancy.


  • And you can imagine that the conflict between wild animals on the local communities and villages is quite strong.


  • Most off the staff that work at the lodge.


  • They are from farms close by there from the Conservancy.


  • They are from the community.


  • Eyes trying toe not only create jobs, create a sustainable business for the Conservancy, but also trying toe to implement policies in orderto mitigate conflict with the wild animals and the farmers, and at the same time that the farmers themselves for the local community sees the importance of maintaining the natural resources and the wildlife in the area because you can bring revenue a different way.


  • Working at Rupert Lodge has changed my life in a great way.

    在Rupert Lodge工作,極大地改變了我的生活。

  • I'm fulfilled.


  • I feel happy about it.


  • I feel proud about it because I've also played my part in contributing to the empowerment off the community.


the coaches are now wildlife protectors, and poaching incidences has also minimized they've decreased good.


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