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  • We have all kinds of illusions that are set up for us in childhood.


  • Like Santa, he makes no sense.


  • We tell children that, once a year, a fat old man breaks into our home, eats our snacks and leaves us gifts.


  • And that we should be excited about that.


  • We should be so excited, we can't sleep.


  • We should be so excited, we should plan our behavior for an entire year around this burglar who travels with forest rats.


  • I can't imagine trying to sell this concept to an adult.


  • - I don't even have a chimney. - You don't need one. He'll, like, find a way to get in there.

    - 我連個煙囪都沒有。 - 你不需要,他會找到進入屋內的方法。

  • - I don't know. My alarm system is pretty advanced. - You don't want to set it, though, because he's gonna bring you a gift.

    - 我不知道,我的警報系統很先進。 - 你不需要設置警報系統,因為他會給你帶來一份禮物。

  • - Like, what kind of gift?

    - 比如,什麼樣的禮物?

  • - You write a letter, you send it to the North Pole. - He lives in the North Pole! Why, it's so cold?

    - 你寫一封信,你把它送到北極去。 - 他住在北極!為什麼要住在這麼冷的地方?

  • - And if you're nice, then he gives it to you. - Oh, are the men told to be nice? What constitutes as nice?

    - 如果你是個好人,他就會給你。- 好不好人是要被定義的?怎樣才算好呢?

  • - Well, listening to authority figures.

    - 乖乖聽長輩的話。

  • - Like, blindly? Without question?

    - 盲目聽從?毫無疑問?

  • - Well, yeah. - That sounds fascist.

    - 嗯,是的。- 這聽起來是法西斯主義。

  • - No, it's not fascist. - And I think it also sounds like a stalking situation.

    - 不,這不是法西斯主義。- 而且我覺得這聽起來也像跟蹤的情況。

  • I mean, why would I let some guy watch me all year round and bring me a gift?


  • I have a job, I could just buy myself one.


  • Why would I let some strange man break into my house and leave me a mini fridge for my beauty products, when I can just get it delivered?


  • - You also leave out cookies and stuff for him to eat.

    - 你還漏掉了要給他餅乾和東西吃的部分。

  • But I think the most harming belief that we perpetuate in childhood is, drum roll kids, romantic relationships.


  • We spoon-feed fantasies about what they're supposed to look like, feel like, what they mean, how they're supposed to complete us in every single way.


  • Movies, books, music. They all advocate this highly romanticized idea of love without any mention of compromise, communication, rupture and repair, feeling bored sometimes, how it's natural to be attracted to other people.

    電影,書籍,音樂。他們都主張這種高度浪漫化的愛情觀,完全不提及任何妥協、 溝通、分裂和修復、 厭倦期,或是如何自然而然被別人吸引。

  • The ebb and flow of a relationship as you're both growing.


  • Not to mention nontraditional relationship dynamics like polyamory and queer relationships.


  • And lately, I have started to wonder, does this same shattering of illusions applied to friendships?


  • We're told friends are forever, friends are chosen family, friends stick by you through thick and thin.


  • Even one of our misunderstood sayings, "Blood is thicker than water," actually means, "Blood of the covenant" is thicker than "the water of the womb," insinuating that some friendships are stronger than familial ones.


  • And I used to think that something was wrong with me when it came to friends.


  • You know, I grew up as a military brat and move every few years.


  • So I got really good at making friends quickly.


  • But I've been in LA for, like, a decade now, and keeping friends is just a whole other sports ball game.


  • You know, I've had best friends that last maybe two to three years and then you either drift apart, or you have a falling out.


  • Or because it's LA, they threatened to sue you, and you have to lawyer up and prove they have no legal basis to claim ownership over an intellectual property of yours, or a photo of you or some other idiocy because people here are full of delusions of grandeur with no work ethic to match it.

    或者因為是在洛杉磯,他們威脅要起訴你。 而你要請律師並證明其沒有法律依據,對你的知識產權提出所有權要求,或一張有你的照片或其他一些白痴原因,因為這裡的人都是一些自以為是卻沒有職業道德的傢伙。

  • Like, dude, we all read "The Little Red Hen."

    我們都讀過 "小紅母雞"。

  • If you don't do any of the baking or contribute any ingredients, you don't get to eat the cake.


  • I made the cake. I 'm gonna eat the cake that I made.


  • I'd give you a piece if you bothered helping me with the cake in any way, shape or form instead of turning me away when I asked you for baking soda.


  • This basic principle was taught to us when we were five, and it's one of the only childhood lessons that isn't an illusion to be broken.


  • Like really, Suzy, you don't believe in the simple message of the "The Little Red Hen," but you believe in the Tooth Fairy?


  • You think someone's gonna give you $5 to $20 for this useless chunk of calcium and minerals, and collagen that your body has just shed?


  • No wonder you've so much entitlement, Suzy.


  • You believe you deserve to be compensated for doing absolutely nothing other than existing.


  • And I've been thinking, is this normal?


  • You know, the cycle of friendships turning over every few years versus being actual "BFF Forevers".


  • You know, am I just horrible at it?


  • Or are friendships actually like romantic relationships where you meet someone, you spend several years getting to know them, and you simultaneously evaluate your compatibility and platonic companionship.


  • I think best friends forever is a childhood lie.


  • And all of this came about because, surprise, surprise, a friend breakup.


  • And my therapist has kind of assured me that the process of friendships, of relationships of being a human being Interacting with other human beings is the process of figuring out what does and does not work for us.


  • It takes time to find our people.


  • And as we grow into adulthood, we realize our tribe is probably gonna be pretty small.


  • Now she gave me three questions you can ask yourself when you're evaluating who is a real friend.


  • I'm sorry to make you wait until the end of this video, but your girl's gotta improve her watch time, you know?


  • One, how does my body respond to this person?


  • Aside from regular social anxiety, do you feel excitement, love, safe, joy?


  • Your central nervous system is gonna tell you so much more than your annoying brain can.


  • Two, how much can you be your authentic self?


  • Do you have to filter yourself?


  • Do you feel like you have to walk on eggshells?


  • Or do you feel free to showcase who you are at your core?


  • And three, if you ask this person for feedback, can they be respectfully and lovingly honest?


  • I think this is one of the most important aspects of friendships for me.


  • You know, I want someone who can call me on my shit, but I also want them to do it in, like, a loving non-judgemental way 'cause I got a lot of stuff to call out.


  • You know, I do want to improve. I want to know what I'm doing wrong 'cause sometimes when you're so caught up in your reality, you don't have any clarity on the situation.

    你知道,我確實想改進。我想知道我做錯了什麼? 因為有時當你如此陷入了自己的世界裡, 你會很難明瞭情況的真相。

  • And most importantly, I want to know when I've hurt someone's feelings so that I can adjust my behavior accordingly.


  • I'm Anna Akana and thank you to the patrons who supported this video.

    我是 Anna Akana 並感謝支持這個影片的贊助人。

  • And I'm very excited that I've teamed up with Audible for today's episode.

    我很高興我和 Audible 合作推出了今天的節目。

  • You can visit or text ANNA to 500-500. With a 30-day free trial, you can get one audiobook credit every month.

    您可以訪問 或發短信給 ANNA 到 500-500。 有 30 天的免費試用期, 你可以每月獲得一個有聲書積分。

  • Good for any title in the entire premium selection of bestsellers, new releases, regardless of price, to keep forever.


  • You also get full access to the Plus catalog and can listen to thousands of included titles.

    您還可以完全訪問 Plus 目錄並可收聽上千本收錄的書籍。

  • I just listened to "Text Me When You Get Home: The Evolution and Triumph of Modern Female Friendship" and, wow, I loved this audiobook.

    我剛剛聽了《回家後給我發簡訊:現代女性友誼的演變與勝利》, 而且我喜歡這本有聲書。

  • It covered so many interesting points of view when it came specifically to female friendships.


  • The inherent competitiveness that can sometimes happen.


  • The insecurity, the jealousy, the misguided feelings brought on by your internalized misogyny.


  • It was just an enlightening, amazing audiobook.


  • You can listen to "Text Me When You Get Home" and more by going to


  • or text ANNA to 500-500, bye.

    或發短信給 ANNA 到500-500,再見。

We have all kinds of illusions that are set up for us in childhood.


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