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  • Listen.

  • Yeah.

  • No, thank you.

  • And Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • So, Sandra, you didn't You didn't flinch.

  • I take it that Dr Chester has a good touch.

  • She had a touch.

  • Didn't feel any different from any other vaccines.

  • Great.

  • Dr Chester, It all worked.

  • The kid from your end.

  • Everything worked perfectly.

  • Thank you.

  • And you're feeling well, Governor Coleman killing.

  • Well, I would like to thank all the front line workers on my party's group in blew it.

  • And yeoman strong besides this pandemic all over the world.

  • I, um, hopeful.

  • I feel hopeful today.

  • Um, relieve.

  • I feel like healing is coming.

  • I hope this marks the beginning toe the end of a very painful time in our history.

  • I want to Until public confidence that the vaccine is safe.

  • We're in a pandemic.

  • So we all need your part, um, to put an end to the damage on Thio, not give up so soon?

  • There's light at the end of the tunnel, but we still need to continue to wear our land.

  • Social distance.

  • I believe in sign as a nurse.

  • My practice is guided by something I'm so I trust time.

  • What?

  • I don't trust is that if I contract, hold it.

  • I don't know how it, for instance, or those who I come in contact with you, so I encourage everyone to take that You said it very well.

  • Under we trust signs here in the state of New York, federal government approved the vaccine.

  • We then have New York state have a separate panel that also approved the vaccine on We've been following the science all along.

  • I hope this gives you on the health care workers who are battling this every day, a sense of security and safety and a little more confidence in doing your job once the second vaccine has been administered.

  • Uh, in New York, we prioritized healthcare workers at the top of the list to receive the vaccine because we know that you were out there every day putting your lives in danger for the rest of us.

  • So we wanna make sure we're doing everything we can to keep you safe.

  • And the point about New Yorkers and Americans having to do their part and take the vaccine because the vaccine on Lee works.

  • If the American people take it, they estimate we need 75% to 85% of Americans to take the vaccine for to be effective.

  • Eso Every American has to do their part and your point is right.

  • It it's going to take months before the vaccine hits critical mass.

  • So this is the light at the end of the tunnel.

  • But it's a long tunnel and we need people to continue to being do the right thing and the smart thing all through the holiday season.

  • Andi, Hopefully, when we get to about June, they estimate the vaccine can hit critical mass.

  • But the health care workers will get it first because we know that you're super stressed during this holiday season.

  • So God bless you.

  • I wanna thank you from the bottom of our hearts for what you do.

  • Everybody knows it.

  • Everybody knows how brave you are.

  • And skilled and talented and selfless when they use the word heroes.

  • We don't mean that.

  • Likely we mean it deeply and sincerely what you do showing up every day you really are heroes way.

  • Wish you and your families.

  • Ah, blessed holiday season, Michael.

  • Thank you very much for your leadership Once again, my friend.

  • Thank you, Calvin.

  • Uh, we will beat This way will win.

  • Thank you.

  • When my time comes.

  • When my time comes on on Dr.

  • Chester.

  • I like, uh I want a did.

  • Thank you guys.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Thank you.

  • Up.

  • Okay.


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