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  • everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question I have


  • a very long list of words today how do you pronounce majority identity activity


  • curiosity humidity ability and stability lots of words we're going to tackle this

    好奇心 溼度 能力和穩定性 很多詞我們要解決這個問題。

  • by looking at that suffix the I T Y suffix Iactually did a video on this last

    通過查看該後綴I T Y後綴我actually做了一個視頻,在這個去年

  • year and so when you see the suffix ity you're going to say Adee Adee short uh

    年,所以當你看到後綴 ity 你會說 Adee Adee 簡稱 uh

  • sound and then D that de syllable is going to be longer so again we're going


  • to say Adee what gets confusing for people


  • is in the longer words your stress is going to shift to the syllable right


  • before the uh so you're going to have majority identity activity curiosity and


  • humidity when we have this I L ity which is a common spelling pattern that we see

    溼度,當我們有這個I L ity,這是一個常見的拼寫模式,我們看到。

  • in words you are going to stress the word bill so we're gonna have a schwa bill


  • schwa D a Bill adee a bill uh Dee so we have ability and stability so let's try

    schwa D a Bill adee a bill uh Dee 所以我們有能力也有穩定性,所以讓我們嘗試一下

  • all those words majority identity activity curiosity humidity ability and


  • stability so give it a try people are going to notice the difference if you


  • found this helpful we'd love a like share and subscribe and check out all


  • products on Google Play and iTunes and all of our classes on Tarle speech


  • thanks


everyone Jennifer from Tarle speech with your pronunciation question I have


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B1 好奇心 身份 單詞 活動 能力 後綴

英語單詞壓力--ITY與ILITY--主要身份活動好奇心溼度能力穩定性 (English WORD STRESS - ITY & ILITY - Majority Identity Activity Curiosity Humidity Ability Stability)

  • 16 1
    Summer posted on 2020/12/15
Video vocabulary