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Dream Induced Lucid Dreams (DILDs) are lucid dreams where the practitioner comes to a realization
that he or she is dreaming. DILDs are the most commonly experienced lucid
dreams because they stem from the most basic approach. They are controlled by the cognitive
functions within the brain. Lucidity can be onset by asking the question,
"Am I dreaming?". Consequently, a reality check is performed
as a test to validate this question. The key to mastering DILDs rests in executing
routine reality checks throughout each day while encountering unusual experiences, dream
signs, or dream anchors. Additionally, strengthening self-awareness
will facilitate in achieving more frequent and spontaneous DILDs.
Dream Recall.
Upon awakening from sleep, record every specific detail from every dream that you can remember.
At first, it may be difficult to even remember a part of one dream.
With practice, your dream recall will become increasingly better.
The brain is like a muscle that can be strengthened through training.
Reality Checks.
A reality check is a method the practitioner uses to test whether or not he or she is dreaming.
Throughout the day, sincerely ask yourself the question.
"Am I dreaming?". Perform a reality check as a test.
Dream Signs.
Dream signs are elements that occur frequently throughout one's dreams and/ or waking life.
Make note of any common or reoccurring dream signs in your dream journal.
Whenever these dream signs reoccur either in your daily life or in your dream, sincerely
perform a reality check.
Dream Anchors.
Dream anchors are typical tasks performed frequently and consistently throughout one's
everyday life. These tasks are almost like second-nature
to us and we usually perform them without thought or awareness from day to day.
Before performing an everyday anchor, sincerely perform a reality check.
Follow closely to the following information, as I will describe a thorough method to successfully
performing a DILD. The DILD techniques are not time-consuming tasks and anyone wishing
to see fast results should be consistent and thoughtful with their efforts throughout the
day. It is important to note that before attempting
a DILD, the practitioner should possess adequate dream recall skills.
Wake up 5 to 6 hours after going to sleep. Upon awakening perform a reality check.
It is important to ensure that you have not experienced a false awakening.
Reflect on all of the dreams from throughout the night. (record a brief summary in a dream
journal). Dream recall is crucial here; It is very important
to remember as many specific dream details as possible.
Get back in bed thirty to sixty minutes after awakening.
Lie in bed and repeat calmly but intently, "The next time that I'm dreaming, I will realize
that I'm dreaming." Repeat this to yourself numerous times.
Incubate an intended dream environment. Sometimes it is best to incubate the most
recent and easily recollected dream.
As you drift off into sleep, continue to visualize yourself entering the dream.
Affirm that you will become lucid the next time you fall asleep.
You have to want it, feel it, taste it, as if your life depended on it.
You should doubt nothing, but reassure everything. You may even want to count up in your head,
"1... I'm dreaming, 2... I'm dreaming, 3... I'm dreaming, " , and so on.
After a few minutes of this, you may just want to let yourself go to sleep.
While attempted to fall asleep, don't think too much or you might become frustrated and
not be able to sleep. You need to relax the mind and stay calm.
When you wake again, perform a reality check. Are you dreaming?
If so, you might need to implement stabilization techniques.
When you wake again, perform another reality check.
Are you dreaming? If not, record the experience in a dream journal.
Construct specific objectives necessary to accomplish future goals.
I am providing you with the tools necessary to successfully onset a Dream Induced Lucid
Dream. If you follow through with the techniques
provided throughout this guide, you will undoubtedly experience a successful DILD within one to
two weeks of practice. Do not take my information for granted, as
I am offering you knowledge necessary to access one of the most profound experiences achievable
by the conscious mind; to depart from the egoistic self and to find liberation from
its boundaries; to unlock the secrets contained within the endless depths of the subconscious
mind. This power is in your reach, the unmatched
power of the conscious mind through lucid dreaming.