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Hey, it's nice to meet you! Hi, how are you doing?
Ooh, sorry!
Ok I'll --- is it a hug?
No, let's just count to three.. 1, 2.. Hi
Luc? Luke? Luc is fine yeah. I suppose in French it would be
I mean Janine.. like French, but I feel like you guys say Jeanine.
Yeah I'll take that
Should we get a drink?
Yeah I'm gonna have water, if it's OK I'm gonna start with that
Sorry.. a WHAT?
No.. Water. I'm saying that the right way!
I don't know if you are. I think I'm saying it right
It's OK. That's really cute. I think it's really cute
Just order it for me
I'd love to
And what would you like to drink tonight?
Hi, could we get some water.. for the lovely lady and myself
And then of course.. considering who we are and stuff
we get some wine.. maybe a nice red or something
No, I'm OK. I don't drink wine
But you're French!?
I've got a couple of French friends and they all drink wine
Yeah good for them but I don't drink wine and we don't all, I mean
No, of course. You're an individual
That's -- that's totally on me
So I just went to Paris. It was great. I had a great time!
I saw the Louve?
That's the one! I saw that, I went to the Arc
The Eiffel Tower, went to PSG, played football. It was great. It was an amazing time
Amazing.. but I'm not from Paris so
Ah you're not?
Yeah no
Oh f*ck. Sorry! I thought you told me you were
No. France, but not Paris
Oh OK. Where are you from?
Perpignan is the name of the city.
South of France
WTF is that? Sorry..
It's a city, other than Paris. YES. It is.
I've never heard of it!
And that's why the French guy had the bear!
Oh I'm glad you liked it! I was a bit worried actually
oh WHY?
French girls are a bit snobby usually aren't they?
They're a little bit hard work
According to WHOM?
I dunno.. I thought it was pretty well known. Do the French have a sense of humour?
I don't understand why people say we don't get on
We're really good friends
We won the war REALLY
You'd be in trouble now if we haven't come along
Oh no! I have a baguette! Stay away - like...
In a good way, in a good way!
You know, like.. we're friends
Oh BEAUTIFUL! Love that, thank you so much
Excuse me. Can I get some ketchup?
Yeah thanks
Why do you need -- I mean you already have a little bit there, you don't
It's Chicken Kiev. I can't have it without ketchup
Oh this looks so good!
Oh oh.. a little bit more. That's perfect. One more. Lovely
Yeah that looks great. So do you miss France?
Mhm.. I miss France, I miss my family, my friends, the fashion.. OMG I miss the fashion so much
And I do miss perfume. I collect perfume so yeah
Oh you know, fun fact about that I read it the other day - did you know that the French invented perfume because apparently they didn't shower much and they smell?
Yeah I read it on Wikipedia so
Oh Wikipedia
No you smell delicious! Yeah really good
Thank you?
Ah it's my pleasure
Would you do something for me?
What is it?
I find the French accent so hot. Would you say something for me in French?
I didn't even know what you said but it sounded so hot.. everywhere!
You sound just like --
You sound just like this girl I know
OK was she French?
Yeah yeah she was French, like French-Canadian
So NOT from France
But not from France, from Quebec
Sounded the same though
So fun fact, my ex-girlfriend made me watch a show a French show - Emily in Paris? Did you see it?
I saw that. It wasn't -- I didn't like it
But the scenes...The scenes were great no?
What scenes?
Well French woman...
Yeah I'm French. I'm a French woman. What do you mean? What scenes?
You know - THE SCENES!
Which ones. Just say it. What do you mean?
Je AHH, you know
I had a really great time
I learned this for this moment