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  • Sadly, some of these non partisan officials at the local level have been subjected to harassment and even death threats.


  • So can you speak to the impact of these threats?


  • And do you think the president and his allies have done enough to condemn the threats of violence?


  • I'm not aware of much in terms of condemning the threats of violence.


  • Having been a recipient of some of them.


  • I think it's again an affront to democracy that the citizens, the United States of America, that air responsible for executing this sacred democratic institution of elections are being threatened on a daily basis.


  • I mean, you name it, whether it's emails, whether it's phone calls, whether it's people showing up in your house.

    我的意思是,你的名字, 無論是電子郵件,無論是電話, 無論是人出現在你的房子。

  • I just I know this is not America I recognize, and it's got to stop.

    我只是... ...我知道這不是我認識的美國,它必須停止。

  • We need everyone across.


  • Uh, you know, the leadership ranks to stand up.


  • I think you know, I would appreciate MAWR support from my own party, the Republican Party to call this stuff out and end it.


  • We got to move on.


  • We have a president elect in President elect Biden.


  • We have to move on these officials that Air Republicans look at Georgia Brad Raffles Burger, Gabriel Sterling, Jeff Duncan Thes Air Republicans That air putting country over party They're being subjected to just horrific threats.

    我們必須對這些官員採取行動 共和黨人看著喬治亞州布拉德-萊佛士-伯格,加布裡埃爾-斯特林,傑夫-鄧肯 這些共和黨人將國家置於黨的上空,他們受到了可怕的威脅。

  • As a result, this is not America.


Sadly, some of these non partisan officials at the local level have been subjected to harassment and even death threats.


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B1 威脅 譴責 總統 共和黨人 民主 暴力

這不是美國":前選舉安全主管克雷布斯在參議院聽證會上的發言。 ('This is not America': ex-election security chief Krebs at Senate hearing)

  • 8 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2020/12/18
Video vocabulary