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Hey youtubers it’s Charlie, this week was the Agents Of SHIELD finale and I’d say
about half the questions we all had were answered, some they’re teasing for Season 2 and then
in the last 15 minutes a whole mess of new questions came up. Because Season 2 was already
confirmed here’s what I’m going to do.
I’ll start with top 5 moments, then do my review and then do some theorycrafting on
Season 2 based on what we know.
If you’re finding me for the first time I do Marvel videos every week. Now that SHIELD
is on hiatus Tuesdays will be Star Wars and Marvel Movie videos. Be sure to subscribe
to get everything and leave me suggestions for bonus vids.
So careful for spoilers from the episode if you haven’t seen it yet. Here are my top
5 moments, Number 5 - Fitz Sacrifices Himself For Simmons
I feel like the sacrifice means more when it’s not a superhero. Like when Thor jumps
into a hurricane. You’re 99 percent sure he’s going to escape without a scratch on
him. But drowning at the bottom of the ocean and confessing your love for someone is just
so much more meaningful.
They kept talking about life on the bottom of the ocean I half expected some atlanteans
to swim up and save them. But I think that was just an easter egg.
Coulson took more chances with his life, but since he’s already been proven unkillable,
Fitz made the biggest sacrifice in the episode. And as a result is paying the biggest price.
It sounds like his character, when he does come back is going to be fundamentally different.
Number 4 - Nick Fury Saves The Day
He got an introduction in the episode befitting his level of badassery. If you’re confused
about the timeline between the end of Winter Soldier and now, it’s basically moving in
real time. So it’s only been a couple months. Fury formally quit SHIELD, or what’s left
of it and is pursuing the remnants of HYDRA personally.
In the episode he really felt like he was walking onto a holodeck, like he knew nothing
would hurt him. I loved his call out to the one man speech. One man can be Part, Part
of Something Greater.
When he left at the end too and said I’m everywhere, it was the writers leaving room
for him to cameo on the show again next season. It’s funny the way Marvel never throws characters
away. Which actually ties in to my next moment.
Number 3 - Coulson Takes Down Garrett
More like liquifies him with the Tesseract Gun. This was just like the moment at the
end of Avengers where the Hulk thrashes Loki around. Garrett has this moment of evil triumph
like he thinks he’s escaped and bam, you get that Joss Whedon head jerk to Coulson.
I just love how nonchalant he is about the whole moment to, it just completely subverts
our expectations and that’s why it’s so good.
It was moments like that early in the Marvel Movie Universe that made Coulson such a fan
favorite. Just him casually reacting to extreme situations. Oh Asgardian Robot killing everything
in the desert, hmm.
The only bad part is that those types of things spoil us, and because you can’t do them
every week I get bummed out it’s going to be Guardians of The Galaxy before we get to
see something like that again. Actually technically that’s November, SHIELD will be back before
then. So let’s say the Season 2 premiere before we get another “Coulson Reacts”
Quick side note too. We now know that the Tesseract gun is more powerful than the Destroyer
Number 2 - Skye Is An Important Part of The Evolution
We didn’t get an official answer one way or the other, but Raina and Garrett mentioned
the words evolution and becoming something greater in almost every scene they were in.
I’m going to save some of the theories for the season 2 part of this video, but I love
the way the show is doing this crazy cosmic comic book rhetoric in a way that allows them
to not have to show it to us. I actually kept expecting Garrett to morph into something
else after Deathlok smashed him.
Earlier when he said this is the beginning of the end he was talking about throwing things
into the next stage of evolution. That really made me think Terrigen Mists and Inhumans,
because something similar happened in the Marvel Infinity comic book last year. And
Marvel is trying to develop an Inhumans movie at some point.
And Skye’s Father at the end. He and Raina and Skye all make me think that there are
multiple types of new aliens on the show. The problem is it all depends on whether an
Inhuman would be able to take a transfusion from a Kree, a la TAHITI Blue Alien. For the
sake of argument let’s say maybe, but Raina is probably an Inhuman. The term Monster just
fits so well, since sometimes inhumans turn into physically monstrous looking things when
they inhale the Mists. So in a way, SHIELD is setting up multiple big galactic things
in a really subtle way.
The show doesn’t cross over with the movies very often. But both influence each other.
So things that happen on SHIELD will have an impact on the plot of movies.
Number 1 - Fury Tasks Coulson With Rebuilding Shield
I suspected this might be the case, but I never predicted Coulson would become director
of SHIELD. That black box is going to be the maguffin of Season 2, we can talk about that
in a sec. But we found out they have another new secret base with another Patton Oswalt.
I’m going to go ahead and say Life Model Decoy. Wouldn’t it be funny if there was
a copy in ever single one of the super secret Nick Fury Black Sites. Just 50 or 60 Patton
Oswalts playing video games in the dark by themselves. Or maybe a massive Call of Duty
Lan Party.
I think my favorite quote from the episode was Garrett saying I’m the key to the future
of the Universe.
But now it’s your turn. Let me know what your favorite moment or moments were. It’s
hard to pick. But I felt a lot of Whedonverse mojo in this.
Overall the episode was a solid A. Definitely a high point for the season. Bill Paxton was
a breath of fresh air for the show and I’m only sorry he didn’t come on sooner. I think
that was mostly because when they started. The show only had a six episode commitment.
So they didn’t even know if they’d get renewed. They even shot the first three episodes
before episode 1 ever aired. So they didn’t even get feedback from the fandom until they
were mid-way through the first half of the season.
But now that the heavy lifting task of developing the core team members is over. The show can
start to have some more fun and get even more meta. I love what they did with Ward’s character.
Brett Dalton is still growing on me, his fight with May is the perfect metaphor for how most
people reacted to him until we learned he was Hydra. It was like he was trolling us
the whole time with the vanilla quarterback routine.
Coulson was already a great character when the show started. But now that we’ve got
to know him so much better he’s so much more complex. Before Agents of SHIELD he was
essentially the setup man for Tony Stark jokes. Which isn’t a bad job, but Nick Fury named
him as a core Avenger in this episode. So Marvel and Disney just made Coulson as important
as Captain America and Iron Man.
I don’t think that means we’ll ever see a Coulson movie, but I’m totally fine with
that. A lot of the credit this season goes to Jed Whedon and Maurissa Tancheron. They
really did most of the work this season. A lot of people realize that even though Joss
Whedon was involved in getting this show off the ground. They were the ones that ran the
show all season while he was away working on Avengers 2. So if you really like the show.
They’re the ones to thank.
When it was announced SHIELD got renewed for Season 2 they even posted themselves dancing
crazy on instagram, so high fives to them.
Now it’s time for some Theorycrafting on Season 2. So everybody start scanning dialogue
and easter eggs again. First off, the plot.
That little black box Fury gave Coulson will be where most of their ideas for missions
come from. They used it to find their new base. So they’re going to just keep “finding”
interesting things in that database to investigate.
Just because Patton Oswalt was in the base when they arrived doesn’t mean he’ll be
in every episode, but he’ll definitely cameo again. They’re probably going to spend most
of their time on the plane traveling places.
As for the rest of the team, Triplett is probably going to replace Ward as the muscle man for
a little while. But Brett Dalton isn’t off the show. Ward will still be a main cast member.
Coulson said they’d use him to get HYDRA intel. So either they’re going to permanently
house him inside that special room on the plane, or they’ll keep him locked up at
that base. My money is on them keeping him close by. So Ming Na can slap him around once
a week.
Fitz is the big question mark right now. They made it sound like he’d lost some brain
function. So maybe part of his arc next season will be learning how to be a team member when
he’s not super smart anymore. Like learning to contribute and be special in a new way.
He’s not off the show either, so he’s definitely still on the team.
Garrett is definitely a puddle of goo, so he won’t be the villain again. That honor
will probably fall to Skye’s mystery Father. The Inhuman. He’s definitely not a Kree.
That’s funny too, because the macguffin this season was the super blood and on Arrow
it was the mirakuru. And next season it looks like SHIELD’s villain will be Skye’s Father
and on Arrow it looks like Thea’s father or Felicity’s father might be the villain.
I know they’re not copying each other, but the similarities in story elements is just
too weird to not think about.
Moving on to Skye’s heritage. Like I just said, Raina, who I suspect is an Inhuman who
hasn’t taken in the Mists of Terrigen, has a pre-existing relationhip with Skye’s father.
Who did not look like that Blue Kree alien. Ergo, my best theory right now is that she
is an Inhuman. But she’s not like a princess or anything. Black Bolt is still king of the
Inhumans and that guy did not look like Black Bolt. He seemed pretty evil. And in case you
couldn’t see, he was covered in blood for unknown reasons.
I expect this Inhumans secret to be like the Coulson TAHITI mystery next season. It’s
going to take most of the season for the show to fully explain it.
Let me know what your big theories for season 2 are and if you agree that Skye is an Inhuman
based on all the evidence.
So next week I’ll be doing Marvel Movie videos and Star Wars on tuesday. Be sure to
subscribe to get everything and leave me suggestions for bonus videos.
Tomorrow is the Arrow Finale and the first Flash trailer. If you check the description
I posted a link to my master video schedule so you can find out when I’m posting stuff.
Right now click here to learn all about the Agent Carter TV Show and the Netflix Shows
and Click here for a breakdown of Ben Affleck’s Batsuit and the new Batmobile.
Thanks for watching, see you guys tomorrow!