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Hey guys
So my friend Taylor recently did a 50 Things About Me video
and I thought it was about time I did one
because you guys don't really know anything about me
So yeah! Let's do it!
所以 開始吧!
I am Canadian! I am from Victoria, BC
我是加拿大人 來自維多利亞(不列顛哥倫比亞)
It is a town on the west coast
It's on an island, it's a really beautiful place
它在島上 是個非常漂亮的地方
I have one sister! She is younger than me
我有一個妹妹 她年紀比我小
And we have the exact same voice
So when we answer the phone our friends will just assume that it's the person they want to talk to
所以當我們接電話時 我們的朋友會以為接電話的就是他們要找的人
and just start talking to us
The only things I like to drink are water, tea and juice
and sometimes hot chocolate
I don't really like carbonated drinks or drinks with sugar in them
So I really don't like soda
I don't drink much alcohol and I don't really like coffee
我不怎麼喝酒 也不是很喜歡咖啡
But I am a big tea drinker, I am such a tea addict
但我很常喝茶 我是“茶控”
My favourite ice cream flavour is cotton candy
The only 2 types of music that I listen to regularly are metal and k-pop
My favourite number is 4
But in Japan 4 represents death so it's kind of awkward
但是在日本 “4“代表“死” 所以有點怪怪的
Tofu and broccoli are two of my top favourite foods
I don't like any hard candies, including lollipops
我不喜歡硬糖 包括棒棒糖
I don't know why, I've never liked them
我不知道為什麼 就是不喜歡
I have a skin disorder called Vitiligo
Which means my skin loses patches of pigment in random areas all over my body
那意味著我的皮膚會失去一塊塊色素 在身體的各個部位
You guys commented once, you saw it on my hand
你們有人曾留言說 看到了我的手
I don't know if you can tell here, but see how it's whiter than the rest of my hand?
我不知道這樣看不看得出 但這裡比我的手的其他部分還白
I'm lucky because I'm really pale to start with, so you can't really notice it
但我很幸運 因為我膚色本來就很白 所以不怎麼看得出
But I also have a big patch around my eye here
So when I'm not wearing makeup you can kind of see that
If I don't get a tan it's not really that noticeable so I don't mind it
如果我不曬黑的話是不太明顯的 所以我不怎麼介意
But I do try to avoid getting a tan
because it becomes really obvious when the rest of my skin is a darker colour
因為我皮膚一但曬黑 失去色素的部分就會變得很明顯
I'm not a big TV watcher
But the only shows that I really enjoy watching are ones that are about ghosts or aliens
One of my favourite movies is called The Game
我最喜歡的電影之一是《The Game》(心理遊戲)
I recommend watching it if you haven't seen it yet
如果還沒看過的話 強烈推薦看看
I used to be horribly addicted to Neopets
When I say horribly I mean from the moment I woke up until I went to sleep I would play Neopets
我說“超級” 意思是從睜開眼到睡覺前我會一直玩
I had a guild and I had all the rare items
我還有一個協會 然後我有所有的稀有物品
I kicked ass at that game
And to be honest I kinda miss it
說真的 有點想念那遊戲
I am a chapstick addict
我是 “ChapStick 控” (一款潤唇膏的名字)
I probably own about 30 of them
If I go out and I realize that I forgot to bring my chapstick with me
I will buy a new one
My favourite pokemon is Paras because he has the cutest voice ever
我最喜歡的神奇寶貝是“派拉斯“ 因為它有最可愛的聲音
90% of my wardrobe is either black, white or grey
And the other 10% is crazy bright colours or pastels
I am 165cm tall
I didn't have a cell phone all through high school
and the first time I got one I was 19 years old
That was like my 3rd year in university
I can't sleep unless my room is pitch black
And it bothers me so much when people put on music when they go to sleep
有些人睡覺時會開著音樂 這讓我很困擾
I would sleep over at my friend's house and they would put on music when it was time for bed
在朋友家過夜時 朋友會在睡覺的時間開音樂
And I could not sleep because I'll focus on the music
OMG it drives me insane
天啊 那快把我逼瘋了
I love horror movies
95% of the movies I watch are horror movies
I've probably seen every horror movie that was ever made, pretty much
我大概看過所有的恐怖片 差不多吧
And I still haven't found any that I really enjoy, they're never scary enough
不過我還沒找到一部我很喜歡的 因為都不夠恐怖
Roller coasters scare the hell out of me and I hate them
雲霄飛車讓我嚇破膽 我超討厭雲霄飛車
I don't script any of my videos (except for this one)
我錄視頻都沒有稿子 除了這個
Because there was no way that I could remember 50 things
But I absolutely hate writing so I will avoid it at all costs
I used to have my nose, my lip, and my tragus pierced
But I took them out when I came to Japan because people aren't very accepting of piercings here
但是來到日本時我全都拿掉了 因為這裡不是很接受人們在身上穿洞
And I probably wouldn't have been able to get any work
I used to love the Ninja Turtles when I was little (and I still do)
我小時候很喜歡“忍者神龜” 現在還很喜歡
My favourite was Raphael and I was pretty much in love with him
我最喜歡拉斐爾 我很迷戀他
I honestly have no plans for the future
The only thing that I know is that I want a house with at least 4 cats in it
I was in university for about 10 years. 10 YEARS guys.
我上了10年的大學 10年喔
I completed 2 degrees and another tourism program
I just couldn't decide what I wanted to do
I would finish a program and then be like "Eh. I don't really wanna work in a job related to this"
完成了一個課程後我會想說 ”其實我不是很想從事和這相關的工作“
And then I would start something else, and something else
然後我會讀其他東西 然後再讀其他東西
And yeah it added up to about 10 years
And I'm really excited to be all finished with it now
because I hate studying in school, I can't stand it
因為我很討厭在學校上課 完全受不了
My birthday is April 23rd I'm a taurus
我的生日是4月23日 我是金牛座
Unlike my profile on Famous Birthdays says, I am not 30 I am still 29
和Famous Birthdays說的不一樣 我今年才29不是30
I played jazz saxophone for 5 years
I played alto and I also played baritone
我吹的是女低音 還有男中音
and it was my favourite thing ever!
But when I left high school I didn't really have any opportunity to play it anymore
So I stopped... and I really miss it
所以我就沒吹了 好想念喔
I used to have platinum blonde hair, and I really loved it
我染過淡金髮 我真的很喜歡那個顏色
And I always think about dying it again
But the upkeep is pretty intense so I'm not sure if I ever will
但是維持起來很麻煩 所以我不清楚會不會再染那個顏色
I love cleaning! Vacuuming and organising...
Honestly everything except for doing the dishes
說真的所有的掃除和清潔 除了洗碗
I think it's gross, I don't like touching them
我覺得骯髒的碗碟很噁心 我不喜歡碰它們
So if you come to my house you'll probably notice that the dishes are never washed
如果你來的家的話 你可能會留意到我的碗碟都沒有洗
I kinda just leave them there until I have no dishes left and then I'll do them
我會把它們留在一邊 直到沒有碗碟用了才洗
Because I hate getting my hands dirty
I was a carpenter for about ten years in Canada
It's probably the worst job for me
Because every time I would get something on my hands, I would have to go wash them
因為每次手沾到東西 我就會去洗手
and the person that I worked with it would drive him insane
But I just hate the feeling of having dirty hands
I'm addicted to an app called Line Play
我很迷一個叫 LINE PLAY 的 APP
And I'm not even addicted to the main part of it
I'm addicted to the little bonus game called Fruit Monsters
If any of you have played it you probably know how addictive it is
I'm on level 250 or something
and it's getting kinda crazy, I play it every night before I go to bed
有點瘋狂 我每晚睡覺前都會玩
I hate hot weather
The summer in Japan drives me crazy
I just wanna stay inside and never leave my house
我只想躲在室內 然後不出門
I have horrible eyesight and I own several pairs of glasses
我的視力不好 我有好幾幅眼鏡
But I never wear them because I don't like how they look
但我都不戴 因為我不喜歡它們的樣子
The only countries I have visited are America, Cuba, Germany, Korea and Japan
and I would like to visit lots more because I love travelling
我很想去更多的國家 因為我很喜歡旅行
I absolutely hate the smell of perfumes
Unless they are cotton candy or fruit scented
My favourite computer game is Commander Keen
我最喜歡的電腦遊戲是 “Commander Keen”(指揮官基恩)
I don't know if anyone else out there knows it
But I used to play it so much that I could get through the first level with my eyes closed
我以前很常玩 甚至可以閉著眼過第一關
My favourite holiday is Halloween because I love dressing up
我最喜歡的節日是萬聖節 因為我很喜歡打扮
I absolutely love hiking and walking
I could walk all day long and not get tired, I think it's really fun
我可以走整天也不覺得累 我覺得很好玩
and that's where I get most of my exercise
I read every single one of my comments on YouTube probably about 10 times each
我會閱讀我YouTube的視頻上的每則留言 每則都會讀差不多10次
because the comment system sucks
and even when you click "Newest Comments" it doesn't show you the newest comments
即使按“最新留言” 系統也不會顯示最新的留言
and I'm always coming back to check them, even comments on old videos
所以我常常會回來看留言 舊的視頻也一樣
So rest assured, I read every single one of your comments
所以放心 你們的每一則留言我都有看到
I don't have time to reply to all of them but I am definitely reading them
我沒有時間回復全部 但我都有在讀
And I appreciate every single one of them, so thanks guys
我很感激你們的每一則留言 謝謝你們!
My favourite childhood movies are The Neverending Story and Labyrinth
我最喜歡的童年電影是“The Neverending Story” (說不完的故事)和“Labyrinth”(魔幻迷宮)
My favourite part about myself is my nails
They have always been really long and easy to grow and they're really strong
我的指甲一直都很長 很容易長長也很強韌
and the shape is always nice
I always have them painted
I didn't have nail polish on my nails for about a whole week this year
今年 我有整整一個星期沒有擦指甲油
And I think that was the first time in 5 years that I've done that
and it felt weird. I just love having my nails painted
就感覺怪怪的 我喜歡給指甲上色
I love Japanese sports cars
My favourites are Nissan Skyline R-32 and 34, Silvia S15 and Toyota Supra
我最喜歡的是日產SkylineR32和R34 還有日產SilviaS15和豐田Supra
I used to be obsessed with wrestling
My favourite wrestlers were Hulk Hogan (when he was called that)
我最喜歡的選手是霍克·霍肯(Hulk Hogan ) 當他還是叫這個名字的時候
and more recently, The Rock
比較近期喜歡的是巨石強森(The Rock)
I love staying inside
I would much rather spend the day inside playing video games and watching a movie
than going out and doing anything
I can speak a little Chinese
Even though there is a cat bus in Totoro, my favourite Ghibli movie is Princess Mononoke
雖然“龍貓”裡有個貓巴士 但我最喜歡的吉卜力動畫是“魔法公主”
One of my goals while living in Japan that I haven't completed yet is learning how to play tsugaru shamisen
我在日本想完成 但還沒完成的一個目標是 學會津輕三味線
My favourite YouTubers to watch are PDR-san and Abroad in Japan
我最喜歡看的 YouTuber 是PDR-san 和 Abroad in Japan
because I love their sense of humour
I hate white sugar and I don't put it on anything
我討厭白糖 我不會在任何食物裡加白糖
If I want to sweeten something I will always use honey
I absolutely hate flying in airplanes
That's horrible for me because I fly quite often for work and for travel because I love travelling
這對我來說很不妙 因為我常常為了工作和旅遊坐飛機 我非常喜歡旅行
But yeah, I somehow get through it
但是 我好像克服了
I don't let it hold me back from going places, because that would suck
我不想讓這恐懼阻止我去別的地方 那樣很討厭
But I'm so terrified and I think I'm going to die every time
但我又很怕 每次都覺得自己會死掉
All right guys! That was 50 things about me.
Did you learn something new?
I would also like to learn something about you guys
In the comments, tell me one thing about yourselves
It can be anything you like, just one interesting fact that you would like me to know
你想分享什麼都可以 一個你想讓我知道的有趣的事
Thanks for watching guys, and I'll see you soon! Bye!