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  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: Hello, and thank you

  • for coming out to this year's Google I/O conference.

  • I'm Chris Ramsdale.

  • KATE VOLKOVA: I'm Kate Volkova, software engineer on App Engine

  • team.


  • And today, if you didn't get a chance

  • to attend the keynote session, there

  • was a lot of great technologies that

  • were announced and talked about.

  • Android had a slew of amazing technology that's coming out,

  • for both the consumer and the developer.

  • Chrome had some great advancements.

  • The Cloud Platform has some great technologies

  • that were coming out.

  • And I'm happy to talk about a few of those

  • as we go through the session today.

  • So if you did get to attend, you saw

  • that our director of product management, Greg DeMichillie,

  • was using a demo application called WalkShare, which

  • was an Android client that was hooked up

  • to back-end services that are running on our Cloud

  • Platform-- namely managed VMs that were running on top of App

  • Engine and a Redis Cluster that was

  • running on top of Compute Engine--

  • and using the Datastore to store data.

  • That allowed you to save walks, and then share them

  • with your friends, and then have your friends comment on them.

  • Well, today in this session, Zero to Hero with Google Cloud

  • Platform, we're going to take a look at that application

  • and do a deeper dive into how we built it,

  • using our unified tool chain, our managed platform.

  • Kate's going to talk a bit about how we run Google production

  • services on your laptop so you can be an efficient developer.

  • And then finally, we'll look at some advancements

  • we're making in the DevOp space so that you can actually

  • debug your application in production

  • and feel confident about what's running.

  • So to get started, we need to start

  • with the foundation, a cloud platform project.

  • And that's super simple to do.

  • All we need to do is bump out to our developer console here.

  • We do Create Project.

  • We'll give it a sample name, demo name.

  • We'll call it walkshare10.

  • And we'll go ahead and create that.

  • Now, that's going to take about 10 to 15 seconds.

  • And while that does happen, let's

  • take a look at some of the changes

  • that we've made in our Developer Console since our Cloud event

  • back in March.

  • So the focus has been on taking the user experience

  • and really consolidating it down to the core pieces

  • of your application.

  • So as you can see on the left-hand side,

  • we have APIs and Auth so that your application connect back

  • to Google Cloud services and other Google services,

  • as well as third party applications connecting back

  • into your application, as well, via the endpoints

  • that you might surface through Cloud

  • Endpoints or any RESTful style.

  • We have Monitoring, right?

  • So a consolidated view into the metrics

  • that are coming from your application-- the performance

  • of that application as well as centralized logging,

  • coming from Compute Engine and App Engine, which

  • I'll touch on throughout the talk.

  • Source Code for storing your source code in the cloud,

  • as well as doing your builds in the cloud.

  • Compute, a consolidated home for both App Engine and Compute

  • Engine.

  • And finally, Storage for all things storage

  • related, whether it be non-relational, relational,

  • or blob data.

  • And then Big Data for our analytics tools,

  • such as BigQuery and Cloud Dataflow,

  • that we announced today.

  • So now we'll see that our application

  • has been successfully built.

  • So simple enough?

  • Well, actually, through that process,

  • within that 10 to 15 seconds, we've

  • created quite a bit of infrastructure

  • for you and on your behalf.

  • We've created namespaces so that your application can connect

  • back to our multi-tenant services, our cloud services,

  • via Memcache, Datastore for storing NoSQL type data, task

  • queues for communicating within your application.

  • We've created those namespaces for you

  • so you can securely hook into those services.

  • We've given you a centralized logs repository

  • so you can funnel all of your data from your compute back

  • to one spot, where you can view it and interact

  • with it via the Logs API or through our Developer Console.

  • We've given you a Git repository so you can actually

  • store all your source code into the cloud,

  • enable things like Cloud Debugger,

  • like you saw today from Greg.

  • And then we also give you agents that

  • are running on top of these VMs that are hooking back

  • into all of our monitoring data.

  • So they're monitoring the applications that are running,

  • they're monitoring your compute, and they're

  • funneling all of that data back into the dashboards

  • that we have.

  • OK, great.

  • So now that we've got this up and running,

  • we've got our project created, let's actually

  • add some source code to it.

  • And I want to do that with our Google Cloud SDK.

  • It's our unified tool chain that brings together

  • all the services within Cloud, be it

  • App Engine, Compute Engine, Cloud Storage, Cloud Datastore,

  • pulls it all into one unified tool

  • chain so you have those services available at your fingertips.

  • So see that if we bump out to our terminal

  • here, I have some local source.

  • And what I want to do is I want to take that local source

  • and push it into the cloud, and then actually have it built

  • and be deployed, and we can check out

  • our application running.

  • So this is pretty straightforward.

  • I'm going to use our G Cloud application, or Google Cloud

  • SDK.

  • And since I'm terrible about remembering command line

  • options, command line parameters,

  • I'm happy that they actually have code completion

  • and command completion built into the SDK.

  • So if I just do a double tap, I'll

  • get the commands that I can run.

  • You know, sometimes in life, it's

  • just the little things that actually make your life much,

  • much better.

  • So I do gcloud init, and we'll use that same application

  • that we-- same project that we just built.

  • All right, and that's going to go through,

  • and it's going to create some local directories for me,

  • in which lies some metadata about the Git repository.

  • All right, let's clear that for ease of use.

  • Now, what we'll do is we'll navigate into that directory,

  • and we'll copy in our source.

  • OK, so we get a Java application,

  • represented by a pom.xml file and some source.

  • What we'll do is we're going to go ahead and add that.

  • And commit.

  • Let's see, initial commit for the comment.

  • All right, all looks good.

  • And then finally, if we just do a Git push,

  • it'll push that up into our Repo.

  • OK, there we go.

  • So it's taking my local source and pushing it into the cloud.

  • And the idea there is that we want

  • you to be a productive developer and allow

  • you to use the tools that you're used to, in this case,

  • Git, to develop locally and then finally, run.

  • And I mean run, I mean in Google production data centers.

  • So as this Git push is going from source into the cloud,

  • into that Git repository, we're going

  • to see that there are services that

  • are picking it up and actually building it.

  • So let's funnel back over to our developer console.

  • And if we go to our project, we do

  • a refresh on the Git repository.

  • OK, so we see my source code now, up in the cloud.

  • And you see my last comment, which was just initial commit.

  • And then since this is a Java application,

  • we need to build it somewhere.

  • What we'll see is if we click down into the Releases section

  • here, we should see a build that has been kicked off.

  • Give it just a second.

  • OK.

  • There we go.

  • And actually, by this time, it's actually

  • build, tested, and deployed.

  • So where is it actually building?

  • So we saw that we have a Git repository in the cloud.

  • I pushed everything up there.

  • Something had to kick in.

  • What we're doing is, on your behalf,

  • we're spinning up a Compute Engine virtual machine

  • that's running Jenkins.

  • So to do continuous integration for you,

  • it's picking up that push, because there's hooks into it,

  • it's building on the VM, it's running my tests.

  • And if all my tests pass, it actually does a deploy out

  • to App Engine.

  • And we can see that right here.

  • And if we drill in, we can see the

  • build logs and the diff and everything like that.

  • So if everything is working correctly,

  • we should have a new version up and running.

  • And if I go to, voila.

  • So there's our application running.

  • If I click here-- so we'll post a silly comment.

  • Good.

  • Everything is saved.

  • So now we've pushed everything into the cloud,

  • and it's running.

  • Now, once this is running at scale,

  • let's say that we wanted to do some sentiment analysis

  • or something on this application.

  • So I've got hundreds of thousands

  • of comments that are running in, that are being stored.

  • And I want to take and do some sentiment analysis

  • on those comments that are coming in.

  • Now, to do that, I know that I'm going

  • to need a bigger, beefier machine.

  • I'll need more CPU and more memory, right?

  • And furthermore, I'll need some kind of library

  • that will allow me to do analysis

  • on the streams that are coming in.

  • Something like OpenCL, which is a fantastic

  • library for doing this.

  • Now, the problem is that, historically, App Engine

  • hasn't supported this.

  • For security and scalability reasons,

  • you're not able to run native code, so C or C++ code,

  • or access things like the file system or the network stack.

  • It also doesn't have the memory configurations and the CPU

  • configurations, the footprints, that I

  • need to run sentiment analysis.

  • At the same time, though, I don't

  • want to jump all the way over into unmanaged infrastructure

  • as a service and run all those VMs myself.

  • So lucky for me that back in March of this year,

  • at our Cloud Platform Live event,

  • we launched into limited preview a new feature

  • called Managed VMs, which takes the management platform

  • capabilities of App Engine and merges those

  • with the power, the control, and the flexibility of Compute

  • Engine, thus providing you the best of both worlds.

  • And in the spirit of making developers highly efficient,

  • we've made this super simple for you to get up

  • and running, to move from App Engine into Managed VMs.

  • All you have to do is change your configuration files.

  • So here, we're looking at a Java configuration file.

  • You set the VM property to true.

  • Easy enough.

  • You specify which machine type you would want.

  • In this case, we want an n1-standard,

  • but actually there's a little typo in this [? deck. ?]

  • You actually want a high CPU machine here.

  • But the nice thing is that with this property,

  • you can specify any Compute Engine machine type,

  • both that we have now and the ones

  • that we're investing in in the days in the future

  • and in the months to come.

  • And then we need to specify the number of instances

  • that we want.

  • In this case, I just say that I want five.

  • You can put whatever you want to in here.

  • And furthermore, you can programmatically

  • change the number of instances when

  • you're running in production.

  • And then, in the coming months, we'll

  • have auto scaling that will apply to this as well.

  • So we'll really build out the complete offering.

  • At that point in time, you'd be running in production,

  • and you'd have access to those native resources

  • that I talked about.

  • You'd have that flexibility of Compute Engine.

  • So you could get at the lower level network stack,

  • or the file system, you could run the OpenCL or C or C++

  • binary that you wanted to run, and you'd be able to do

  • the sentiment analysis that we were looking at.

  • Now, furthermore, it's not just about being

  • able to run these native libraries

  • and have access to the network stack.

  • This also brings to the front a new hosting environment,

  • where we can build new run times, both internal to Google

  • and external.

  • So we won't be constrained to just having Java and Python

  • and PHP.

  • We could look at having Scala or Haskell or [? Node. ?]

  • And to prove this out, we've been

  • working with internal teams-- both the Go team

  • and the Dart team-- that are both done in the Cloud sandbox,

  • or down in the sandbox today, as we speak.

  • We've worked with them over the months to build this out

  • and to actually have them vet out

  • this new hosting environment, where

  • they can run these run times.

  • And we're looking to partner with other people

  • within the community and other open source providers

  • to make this happen.

  • And so at the end of it, once you've made your configuration

  • changes, all you need to do is save your file,

  • do another Git commit, do another Git push,

  • and you're running into production.

  • And when you do that push, what's nice,

  • and what is in the spirit of making developers highly

  • productive, is that that actual push, those

  • I think it was one, two, three, four, five

  • lines of configuration, get pushed out,

  • and you have managed VMs running in production.

  • And what that means is that we give you

  • the hosting environment.

  • So Compute Engine VMs, we make sure that they're healthy,

  • and we make sure they put health checking on them and healing.

  • We give you a web server, because after all, you're

  • serving web traffic.

  • We give you an application server to run your application.

  • We give you a Java Runtime Environment to run Java.

  • And then we run all your third party code as well.

  • Then we take and install a load balancer, and wire it all up,

  • and hook it into your web servers.

  • And we configure that all for you, on your behalf.

  • You don't have to specify any of that.

  • And furthermore, in this model, what you do

  • is you get us providing operating system updates

  • and security patches for that hosting environment,

  • similar to how we do on App Engine today.

  • We do colocation and locality optimizations.

  • What that means is that we take all the pieces

  • of your application and make sure

  • that they're running together in a very highly available way

  • so that we're minimizing network latency

  • and latency within your application

  • and giving you very, very high SLAs.

  • And then finally, you get Google as your SRE.

  • And what does that last point mean?

  • That's a great question.

  • At Google, there's a set of software engineers

  • that are tasked with making sure that services like Search,

  • and Gmail, and Geo-- they're ensuring that they have

  • high uptime and they're running in a very efficient manner.

  • And what they do is, with those SREs, with Managed VMs,

  • you're getting the same-- they're watching over

  • your production deployments in the same manner that they're

  • watching over Search and then applying the same monitoring

  • that they have for App Engine for years and years and years.

  • So what that means for you as a developer is

  • you focus on your code and what you want to build.

  • And when you deploy it into Google production,

  • the SREs are watching over that-- the SREs and a lot

  • of our services-- to ensure that you have high uptime

  • and performance.

  • So if there's something like network degradation in a data

  • center, you don't want to worry about that.

  • We got that covered.

  • If there's some link between two data centers

  • that has degraded performance, you

  • don't need to worry about that either, right?

  • If there's some external event that are actually

  • impacting the running of your applications,

  • we've got that covered as well.

  • We've got monitoring services built into the data

  • centers that funnel back into our SREs,

  • and into our graphs and our dashboards,

  • to make sure that everything is running performantly for you.

  • Now, with Managed VMs, one other point

  • is we're running all of that inside of containers

  • on top of Compute Engine.

  • And we happen to be using Docker as our technology.

  • Now, why are we using Docker?

  • It's pretty cool, right?

  • Who's heard of Docker in the crowd today?

  • Yeah, that's what I thought.

  • So it's a great technology, and it

  • does a lot of amazing things.

  • But more specifically, what it does

  • is it's a tool chain that gives us static binaries

  • that our services can scale up and scale down.

  • It's like a template that you can just

  • go punch out new ones, right?

  • Give me one more of these, give me one more these,

  • give me one more of these.

  • And since it's static, we don't have

  • to do any initialization when we spin it up.

  • It's very good for scaling.

  • Finally, also it provides portability.

  • So that which you are building on your local environment,

  • we can easily run in production, and it just moves with you.

  • And finally, it provides a container host environment

  • that allows us to manage the host environment,

  • providing those OS updates and security patches

  • that I had talked about before, without impacting

  • that which is running inside the container,

  • concretely, your application.

  • And for more about how we're using containers within Google,

  • be sure to check out these two sessions on containers

  • in Google Cloud and containers in App Engine

  • over the course of today and tomorrow.

  • OK, so just to check in, we've gone through quite a bit here

  • in a matter of about 15, 20 minutes.

  • We've clearly moved away from the zero stage

  • and closer to the hero stage, right?

  • We've gone through getting started

  • and getting something up and running.

  • We've gone through getting some code,

  • hooking that code up to our Git repository in the cloud.

  • We've pushed, we've seen it build,

  • and we've deployed out to production.

  • We've utilized a new feature set within Managed VMs.

  • So I definitely think we're making

  • a fair amount of progress here.

  • But I did mention that we are going to talk about some code,

  • and Kate's going to dive into how

  • we're doing production of Google services on your laptop.

  • So without further ado, I'm going to hand it over to Kate.


  • Clap for her, come on.

  • Kate, Kate, Kate.


  • KATE VOLKOVA: So here, on my laptop,

  • I've already got the code for our WalkShare demo.

  • And it's in the diagram of the project already,

  • maybe even more than once today.

  • So I'm not showing it again.

  • But just as a quick reminder, we've

  • got an Android mobile application,

  • and then we've got the whole bunch of modules

  • running on App Engine servers, or on Compute Engine

  • instances, that prices, comments, or displays

  • any other stats for us.

  • So let's see what we are going to concentrate

  • on today, which is App Engine modules,

  • and in particular, your workflow when

  • developing on our platform.

  • So you see here, I've got three modules.

  • One is a web front-end, written in Python and JavaScript.

  • This.

  • And the second one is the common server, written in Java,

  • that runs on Managed VMs.

  • And the third module is a server talking

  • to the [INAUDIBLE] storage, written in Go.

  • So to allow you to iterate more quickly when developing

  • on our platform, our SDK provides a set of tools

  • to emulate App Engine production environment locally

  • on your machine.

  • And as all the other Google Cloud Platform command line

  • tools, it is now bundled under Cloud SDK

  • and available under gcloud command.

  • So let's try to run that command.

  • So here, what I passed through it is just the output level

  • that I want to see.

  • Then App preview, seeing that we're in preview right now.

  • Then app, that's saying that it's App Engine component.

  • Run the command that I actually want to do.

  • And then the list of modules, and they just patch

  • that tells App Engine which request

  • to route to which module.

  • It's actually already started, but I

  • thought it could take a couple minutes.

  • So here is the diagram to explain

  • what was going to happen.

  • So when you run gcloud command, app run command,

  • we start the development server for you,

  • locally, on your machine.

  • And that development server is just

  • a web server that simulates running App Engine production

  • environment locally on your machine.

  • And by simulating here, I mean first is enforcing some sandbox

  • restrictions that you would have,

  • running App Engine application in production, like now

  • restricted access to the file system.

  • Or in second but more-- that seems more important to

  • me is emulating all of our services

  • again, locally, on your machine, like Datastore or Memcache.

  • And on top of that, you also get the local implementation

  • of admin console that, again, helps you debugging the app.

  • So nothing really new yet.

  • But if you remember, one of our modules

  • is a module, running on Managed VMs and has this magic VM

  • equals true setting in App Engine

  • configuration file, App Engine [INAUDIBLE] XML.

  • So how we're going to emulate that-- I mean,

  • starting and restarting several virtual machines,

  • one for each instance, on your laptop

  • would significantly slow things down, if not

  • completely kill it.

  • So here, the technology that is gaining more and more momentum

  • lately, called containers, comes to the rescue.

  • And we use Docker containers to provide you

  • with a local experience when developing for Managed VMs.

  • So when you have VM equals true in your App Engine

  • configuration file, development server

  • will trigger the Docker build command and build the image

  • with your code, or your binaries.

  • And then it will run that command

  • and start the container for you and start routing requests

  • from development server to your container

  • and to your app running inside of that container.

  • And to make this scheme work on all the platforms

  • that we support, be that Linux, Mac, or Windows,

  • we still have a virtual machine with that Docker demand

  • preconfigured out and running on it.

  • But just one.

  • So now that we know what's supposed to be happening, let's

  • flip back to the logs and quickly go over what

  • I've just talked for you.

  • So first we see starting API server,

  • so we'll get our local Datastore and Memcache implementation.

  • Then we are starting a dispatcher module

  • and all the other modules.

  • And here, we are connecting to the Docker daemon

  • and starting the Managed VM module.

  • So we are building the image, we are tagging it

  • as application ID, module name, and the version.

  • Then we build that image, we create a container

  • from that image, and we start running it.

  • We also sent the start signal to that instance

  • exactly the same way as it works in production.

  • And this time, it even [? rates ?] 2,200,

  • which is cool.

  • So one more thing to note here that we'll get to a little bit

  • later is this line, that we can also

  • debug, attach the debugger to our container,

  • and do some debugging.

  • So one more thing to see here is the docker ps command

  • that just lists all the containers running

  • on my machine.

  • And so I have these containers running for three minutes.

  • That's about time I've been talking.

  • And we can even get some logs from that container,

  • seeing that we are starting the instance in debug mode,

  • and forwarded the log somewhere.

  • Again.

  • So now we have everything up and running.

  • So let's see how it looks like.

  • Hmm.

  • Pretty similar to what Chris just shown in production,

  • even though it's locally on my machine.

  • And again, what I was talking about

  • is the local version of admin console

  • that lists all of our modules.

  • We can click on these instances.

  • This is just a testing servlet printing out

  • the Java version of the comments module.

  • So we have the standard Java 7.

  • And then we can do some more stuff here.

  • We can see the indices, for example.

  • We can change something in the Datastore, like unknown.

  • Maybe after this talk I will be better known,

  • so let's update this one.

  • So sometimes little things like that help us

  • with debugging when we develop the application locally.

  • So let's try to post a comment now.

  • Hmm.

  • Something is definitely wrong.

  • Chris, I told you not to touch my code before the demo.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: I sent you a code review.



  • KATE VOLKOVA: Well, well.

  • So I mean-- in normal life, if something

  • like that happens in production, the first thing I would do

  • is probably go check the Datastore

  • if the data is corrupted.

  • But again, Chris asked me to show you

  • how easy the local debugging of your App Engine module running

  • inside of the Docker container can be.

  • So let's try to do that.

  • So here I have the Android Studio

  • and my project open in here.

  • And I guess part of that application is Android.

  • So we're just using the same tool

  • for developing all of the modules.

  • And here, let's try to attach the debugger to our container.

  • So if you can see that log, we're attached to the container

  • right now, and let's try to post another comment.

  • That will be boring comment because it probably

  • won't work again.

  • OK, so we've got some stack trays.

  • We've got something-- let's just follow through the methods

  • and see what we're trying to add.

  • OK, we're gonna do some checks.

  • We're extracting the parameters of the request.

  • OK.

  • Uh-huh.

  • This line tells me something.

  • I guess he wants it to rename the methods and the properties

  • and didn't rename all of them.

  • Oh well, let's just deattach again,

  • fix it back, and rebuild the project

  • and try to post the comment again.

  • So let's see if it still compiles now that I touched it.

  • OK, success.

  • Good.

  • And while we are restarting that module,

  • let's all do what I was talking about, actually looking in

  • to Datastore and see our entry with the wrong property.

  • And let's just click Delete, and like it never happened.

  • So back to the console.

  • The cool thing about development server

  • is that it watches for the file changes or for, in this case,

  • Java class changes.

  • And now it is that something changed.

  • And we just sent the stop signal to all the instances

  • that we had, and then rebuilt the new image

  • and created the new container from it,

  • and started to forward requests again.

  • And apparently, that didn't quite work.

  • Let's just rebuild once again.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: So your VM's up, but it's not

  • restarting the instances?

  • Is that it?

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Ah, yep.

  • The image got rebuilt, but it does not

  • want to restart the instance right now.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: I think my bug was

  • more systemic than you thought.

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Yeah, I thought it was so unimportant.

  • Let me just quickly go over it again.

  • Let me just try to restart everything.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: Well, better to be doing it

  • locally than in production, right?

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Oh well.

  • You need to have a backup plan sometimes.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: It's the demo demons.

  • KATE VOLKOVA: No, that would complete [INAUDIBLE].

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: You're going to try one more time?

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Ah, yep.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: So while she debugs

  • that, gives it one more shot, I think

  • one of the interesting things here is that when

  • you think about container technologies like Docker, one

  • of the things that they promote, much like I said,

  • was the ability to port your application back and forth.

  • Well, what's interesting is if you

  • use cloud-based services-- so hosted services,

  • be it our services, Amazon's services,

  • whatever they may be-- if there's

  • no local story for that, the portability kind of starts

  • to break down, right?

  • So if we just had Datastore in the cloud and that was it, then

  • when you say, well, it's great, I can port my application

  • from my local environment to my production environment,

  • the fact of the matter is that in your local environment,

  • if you don't have Datastore or task queues or Memcache,

  • you can't actually build there because you can only

  • get half the story, right?

  • So by taking this and making these production services

  • available on your laptop or wherever you're

  • doing development, really, it completes the story.

  • So you really do have portability.

  • And it's kind of crazy, because even

  • in the Datastore side of things, I'll never

  • forget about a year ago--

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Yeah, I guess that that will happen right

  • during the demo.

  • I need to clean up some space on my disk.

  • That's terrible.


  • KATE VOLKOVA: While I'm doing that, you can keep talking.



  • Just bat me away when you're ready.

  • So the anecdote here was that about a year ago, I

  • worked closely with the Datastore team as well.

  • And I'll never forget the tech lead, Alfred Fuller,

  • came to me, and he's like, so we're

  • going to put eventual consistency-- hold on,

  • does everybody know what eventual consistency is?

  • No?

  • OK, so it's the idea that when you run horizontally

  • scalable services, that sometimes to get that scale,

  • the data might not be consistent.

  • So you might do a write, and if you come to another data

  • center, it might not have replicated yet.

  • And that gives you scale, but you

  • have to build your applications around them.

  • Because if you expect consistency,

  • you expect I do a write, and then I do a read immediately.

  • And if that's not the case, then weird things

  • happen in your application.

  • I still think it's a pretty complex concept to grasp.

  • And so do some of our customers, because what they were doing

  • is they were building in our local environment,

  • like Kate's trying to demo here.

  • We didn't have that.

  • It was strongly inconsistent.

  • Because after all, it's on your laptop.

  • There's no replication of other data centers, right?

  • And this kept impacting customers

  • when they moved into the cloud.

  • So that porting from local to production

  • was causing discrepancies.

  • And so Alfred comes and says, I'm

  • going to build eventual consistency into our SDK.

  • And I was like, you are out of your mind.

  • He's like, no, no no.

  • We're totally going to do it.

  • And within two weeks, they basically

  • mimicked, down to that level-- anyways.


  • KATE VOLKOVA: I think we really added

  • a little bit of excitement into our demo,

  • and proving that it's all real and happening right now,

  • locally, on my machine.

  • Was not planned.

  • I got quite a sweat.

  • OK, so we can develop locally, debug locally.

  • So let's try something a bit cooler now.

  • As you know, using Managed VMs, together with App Engine,

  • allows you any level of customization that you want.

  • And you can run any third party libraries

  • or call any binaries, which was not quite allowed

  • with a classic App Engine.

  • So let's try something here.

  • So for those of you who like the functional style of Java 8

  • as much as I do, let's try to insert [INAUDIBLE] here.

  • Search for COOL STUFF.

  • And just remove that old iteration.

  • Ah, don't break anything again.

  • OK, so now we've got some Java 8 kind of style code in here.

  • Here, Chris was supposed to ask me that,

  • but App Engine only supports Java 7.

  • And my answer to this would be let's

  • add a little bit customization to here.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: So this was in the same vein

  • of us saying that how we're enabled in Go and Dart

  • and how we could enable Node and Scala and Haskell.

  • Kate's just doing this in terms of App Engine,

  • or in terms of Java.

  • So going from Java 7 to Java 8 is a pretty big move,

  • but with a few lines of configuration,

  • she now has the semantics and language aspects of Java 8

  • inside of her application.

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Yeah, but more than two lines.

  • And what I did here is just a little bit more customization.

  • And to use instead of our AppEngine-based Docker

  • image, the Docker image that I've just

  • built before the demo-- oh no, again that

  • was based on the device.

  • OK, and hopefully that now there will be [INAUDIBLE].

  • It's terrible.

  • So I was just trying to remove some containers,

  • but [INAUDIBLE].

  • I've removed some images.

  • Hopefully none of them are important.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: So you know when somebody

  • says they're demoing things that are hot off the press,

  • and you guys say this is hot off the press.

  • We have early dog fooders that are trying this out right now.

  • So I think it takes a lot of courage to get on stage

  • and try it out.

  • Should we call this one?

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Yeah, I'll try to fix it and show the rest,

  • but while you keep talking a bit more.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: Fantastic.

  • Cool.

  • So minus the demo demons-- I thought actually

  • that was some really cool technology, of taking

  • Google production services, moving them into a laptop,

  • and then taking technologies like Docker

  • to enable them so that you can be

  • highly efficient as a developer.

  • And what it hopefully will show is

  • how we can take that technology and allow you to further expand

  • the languages and run times that you're using on our platform

  • as a service offering App Engine.

  • And then furthermore, bringing it all down

  • into one centralized IDE.

  • So you notice Kate, if she had been doing Android development,

  • she'd do it right there, inside Android Studio.

  • So you can build your mobile client

  • and build your back end services,

  • all within one centralized tool.

  • And mobile and cloud working together

  • is something we're extremely passionate about.

  • It's near and dear to our heart.

  • So you definitely want to check out these sessions,

  • if you're interested, over the course of today and tomorrow.

  • And by the way, don't worry, these are all in your schedule.

  • But they'll also be put up when we get done with the session.

  • So I want to talk a bit about integrated DevOps.

  • So when you actually move from your laptop into production,

  • you do that deployment, your DevOps don't need to leave you.

  • They shouldn't leave you, actually.

  • In fact, one would say that it's even more

  • important to have that introspection into applications

  • that are actually running in production.

  • Because after all, it's no longer

  • a bug that's impacting you and your other developers that

  • are building out the application,

  • you're talking about bugs that actually impact your end

  • users, and then sometimes your business.

  • So like in the case of Search, you

  • add another hundred milliseconds of latency,

  • and it could cost you millions of dollars in terms of revenue.

  • So with that, let's take a look at how

  • we're doing things within the Google Cloud Platform,

  • in terms of DevOps.

  • Whoops.

  • Sorry about that.

  • So I'm going to bump back down to the console here.

  • And here.

  • So the first thing we'll do is we'll

  • take a look at our-- yeah, looking for monitoring data.

  • Sorry about that.

  • So first of all, what we have is integrated monitoring

  • and metrics for your Managed VMs and for your compute.

  • And since we're bringing together App Engine and Compute

  • Engine, we're also bringing together the data

  • and the monitoring that you actually need to see as well.

  • So here I'm looking at one instance,

  • and I can see a summary of overall traffic,

  • and I can easily bump back and forth

  • between the actual underlying VMs.

  • So here, I'm seeing compute statistics,

  • like CPU utilization and memory utilization.

  • But I can also see a summary of the requests and the response

  • latency.

  • So those are things that you would get out

  • of your app heuristics.

  • When you're just running a raw VM,

  • all you really see is disk, network, CPU, and memory.

  • But when you're running a full on stack,

  • the full on stack that I had mentioned when you move

  • a Managed VM into production, you

  • get that web server, that application server,

  • that web serving stack that you want to see

  • and have introspection into.

  • And so we're doing that.

  • Now, with Managed VMs, what we're doing

  • is we're moving and creating a homogeneous fleet of compute

  • for you.

  • And that homogeneous fleet of compute

  • is managed by our services and by our SREs,

  • as I kind of mentioned going through here.

  • Now, for those services and those teams to do that,

  • that fleet of compute needs to be hermetically sealed.

  • Meaning we can't just let-- we don't

  • allow developers to willy-nilly go into the machines

  • and create what we call a kind of special snowflakes.

  • Because if you have, for example,

  • a hundred VMs running, and VM 45 and 46

  • are slightly different than the rest,

  • and you go try to manage all those together,

  • it becomes highly, highly complicated.

  • And you can imagine, as you scale up to tens of thousands,

  • it gets even worse.

  • Now, given that, that those are locked down

  • and you don't have root access into those VMs,

  • one might say, well, hmm, that kind of poses

  • a non-trivial problem of how do I get data off of those VMs,

  • right?

  • Like logs.

  • So how do I get request logs or application logs or system

  • logs, or even third party logs, off those VMs?

  • Well, the logs are on the VMs, and the VMs

  • are funneling all of that traffic and all those log data

  • back to a centralized logging repository that I mentioned

  • in one of the earlier slides.

  • And what that means for you is, as a developer,

  • you come back to our console here,

  • and you'll see that we have integrated logs access.

  • So it will allow you to do things like filter logs

  • by log source, by log request type.

  • You can filter by errors-- in a second.

  • You can actually do debugging of the request logs--

  • the application logging-- in terms of the request.

  • So you can see what the application

  • is doing based on what the user is requesting.

  • And finally, you can see those third party logs as well.

  • So let's say if we bump into-- let me actually

  • pick a different one here.

  • There we go.

  • Sorry.

  • Just was a little bit delayed.

  • So here what we can see is we see the App Engine logs.

  • And if I filter through these, I can probably find one

  • that's-- Info.

  • Yeah.

  • If I click on the Info one.

  • So here, what I'm seeing is that this is a request back to the--

  • that's not necessarily that interesting.

  • Well, you can see it's a request back to the _ah/remote_api

  • path.

  • That's the request that came in.

  • And what you see highlighted in the yellow

  • there is actually what the application was logging.

  • I could actually sort by status.

  • [INAUDIBLE] Don't see any errors.

  • Look at that, I actually have no bugs in my code over here.

  • And then, if I come down to Compute Engine.

  • I had mentioned that a portion of the WalkShare demo

  • was actually running a Redis cluster that

  • allows you to do streaming, with some indexing in there.

  • And so we're doing is actually running-- I can show you

  • the Redis logs here.

  • So I pull that off and filter by something as simple as Redis.

  • Yeah, OK.

  • So there you can see all the Redis logs.

  • The idea is we've consolidated it down

  • into one unified logs viewer.

  • And we're pulling those logs off of the machines.

  • Then finally, in the topic of-- so

  • I mentioned that these VMs are locked down by default.

  • No root access is available.

  • We realized that there's times when

  • you need to get to the underlying VM.

  • You might have a CPU spike.

  • You might have an out of memory error-- who knows, right?

  • And after many years of being a developer and building

  • developer tools, I know there's one thing that you do,

  • is that you have to know when to get out

  • of the way of the developer and let

  • them do what they need to do.

  • So in the spirit of that, we've made it super easy

  • to get to the underlying VM-- to break glass and get

  • to the Compute Engine VM.

  • So if I come into-- I think I had this lined up over here.

  • If I come into our versions-- there we go.

  • So here we have a Managed VM that's running.

  • Click on that.

  • OK, so what I'm doing is I'm looking, again,

  • at the monitoring of metrics for this particular Managed

  • VM, which I'm only running one of.

  • It could be 5 or 10, depending on how I change my properties.

  • But what you see over here is this SSH tab.

  • And I'll come back to what's in this dialogue,

  • but I'm going to work through this dialogue.

  • And it's going to open up root access

  • and SSH connectivity back into the VM.

  • And furthermore, the developer console makes it super easy,

  • because we now support SSH in a tab in your browser.

  • And what you see here is that obviously we're

  • enabling root access, but we're starting the SSH service.

  • And we're enabling access.

  • And so now I'm actually in the VM-- I really

  • apologize for how small this is.

  • OK, bear with me.

  • Sorry, it's super small.

  • But I'm actually in the VM, and I

  • can do simple things like run netstat.

  • I can run PS.

  • I can run top if I want to.

  • All the commands that are available to you in a VM.

  • And finally, I can exit, and I'm good to go.

  • And all you need to do to get that thing back

  • into being managed is switch from user

  • managed to Google managed.

  • Now, real quickly, what does that do?

  • So when we switch it from Google managed to user managed

  • and we enable root access, we're giving you access

  • to the VM, in which case you can SSH in and make

  • any changes you want to.

  • After all, it's your VM.

  • But by giving you root access and letting you make changes,

  • we want to remove our management processes

  • because it will conflict with each other.

  • They could, right?

  • You can make all kinds of kernel changes, who knows what.

  • So we move it out of that pool.

  • And furthermore, we take it out of the health checking pool

  • as well.

  • Because the last thing we want to have

  • happen is our health checker to our health checking service

  • to think that the VM is actually unhealthy,

  • because you're debugging it or something,

  • and shoot it and terminate it, in which case

  • that's a terrible developer experience for you.

  • So we make it super simple.

  • You move back and forth between user managed

  • and Google managed.

  • So great.

  • If you want to see more on DevOps

  • and how we're working on monitoring and our work

  • with Stackdriver, check out these sessions today

  • and tomorrow.

  • OK, so to recap, I definitely think

  • that we've gone from the zero to the--

  • we're now to the hero stage, right?

  • We've gone through getting started,

  • creating an application in our cloud platform.

  • We've deployed some code.

  • We've done a build in the cloud.

  • We've walked through how to build an Android client.

  • We've talked about how to do integrated

  • DevOps and centralized logging and monitoring,

  • and get access to the underlying VM,

  • and to see all of the metrics and the monitoring

  • that's coming from our VMs.

  • So yeah, I definitely think we've reached the hero stage.

  • There were some bumps along the way, but we got there.

  • And I see that we're short on time,

  • so I'm going to wrap it up here.

  • Did you--

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Unless we want to talk through the development--

  • through the deployment step for Managed VMs.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: I think we're kind of out of time.

  • KATE VOLKOVA: Then forget.

  • CHRIS RAMSDALE: I'm sorry.

  • So just a real quick recap.

  • If it wasn't clear, developer productivity

  • is near and dear to our hearts.

  • It's something we're very, very passionate about.

  • And the way we view that is making getting

  • started super easy to do so that you get progress

  • in the order of minutes and not necessarily hours.

  • We believe in a unified tool chain

  • so that you have access to all of our services

  • at your fingertips, and they're easy to use.

  • We want to move Google production services

  • and make them available on your laptops

  • so that it's easy to debug and to iterate and be agile.

  • And then finally, we want integrated DevOps to follow you

  • into the cloud so that production

  • is no longer a black box.

  • And you can have the monitoring and introspection

  • you need so that you can make change and actually impact

  • your application.

  • So again, thanks for spending time with us today.

  • We appreciate it.

  • And if you're interested, there's

  • going to be some other sessions talking about some

  • of the things we covered today in our Zero to Hero talk.

  • So thanks a lot.


CHRIS RAMSDALE: Hello, and thank you

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