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  • By the end of this week, we will have distributed more than 800,000 vaccines across Texas.

  • By the end of this month, it will be more than a million vaccines distributed across the state of Texas.

  • Uh, then in the coming months and in January February, the number of vaccines will just continue.

  • Thio increase.

  • We wanna make sure the people in the state of Texas can have trust and confidence in this vaccine along those lines.

  • There was a report that came out recently that showed that more than half of Texans were either unwilling or unsure about taking the vaccine, because maybe of some concerns about it, and that's exactly why we're here today.

  • I want to show my fellow Texans that it's safe and easy to get the vaccine and also remembering that I will never ask any Texan to do something that I'm not willing to do myself.

  • So I'm gonna step up.

  • I'm gonna take the vaccine and show you everything is gonna be just fine.

  • Okay.

  • Sorry.

  • No.

  • Uh huh.

  • Okay.

By the end of this week, we will have distributed more than 800,000 vaccines across Texas.

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