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(Zombie sounds) Doctor 1: So, how did it get to be this way?
(殭屍聲) 博士 1:它到底為什麼會這樣子呢?
Doctor 2: Well, it's my professional opinion that the large gaping bite mark on its shoulder might have something to do with it.
博士 2:根據我專業的判斷: 這應該和它肩膀上那個被咬到的傷口有關。
D1: Thanks. I mean, what causes its behavioral abnormalities?
博士 1:真是謝謝啊! 我是說什麼造成它的行為異常呢?
D2: Well, we know all behaviors are rooted in the brain,
博士 2:嗯,我們都知道行為由大腦控制,
so I'd expect that something's gone terribly wrong probably in there.
D1: Thanks again, Doctor Obvious.
博士1:謝謝你指出 這個顯而易見的事實。
Let me be more specific.
What changes in the brain would have to occur in order to cause this kind of behavior?
到怎麼樣的腦部病變 會造成這種行為的改變?
D2: Hmm. Well, let's see.
The first thing I notice is how it moves.
Stiff legged, with long, lumbering steps, very slow and awkward.
僵硬的腳、延長而沈重的步伐, 非常的緩慢和怪異。
Almost like what you'd see in Parkinson's disease.
這就像你會在帕金森氏症上所看到的病徵。 (帕金森氏症:一種因為製造多巴胺腦細胞壞死所造成的神經退化性疾病,好發於50歲以上的人)
Maybe something's wrong with his basal ganglia?
Those are a collection of deep brain regions that regulate movement,
基底核位於大腦深處, 藉由釋放一種叫多巴胺的
through a neurochemical called dopamine.
神經傳導物質來控制行動。 (譯注:神經傳導物質用於神經元間的訊號傳導)
Although most people think of dopamine as the "happy" chemical of the brain,
雖然多巴胺常被想像成腦中的「快樂因子」, (譯注:因為多巴胺也負責傳遞愉快、興奮等情緒的訊息)
the dopamine-containing neurons in the basal ganglia die off in Parkinson's disease,
但在帕金森氏症中,基底核內負責釋放多巴胺的神經元壞死 (多巴胺在腦中作為神經傳導物質,也是腎上腺素的前驅物)
that's what causes it.
Makes it more and more difficult to initiate actions.
D1: What?
博士 1:你說啥?
Look again at how it moves. Stiff legs, long stance,
你再仔細看看他的行動方式: 僵硬的腳、筆直的站姿,
These aren't Parkinsonian movements, Parkinson's patients take short, shuffling steps,
這和帕金森氏症病患的行動方式不符: 帕金森氏病患步程短且會拖著腳走。
and the posture's all wrong.
This looks to me like what happens when the cerebellum is damaged.
The cerebellum's a little cauliflower-shaped area in the back of your head, but don't let its size fool you.
小腦就是在你後腦勺內 一小塊像是花椰菜的區域,
That little guy contains almost half of the neurons in the entire brain.
但別被外表所矇騙, 大半腦中的神經元都集中在這小小的區域。
Patients who suffer degeneration from this region,
有些在這部份退化的病患 (運動失調症:肌肉失調和不規則顫動)
something called spino-cerebellar ataxia,
show a lack of coordination that results in stiff legs, wide stance, and a lumbering walk.
會失去平衡感而造成僵直腿部、 寬鬆站姿和拖腳行走的狀況。
My money's on the cerebellum.
D2: Touché. OK. So we've nailed its motor problems.
博士 2:得分。好,我們已經知道它行為上問題。
Now what about that whole groaning, lack of talking thing?
D1: Hmm. You know, it sounds kind of like expressive aphasia, or Broca's aphasia,
博士 1:嗯,你知道嗎,這聽起來像是表達型失語症, 或又稱為布洛克失語症,
which makes producing words difficult.
這種病造成運用文字表達的困難。 (表達型失語症是因大腦損傷導說、寫能力受損。)
This is caused by damage to the inferior frontal gyrus,
這可能和額葉額下回受損有關, (譯注:額葉額下回即布洛克區,該區負責語言表達)
or possibly the anterior insula,
both regions behind your temple on the left side of your head.
D2: I think you're only half right. Zombies definitely can't communicate, that's for sure.
博士 2:我覺得你只答對了一半。 殭屍確實沒辦法清楚表達。
But they don't seem to do a good job of understanding things either.
但是它們對於理解事物的能力也很差。 (譯注:這是回應博士 1 對於殭屍患有布洛克失語症的假設,布洛克失語症病人仍保有理解語言的能力。)
Watch this. Hey, Walker! Your father smelt of elderberries!
(Laughs) See? No reaction.
Either it's not a Monty Python fan, or it can't understand me.
它要不是蒙蒂蟒蛇的粉絲,就是它聽不懂我說的話。 (譯注:博士 2 喊話原文出自蒙蒂蟒蛇演出的聖杯傳奇)
I'd say this is like spot-on fluent Wernicke's aphasia,
我認為這應該是魏尼克失語症, (其症患者會講出流利卻無意義的文字,並有聽、讀障礙)
damage to an area at the junction of two of the brain's lobes, temporal and parietal,
typically on the left side of the brain, is the culprit.
This area is physically connected to Broca's area, that you mentioned,
這部份也藉由一大束 被稱為神經纖維束的神經纖維
by a massive bundle of neurofibers called the arcuate fasciculus.
I hypothesize that this massive bundle of connections is completely wiped out in a zombie.
It would be like taking out the superhighway between two cities.
One city that manufactures a product,
and the other that ships it out to the rest of the world.
Without that highway, the product distribution just shuts down.
D1: So, basically it's a moot point to reason with a zombie,
博士 1:所以這就是假設造成殭屍的原因,
since they can't understand you, let alone talk back.
D2: (Laughs) I mean, you could try, man, but I'm going to stay on this side of the glass.
博士 2:(大笑)我是說你試著進去和它說說看啊, 不過我想我待在這裡比較安全。