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  • Hi, my name is Jessica Claire and I'm a professional dating coach her in New York City for New

  • York Dating Coach. In this clip, we're going to talk about how to talk to a quiet girl.I

  • think it's important to recognize that everyone has sort of their own pace of life. Their

  • own way of communicating. You know if you come across someone who's particularly shy,

  • or nervous, or just quiet, the best thing to do is to keep to that level. You never

  • want to overwhelm someone or to be really loud and abrasive with someone. It's especially

  • important to not necessarily cue them in to the fact that their quiet. You don't need

  • to constantly mention something you've noticed about someone. So, saying "jeez, you're really

  • quiet" or "pep up, liven up" isn't going to work. I would say your best bet is to be calm

  • and quiet with them. Let them slowly work into a conversation with you. The more you,

  • the more you feel at ease with someone, the more comfortable you make them feel, the better

  • your conversation and flirtation process will be in the end. This is Jessica Claire, New

  • York Dating Coach.

Hi, my name is Jessica Claire and I'm a professional dating coach her in New York City for New

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男人約會技巧:如何和安靜的女孩說話? (Dating Tips for Men : How to Talk to a Quiet Girl)

  • 167 19
    Hhart Budha posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary