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  • Today's we'll talk about our best friendstiktakers! Hehe, no, our OTHER best friends: Dogs!  

  • Many of you probably grew  with a loyal dog by your side,  

  • and sure, the biological rhythms of  dogs and humans are not the same:  

  • When we start to become adults, they  already have a hard time playing fetch.

  • So, how can you know the life period your dog  is in right now? How can you calculate their  

  • "human age", so to speak? There is a popular  rule which says that every canine year equals  

  • seven human years. This rule probably came out  by dividing the average life expectancy of men,  

  • which is about 77 years, with the life  expectancy of dogs, which is about 11.

  • However, scientific research has  demonstrated that it isn't that simple:  

  • Most dog breeds reach puberty between  six to twelve months of age. So, if we  

  • apply the previous rule we would be talking  about seven human years, which is too soon.

  • Moreover, some dogs can live more than 20  years, which would equal 140 human years:  

  • A true record! And we also need to keep  in mind that the life expectancy of a dog  

  • also depends on their breed, since the  smaller ones live longer than the big ones.

  • Here we need to explain an important detailThe difference between chronological age,  

  • and biological age. The first one is just  the time that has passed between one's birth,  

  • and one's current age. In contrast, the second one  takes into account other physical factors such as  

  • physical condition, activity leveland chronic illnesses. In other words,  

  • if during your life you've eaten mostly junk  food, and have done little to no exercise,  

  • then it's very likely that your  biological age will be higher.

  • Biological age turns out to be  more useful when comparing species:  

  • By studying the genetic clock, the one  which determines the DNA of each species,  

  • scientists have created a much more precise  formula: The human age equals 16 times the  

  • natural logarithm of the dog's age, plus 31.  It seems a bit complicated, right? But don't  

  • worrythe logarithm is a simple mathematical  function that you can apply using a calculator.

  • Moreover, if you don't have a calculator at  hand right now, we'll explain it to you in a  

  • simpler way with a very useful rule: A dog's  first year of life equals 31 human years.  

  • After that, when the dog's age doubles, the human  years will increase by 11 each time. For instance,  

  • in eight dog years we are duplicating the  age three times. Eleven multiplied by three,  

  • plus those first 31 years, gives us 64  human years. If you still feel lost,  

  • don't worry! We left a couple of links in the  description to calculate your dog's human age.

  • Now that you know the real age of your dog, then  give them the care and love that they deserve,  

  • so that they can be by your  side for many more years!  

  • And by the way, tiktakers, what  is the human age of your dog?

Today's we'll talk about our best friendstiktakers! Hehe, no, our OTHER best friends: Dogs!  

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您的狗狗的人類年齡是多少?| 畫出我的人生 (WHAT IS YOUR DOG'S HUMAN AGE? | Draw My Life)

  • 184 2
    Miho Ishii posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary