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  • Let's go back History here As Becky Hammon made history last night after Gregg Popovich was tossed in the second quarter, Hammond stepped in and became the first woman toe act as an MBA head coach while the Spurs lost the game to LeBron and the Lakers, Hammond stepping up was a big win for her and the sport.

    讓我們回到這裡 歷史在這裡 貝基-哈蒙創造了歷史 昨晚,在格雷格-波波維奇在第二節被拋出後,哈蒙站了出來,成為了第一位擔任MBA主教練的女性,而馬刺隊輸掉了比賽,輸給了勒布朗和湖人隊,哈蒙站出來是她和這項運動的一大勝利。

  • Obviously, I mean, it's just it's a big deal.


  • Um, it's It's a substantial moment.


  • I say this a lot, but I try not to think about the huge picture and the huge aspect of it, because it can get overwhelming.


  • Um, it's my job to go in there and be focused for those guys and make sure that I'm helping them, uh, do the things that will help us win.

    嗯,我的工作是去那裡 並專注於那些傢伙 並確保我幫助他們,呃,做的事情 這將有助於我們的勝利。

  • The future is bright for, you know, I hope she just sticks to it and don't give up.


  • You know, One day it may happen.


  • It may not happen, who knows?


  • But, you know, she's definitely the right road, and, you know, I think everybody here appreciates her.

    但是,你知道,她絕對是正確的道路, 而且,你知道,我想這裡的每個人都欣賞她。

  • But impact that she's had on this organization since she's come here has just gotten bigger and bigger.


  • The more that she's dived into that role.


  • She really knows her stuff, and obviously she's here for a reason.


  • Uh, she she's equipped, She's intelligent, the guys have great respect for her.

    她... ...她很聰明,大家都很尊重她。

  • And, you know, I think she's gonna be a head coach in this league someday.


  • She's been great ever since she got in is a You know, it's a beautiful thing just to hear barking out calls, barking out sets.


  • You know, she's very passionate about the game, so, you know.


  • Congrats, Thio.


  • Congrats for lead.


  • Yeah, unbelievable moment.


  • Perks.


  • So now that Pop has shown trust in Hammond to lead the team in his absence, is she on track to be Pops ultimate successor whenever he does choose to retire?


  • Well, George, you know how the Spurs do things.


  • They're trendsetters.


  • They're they're They're the ones that that love to do things first.


  • And when you look at how things were going, just think about it when you watch Becky Hammon.


  • When she coached the summer league team a few years back, she did a phenomenal job, and I do think she is next up in line.


  • I wouldn't be surprised if Pop got thrown out on purpose just to give her this opportunity because 2020 has been so horrible and he was saying, You know what?


  • We're gonna start 2021 off, right?


  • But she's ready.


  • The most important thing that I see besides her knowing the game is that the respect that she gets from the players, it's not easy coming in as a woman to coach NBA guys and stars and the respect that she has around the league from everyone is phenomenal.


  • And I do think she's up next for the head for the head coach as San Antonio Spurs.


  • When Pop decided to step down.


  • Yeah, look to your point.


  • Ultimately, game recognizes game right perk.


  • That's the way this works.


  • She's one of the greatest female basketball players we've ever seen and forget about Female.


  • She's one of the greatest basketball players we've ever seen.


  • So she clearly, as you mentioned, eyes ready for that moment and look were not saying it's happening tomorrow.


  • We're not trying to get rid of you, pop, but she has clearly shown the ability to handle the position.


  • E.


  • Thanks for watching ESPN on YouTube for live streaming sports and premium content.


Let's go back History here As Becky Hammon made history last night after Gregg Popovich was tossed in the second quarter, Hammond stepped in and became the first woman toe act as an MBA head coach while the Spurs lost the game to LeBron and the Lakers, Hammond stepping up was a big win for her and the sport.

讓我們回到這裡 歷史在這裡 貝基-哈蒙創造了歷史 昨晚,在格雷格-波波維奇在第二節被拋出後,哈蒙站了出來,成為了第一位擔任MBA主教練的女性,而馬刺隊輸掉了比賽,輸給了勒布朗和湖人隊,哈蒙站出來是她和這項運動的一大勝利。

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A2 NBA 老爹 主教練 球員 勝利 準備好

貝基-哈蒙有望成為格雷格-波波維奇在馬刺隊的接班人嗎?| 蘋果日報 (Is Becky Hammon on track to be Gregg Popovich's successor with the Spurs? | The Jump)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/01
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