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as many of you aware yesterday, the Colorado state lab confirmed the first variant of Cove in 19 in United States right here in Colorado.
Now, to be clear, that doesn't mean that Colorado is the first state that has people with the variant.
In fact, it's very likely exists in many states, particularly states that have more interaction with the United Kingdom in the New England and Mid Atlantic area.
But I'm very proud that our state loud was the very first to detect that vary.
Our investigation in contact tracing efforts are ongoing, but at this time we are aware of one confirmed and another possible case with the B 117 variant of the virus, as described by Dr Travanti.
我們對接觸者追蹤工作的調查正在進行中,但目前我們知道有一例確診病例和另一例可能的病例感染了Travanti博士所描述的B 117變種病毒。
Both of these cases are Colorado National Guard personnel who were deployed to support staffing at the Good Samaritan Society Nursing Home in Simla, Colorado.
That's an Elbert County.
Their deployment at the facility began on December 23rd.
The nursing home has an ongoing outbreak of covert 19 cases of covert.
19 were first identified in the facility in mid December following routine surveillance testing in that facility.