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  • Would it upset you to find out you had a chronic brain condition

  • that causes you to lose consciousness for many hours at a time

  • and periodically experience paralysis and hallucinations?

  • What I've described are the symptoms of sleep.

  • If you live to be 80, you will spend around 26 years of your life in this state.

  • Yet scientists still don't agree on why.

  • Some say we shouldn't ask why we sleep,

  • but why we are awake when we don't need to be,

  • using precious energy and possibly getting into trouble.

  • The big brown bat is only awake for around 4 hours just after the dusk.

  • which maximizes its chances of eating and

  • minimizes its chances of being eaten.

  • But large herbivores have to spend a lot of time foraging

  • and have a few places to hide.

  • So they can't afford to sleep for more than a few hours a day.

  • If there is some universal function of sleep,

  • a goat somehow accomplishes it in 5 hours,

  • a tiger in 15 and a dolphin with one eye open.

  • Still there's plenty of evidence that

  • slumber is more than just than laying low.

  • The whole host of body functions are enhanced during sleep.

  • From tissue repair,

  • to immune function,

  • to blood sugar control.

  • But the most immediate consequence of

  • sleep deprivation is that

  • we can't think as well.

  • Studies show that people who sleep

  • before and after learning something new

  • perform better on tests on memory

  • and problem solving.

  • This may indicate that

  • sleeping brain reinforces and archives new memories.

  • But there's also evidence that

  • sleep weakens the connections

  • between brain cells, in a way that

  • it keeps important information,

  • while reducing the clutter.

  • But how exactly this happens remains unknown.

  • And it doesn't explain

  • why some animals sleep much longer than others.

  • Ultimately, some combination of these ideas

  • would probably explain why

  • we spend a third of lives unconscious.

  • For Scientific American's Instant Egghead, I'm Joss Fong.

Would it upset you to find out you had a chronic brain condition

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我們為什麼要睡覺?- 即時蛋頭#55 (Why Do We Sleep? - Instant Egghead #55)

  • 458 33
    Hhart Budha posted on 2021/01/14
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