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need to be thinking about what is convention, ambition convention, What the scientists are telling us for a change and this is something we haven't done and covered teaches that look at the mess we've made in the UK by not listening to the scientists the mess we made in the U.
But not listening to the scientists on doing what they told us up front.
It is a nutter unmitigated disaster, and that is exactly what climate change is shaping up to be.
So I think setting a 2050 target for a company is a really easy thing for a chief executive to dio when that CEO knows that he is going to be long gone before the company for its clear, whether or not he's burning, not they're not his successor's successor's successor's problem.
Eyes being created by companies if they're not clearly, really well costed out and planned on the evidence for that provided to investors so that we can treat it seriously because we're able Thio credibility assess those targets on that for us, really is key is around having a nearer term targets with a demonstrably aligned Thio say a net 0 2050 outcome for a company with clear, well, costed, well explained, Well, evidence plans as to how you get there, why you get there and why you've set that target is supposed to any other.
眼睛被創建的公司,如果他們不清楚,真的很好的成本和計劃的證據,提供給投資者,所以我們可以認真對待它,因為我們能夠Thio信譽評估這些目標,對我們來說,真的是關鍵是圍繞著有一個較近的目標與一個明顯對齊的Thio說,淨0 2050年結果的公司與明確的,以及,成本計算,很好的解釋,好了,證據計劃,因為你如何到達那裡,為什麼你到達那裡,為什麼你已經設置的目標應該是任何其他。
The big change over the last few years has Bean the inclusion off the broader footprint of companies but what it called scope three emissions or the broader impact of shell.
So when you do, use your car and you fill it with shell petrol that the emissions from the car are out scope three emissions and included within our footprint.
So I think the biggest challenge has been finding a way off off articulating scope three emissions in a way that sensible for people like Nick in the investment community, and we've done that with what we call our net carbon footprint.