I usuallybuythisbageverysingleyearbecause I thinkit's thebestvalueformoney.
Youdoget a lotofitemsinhere, andmostofthetime I findthatit's reallygoodqualitystuff.
Solet's diginfirstitem.
Lookslikewehave a code.
Onething I don't likeaboutJapanisthattheyusuallywrapeverythinginplasticandit's sounnecessary.
Fluffybrownjacketandokay, myfirstimpressions.
Assoonas I tookitout, I waslike, Oh, I don't knowif I wouldwearthis, butitactuallyfeelsreallysoftandverywarm.
Unfortunately, summerrightnowinAustralia, so I won't bewearingitanytimesoon, butitactuallylooksreallycozy.
Itlookslikesomething I woulddefinitelywearathome.
Andalsothere's a pricetagonhere.
But I mentionedthisineverysinglefootballcalledvideointhepast.
Takethiswith a grainofsaltbecausetheyalwayscheckupthepriceforsomereason.
So I guessitmakessense, becauseifyouthinkit's worthmorethanwhatitactuallyisandmakesyoufeelbetteraboutyourself, rightthatyougot a bargain.
Anyway, thisonewas 6900 yen.
Soaround $69 forthisjacket.
So I thinkit's worththatmuch.
Yes, stopforlike, 20 bucksthatarereallyTokyo.
I'm a littledisappointedbecauseinthepreviousyears, inInGoodBag, eachbagguaranteesatleast a coatorjacket.
Andeveryotheryear I got a reallynicetrenchcoatjacket, butthisyear I mean, look, it's verycozy, and I guessbecausewe'reallstayinghomeanyway, it's great.
Yeah, I expectedsomething a littlebitmore, butthat's okay.
That's thefirstitem.
Nextlookslike a sweatoff.
Oh, it's a narcotic.
Oh, actually, I lovethis.
Itcomeswith a hoody, andthecolorissocute.
It's like a rose.
Pinkalsohas a zip I'm inloveIsthatpocketsaretheirpockets.
Nopockets, unfortunately.
Andthepriceis 4900 yen.
Soaround $49 forthis, whichactually, yeah, thisis a reallygoodqualitycardigan.
I loveit.
I go.
So I'm sohappynow.
Thisiswhat I want.
Thio, a totalnextwetterindarkgray.
Looksreallybig, though.
So I guessit's anoversizedone.
Ifyoutalkinshort, I guessitwouldlookokayforthepriceofthisone.
Thiswas 3900 yearsaround $39.
I don't thinkit's worththatmuch.
Maybemightbeworthlike, I don't know, 15 $20.
Butstill, thisis a veryniceandcozyitems.
Actually, I feellike I shouldbereallyhappy.
I'm gettingthesecomfortablepiecesofclothingbecause I mean, becauseofwhat's goingon, weallshouldbestayinghomeanyways, rightsohavingcompanyclosedathomeisveryimportantway.
Yes, wehave a sweaterwith a V neck.
I don't haveoneofthese.
Yeah, thisislikemystar.
I wearsweaterslikethisallthetimeduringwinterandatleast a starwaskindof a littlebitdifferentwiththe V neck.
Sothisonewas 4900 yen.
49 soldiersfull.
Oh, thisis a Anothersweatercanbesweatinginhere.
ThiswasalsoreallyheavywayHave a verythicksweaterlikethismaterialorthatisgoingtokeepyouwarm.
Thepriceforthisoneis 4900.
Andonceagain, so $49 forthis.
Thisissomething I'm goingtoliveinduringwinter.
Likeif I put a beltwiththis, it's gonnabesocute.
Oh, mygosh.
I'm actuallyreallyhappywithmystuffthisyear.
Thefirstitem I waslike, Oh, it's gonnabe a badbag.
Butaftereverythingelse, I'm likeit's lookinggood.
It's got a stripeypatternonthem.
It's verysorrywecan't reallytell.
I mean, I dolikemyleggings.
I wearthemallthetimeathome.
Thepriceforthisonewas $3939.
Um, yeah, I don't know.
No, thesearelikepantsbecauseitkindofflaresouttowardsthebottom.
Tobefair, I don't expecttolikeeverysinglethinginthebackbecauseyouget a lotofstuff.
Usuallyeveryyear I willopenup a bag, pickupthestuff I reallylike, andthentherestofthestuff I giveawaytocharity.
So, yeah, that's what I'm gonnabedoingthisyearaswell.
Butthisyear, I feellike, youknow, lookscomingtoMay.
NextwehaveOh, I don't knowaboutthiscolor e don't domustard.
It's a planecardigan, which I love, but, uh, I don't knowifthecolorisforme, because I have, like, a veryyellowundertone, so I don't suityellowclothing.
Whichiswhy, forthepasttwomonths, I haven't reallyleftthehouseand I findmyselfwearingthesamethingoverandoveragain.
I hopeso.
Atleast I havesomethingnewtowear.
So I amhappyaboutthat.
Last I sawhim, I feellikethisis a scar.
Yeah, itissAh, it's oneofthoseoneswhereyougo.
So I'm sweatingrightnowlikethis, andit's like a littlescarf.
Actually, it's quitecute.
I don't knowif I wouldactuallywearthis, though, because I mean, inAustraliainwinter, itdoesn't getthatcold, Soyeah, I don't knowif I wouldhaveanopportunitytoewearthis, butthisonewas 2300 yen.
So $23 AnditismadeatallPolyester, Thatisendoftoday's videoissomuchfunopeningthisup.
I reallymissdoingstufflikethis.
So I hopeyouguysenjoyed a pleasefarmsupthisvideo.
Ifyoudidsubscribetomychannel, ifyouhaven't donesoyet, I willbeuploadingthePokemonfootballcallvideoonmyblockchannel.
Ifyouguyshavebeengamingandplayingalsogetimpactcheckoutmygavemechannelbecause I'vebeenposting a lotofguidesonthere.
I woulddomybesttopostmodesty.
I'm sosorry.
In 2020 I didn't posttoomuch.
I ampositive.
That's whatwecantravelsoon.
Realistically, I don't thinkwecantraveltoendoftheyear.
I hopeyouguyshad a veryhappynewyear.
Staysafeand I willseeyouguysinthenextvideo.
Bye, guys.
Hey, guyscamedownhere.
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