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2020 saw the biggest yearly drop in European car demand since records began.
Industry data out on Tuesday revealed new car registrations fell by nearly a quarter, compared to 2019 on the falls continued in December.
For the third month in a row, measures to control a second coronavirus wave hit sales in most of the continent's largest markets in December.
Overall, new car registrations dropped by 3.7% year on year.
In the European Union, Britain and the countries of the European Free Trade Association broken down, those sales in Europe's five largest markets posted differing results.
Registrations in the UK, France and Italy fell by 10, 11 and 14% respectively, while Germany recorded a rise of nearly 10% and sales in Spain remained unchanged.
Year on year sales at Volkswagen and P S A rose by 8.2% and 1.7% respectively, but others, including Renno, reported losses.
大眾汽車和P S A公司的銷售額同比分別增長8.2%和1.7%,但包括雷諾在內的其他公司則出現了虧損。