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I know.
He said it on the surface.
No extra motivation.
What do you think?
He's thinking in his mind after last night.
I mean, you know, I don't know about keep probably spoke his mind way more than me when I was a player.
But I can tell you exactly how are they Answer questions.
I would say, you know, we're here is a team we're trying to do exactly what we came here to do.
And then as soon as I stepped off that podium, I'm on the phone with my boys and, like, I'm gonna beat his head.
And every time I see him, every time I see him, I'm gonna make sure my foot is on his throat.
And he knows that I am the M V p in this league.
That's how LeBron James thinks.
I mean, think about his teammate Marcus soul.
I'll take you back to 2000 and 13.
Do you know one of things that that pits LeBron off more than anything that he didn't win Defensive player of the year that year?
You know why?
Because LeBron James was on first team all defense.
Marc Gasol was on second team all defense.
But yet Marc Gasol, one defensive player of the year and Brown has came out multiple times.
Like how the hell does that happen?
If LeBron is quibbling over defensive player of the year, you don't think he's sitting here at 36 years old?
You know, with how many every years he has left to play in his career, saying that I got a M V P stolen from me by honest last year from what I did and we want a championship Granite.
LeBron wants to win a championship more than anything, but don't get it twisted for one second.
He wanna win every damn award now.
I mean, that's why he plays.
Okay, Show up every single game and you wanna prove to people whether it's loud and vocal or silent and on your own.
But what I would say about LeBron in that presser at the end of the game, there was little nuggets that was dropped that suggested that I'm the guy.
The guy y'all gave it to is not saying things like, Well, he's a great player.
He plays, you know, every night I try to play both ends of the floor, both defense and offense.
It's just a little bread crumbs that my guy LeBron James, likes to drop.
If you're smart enough to follow and pick him up, then you'll understand what he's saying.
The defensive strategy where you Onley protect the rim and you let team shoot as many open threes as they want is not going to get it done in this N B A s.
So I think there's a little bit of criticism for Coach Bud right now trying to figure out you know, how you could be defensive, how you could be solid defensively in both of those areas and the bucks just not doing that right now.
And I think, Look, you look at what Yannis is doing and it seems like he's trying to figure out what his role is on this team, which is strange, you know, We know that he's been working on his outside shot.
Um, there were times where it seemed like he was not driving hard to the hole, which again, if that's the offense that they're working on, great.
But then if you are going to be the guy who's driving hard to the hole and then you get put to the free throw line.
You can't be shooting 58% from the line for the season, so I know they're still working on things.
I know it's a new group of guys and you're still figure out who's roles or what and who's going to defend a guy like LeBron and who's going to defend and Anthony Davis when you have these types of matchups.
But I think that they're showed there was a lot of room for improvement for this Bucks team yesterday.
Then let's talk about strategy.
I mean the last two seasons, the best record overall in the NBA and the same strategy was used against this team in the playoffs to stop them multiple times eyes this a make or break year for coach.
But I think that Fair J.
I think it's fair to say that they gave him a shot coming off of this season where they underperformed in the playoffs as well.
I think a lot of people used the bubble atmosphere as a reason, not necessarily an excuse, but a reason why this team wasn't able to gel and find the same level of success in the postseason as in the regular season.
But, yeah, I think that that's what that meeting was that he had with the Bucks brass at the end of last season.
It was like We're going to try to put these pieces around Yanis.
We know he's got him for this long term now they didn't at the time, But there is an expectation for him to evolve as a coach and you're seeing it a little bit.
Guys, you're seeing guys like Yannis guys like Milton playing longer into games.
There was so much criticism about the minutes that these guys played in the regular season and postseason last year, but you're seeing them creep a little closer to 40 minutes per game.
And I think that, at least is showing that, but is evolving now.
We gotta figure it out on the defensive side of things.
If Yannis is a skinny version of shock, what the dominance he has on the court?
Does he have a Kobe on this team to help him win a world championship or Drew holiday or Chris Middleton?
Do they have that in them to be the closures for this team?
You know Kobe is an awfully lofty goal, right?
Like we're like you learned the greatest players to ever play the game.
But I do think that a guy like Middleton can be the go to guy if Yannis is gonna play the shack.
I read a great article earlier this week that was making that comparison talking about how you know, even we we joke about its free throws and how he's kind of creeping towards shack numbers in the free throw area.
Um, but you saw it earlier this week when they played the Nets guys and there was some criticism for it, I think even on your program, talking about why was it?
Yeah, honest, taking the ball late.
Why was he, you know, taking ownership of the offense?
Who took that last shot against the next?
It was Chris Middleton from the outside, So I think that there is some thought there on this team that he could be the guy.
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