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a Z Australia prepares to celebrate its National Day on Tuesday.
a Z澳洲準備在週二慶祝其國慶節。
Indigenous woman Rita Wright will be marching with others in Sydney at a protest to change the date Australia Day on January 26th marks when the British fleet first arrived in Australia in 17 88 led by Captain Cook.
土著婦女Rita Wright將和其他人一起在雪梨遊行,抗議改變1月26日澳洲日的日期,標誌著17 88年庫克船長率領的英國艦隊首次抵達澳洲。
Viewing the land as unoccupied despite encounters with settlements for right, the day reinforces a legacy of mistreatment towards indigenous people.
Like I always thought kept the cook on this land and not that original paper, right.
A moral worry Woman was snatched off the street at age two and taken to a church mission, a dark era in Australia's history known as the stolen Generation.
道德上的憂慮 女子兩歲時被人從街上搶走,帶到教會傳教,這是澳洲歷史上一個黑暗的時代,被稱為被偷走的一代。
There she was forced to sleep in a chicken coop as she's grown older.
She's no longer silent about what she's been through is I got older and stronger.
I was so tired that aboriginal, you know, on bein a full blood aboriginal woman and and let us speak lead to speak my mind.
What I thought about it.
Every year, voices grow louder, calling for the date to change for Australia Day.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison hasn't bowed to that pressure He told journalists last week that the day represents how far the country has come since colonization.
Morrison also criticized the decision by sport authorities to no longer refer to January 26th as Australia Day when promoting cricket games played on the national holiday.
Jasmine Seymour and award winning author who belongs to the bureau Baron Karl Clan, believes the matter should go to a vote.
I definitely think that we need to have a day for Australians because we are a country that is, um you know, Multilingual now multinational.
We have many people from all over the world who live here now and it is the great generosity of aboriginal people.
When we do welcome to countries on, we say, you know, care for our country.
You belong here, we all belong here so I do think there is room for a day for us all, but it has to not be that day.
Morrison last month did change Australia's national anthem, taking out a reference to the country being quote young and free.