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  • Today in our presentation we're going to look at what Jesus said about baptism

  • There are many different ways and many different churches that

  • all baptize differently

  • But what does the Bible say?

  • What does Jesus teach?

  • How should we be baptized?

  • We're now going to open the word of God

  • and see what Jesus said about baptism

  • If you were to knock on the door of a dozen different churches and ask about

  • baptism

  • you could easily receive a dozen different answers

  • one church may say; well we baptize three times face forward

  • another church may say; well we practice baptism by pouring - we pour a little water on

  • the person

  • another church might say;

  • we practice infant baptism by sprinkling

  • another one may say; well our method of baptism is by immersion one time

  • another church may say; we practice baptism by the laying on of hands

  • and some may say that they use a few drops of oil

  • another church may tell you that they baptize with a little bit of salt

  • there's another church that will baptize you any way you want to be baptized

  • another church practices the baptism of desire

  • that's just the fact that you want to be baptized, that's all that's necessary

  • and in the USA and Hollywood, they have even baptized a person with rose petals

  • so you see there are many many ideas about baptism

  • but what does the Bible say we need to do?

  • we need to peel away any preconceived ideas that we have

  • and open our hearts and our minds and see what the word of God has to say about it

  • about what He says

  • should take place at baptism

  • Jesus commissioned his disciples to go and baptize in His name

  • and we see this all through the New Testament

  • Peter replied; repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ

  • for the forgiveness of your sins

  • and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

  • so Christ gave a command

  • that his disciples were to go out and they were to baptize people in His name

  • and when they did that then they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

  • it continues on in Mark, and says this:

  • he who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not

  • believe will be condemned

  • so the Bible places great importance on it

  • it says that the individual who believes and is baptized will be saved

  • and it continues...

  • Philip has been preaching in Samaria

  • and he makes it clear

  • that we should be baptized

  • so these people heard the message

  • they heard what Philip had to say

  • and it says that as they accepted Jesus Christ they were baptized

  • and God has given us instructions as to how this should take place

  • He who believes and is baptized will be saved;

  • but he who does not believe will be condemned

  • now baptism itself won't save you

  • a person has to believe

  • it says; He who believes and is baptized will be saved

  • so baptism is very important

  • in fact Jesus spoke to Nicodemus

  • a Pharisee, one night, and He said these words:

  • Jesus answered:

  • Most assuredly I say to you; unless one is born of water

  • and the Spirit

  • he cannot enter into the kingdom of God

  • when it says; except that a person is born of water, it's referring to baptism

  • unless he is born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of

  • God

  • God puts great, great importance on being baptized, so let's see what the

  • scripture says about individuals being baptized

  • and how that takes place

  • Peter puts this importance on it

  • There is also an anti-type which now saves us

  • baptism

  • not the removal of the filth of the flesh

  • but the answer of a good conscience toward God through the resurrection of Jesus

  • Christ

  • so here Peter makes a comparison

  • in verse 20 of 1 Peter 3

  • it talks about the flood

  • it says how those people stepped out in faith

  • they got into the ark by faith

  • up until that time it had never rained

  • but it was through faith that God brought them over to the new world

  • the old world had been destroyed by the flood, and it brought them into the new one

  • so it's talking about when a person is baptized by faith

  • it moves him to a new experience with Christ

  • it puts great importance on the fact that you and I need to follow the Lord

  • in baptism

  • some people say

  • well that's fine, but how am I supposed to be baptized? is there some way, some method

  • that the scripture teaches concerning baptism?

  • people study their Bibles different ways

  • some people mark their Bible, some people underline them, or write in the margin

  • but if you underline

  • I want to give you some words to look at concerning baptism that show us there is

  • only one way

  • now John also was baptizing in Aenon near Salim, because there was much water

  • there

  • and they came and were baptized

  • now it says that John was baptizing in Aenon near Salim

  • because there was much water there

  • the picture you are looking at is the Jordan

  • but don't think the Jordan is that big all the time, because it's not

  • I used to think that the Jordan was a great huge river because of songs like

  • Roll Jordan, Roll

  • and I had this picture that it was a great big river

  • but there are places where you can step across the Jordan

  • so it's not always a big river

  • but John was baptizing in this place because there was plenty of water there

  • so baptism requires much water

  • the scripture tells us about the baptism of Jesus

  • and it's His example we should follow

  • when he had been baptized Jesus came up immediately from the water

  • and behhold the heavens were open to Him

  • and He saw the spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him

  • so it says that Jesus was baptized in the Jordan

  • and it says as He came up out of the Jordan

  • so to come up out of would mean that He had been immersed under the water

  • probably one of the clearest examples in all of the Bible on baptism is the

  • is the one found in the book of Acts concerning Philip

  • now an angel of the Lord spoke to Philip saying arise and go toward the south along

  • the road which goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza

  • this is desert

  • so he arose and went

  • and behold a man of Ethiopia

  • a eunuch of great authority under Candace the queen of the Ethiopians

  • who had charge of all her treasury

  • and had come to Jerusalem to worship, was returning

  • and sitting in his chariot he was reading Isaiah the prophet

  • now this man was a believer in God

  • that's why he's in Jerusalem

  • he's there for the purpose of worshipping

  • and he's now on his way back home to Ethiopia

  • so here he is riding along in his chariot and he's reading Isaiah the prophet

  • and it says that whilst he's doing that

  • Then the Spirit said to Philip

  • go near and overtake this chariot

  • so Philip ran to him and heard him reading the prophet Isaiah and said

  • Do you understand what you're reading?

  • and he said: How can I unless someone guides me?

  • and he asked Phillip to come up and sit with him

  • so he stops the chariot and the two of them are riding along and now Philip is

  • going to explain to him what he's reading in Isaiah

  • then Philip opened his mouth

  • and beginning at this scripture

  • preached Jesus to him

  • now this man is reading Isaiah 51 to 53

  • but he doesn't fully understand what he's reading

  • so Philip explains the meaning of the scriptures to him

  • now this man believes in God

  • and faith takes hold

  • as he understands what Philip is saying

  • now as they went down the road they came to some water

  • and the eunuch said: See, here is water

  • what hinders me from being baptized?

  • then Phillip said

  • if you believe with all your heart, you may

  • and he answered and said

  • I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God

  • no question, he accepts Jesus in full faith

  • he said: I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God

  • and now you have one of the best examples of baptism in all the scripture

  • so he commanded the chariot to stand still

  • and both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water

  • and he baptized him

  • they stopped the chariot

  • it doesn't say that Philip stayed on the shore

  • it says that both he and the eunuch got into the water

  • and he baptized him

  • now when they came up out of the water

  • the spirit of the Lord caught Philip away, so that the eunuch saw him no more

  • and he went on his way rejoicing

  • it says they both went down into the water and Philip baptizes him

  • it makes it very, very clear

  • the Greek word for baptize is "baptiso" which means "to be put under"

  • so when it says that Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and he baptized him

  • in Greek it means to be put under

  • so the scripture is absolutely clear as to the manner

  • the way in which a person is to be baptized

  • it makes that very clear

  • what does baptism mean to you and me?

  • well this gives us an idea of what it means

  • but Jesus answered and said to him:

  • Permit it to be so now

  • for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness

  • then he allowed Him

  • Jesus has come to John the baptist and said: John,

  • I need to be baptized

  • and John said

  • Lord I'm not even worthy to untie your shoes let alone baptize you

  • but Jesus said

  • Permit it to be so now

  • for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness

  • talking about baptism

  • did Jesus need to be baptized?

  • did Jesus need to have His sins washed away?

  • no, he was baptized as an example

  • you may say: well wasn't the example of the disciples good enough?

  • Why did jesus need to be baptized?

  • why did He say to John:

  • John, permit it to be so now

  • for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness

  • well you see the scripture tells us clearly what baptism represents

  • it has a very definite meaning

  • in the book of Romans it has this to say about baptism:

  • or do you not know that as many of us

  • as were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into His death?

  • so it tells us that baptism represents the death of Jesus Christ

  • as a person is baptized

  • at he's placed beneath the water

  • it represents his death

  • therefore we were buried with Him through baptism into death

  • that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father

  • even so

  • we also should walk in newness of life

  • it not only represenst the death of Jesus Christ, it also represents His

  • burial

  • that's what it says, we are buried with Him

  • as the person is placed beneath the water it represents the burial of Jesus

  • Christ

  • it continues and says

  • but it also represents a resurrection

  • For if we have been united together in the likeness of His death

  • certainly

  • we also shall be in the likeness of His resurrection

  • so baptism represents the death

  • the burial and the resurrection of Jesus Christ, it also represents something

  • in our experience

  • you see when I'm baptized it represents the death to the old man of sin, that's

  • what it represents

  • that's what Paul was talking about when he said: I am crucified with Christ

  • nevertheless

  • not I, but Jesus Christ lives in me

  • you see it represent the death of the old man of sin, it represents that all

  • my sins have been buried

  • buried and cast into the depths of the sea

  • and it represents a resurrection

  • that I come out of the water totally clean of all my sins

  • resurrected to a new life with Jesus Christ

  • what a marvelous promise this is!

  • and this is what baptism means and what it represents

  • that's why Jesus told John: permit it to be so John, to fulfill all righteousness

  • it also says here that baptism is a public declaration of my acceptance of Jesus

  • Christ

  • that's what baptism is: I am publicly declaring to the world

  • that I've accepted Jesus Christ

  • the Bible makes the comparison between baptism and marriage

  • because that's what marriage is: it's the public declaration of your life to

  • another individual

  • that's why you have a marriage ceremony

  • because it shows that you are publicly

  • committing your life to that person

  • baptism is our public declaration of acceptance of Christ

  • let's look at some more examples in scripture

  • Peter is preaching

  • and he's telling them

  • that they crucified the Lord:

  • Therefore

  • let the house of Israel know assuredly that God has made this Jesus

  • whom you crucified

  • both Lord and Christ

  • now when they heard this they were cut to the heart

  • and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles

  • men and brethren what shall we do?

  • and Peter said to them:

  • repent, let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for

  • the remissions of sins

  • and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit

  • you see they were cut to the heart and said: men and brethren what shall we do?

  • and Peter told them

  • repent of what you have done

  • if you are truly sorry

  • and you want to start a new life and follow Christ

  • then repent and be baptized, make a public declaration

  • that you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior

  • here's another scripture:

  • and Crispus, the chief ruler of the Synagogue, believed on the Lord with all his house

  • and many of the Corinthians hearing believed and were baptised

  • so baptism is simpy a commitment of our life to Jesus Christ

  • it's a public declaration of our acceptance of Jesus

  • but some people say: well what about my children, or what about my baby, or my

  • baby that died before it was baptized?

  • now remember Jesus said to John: permit it to be so now, for thus it is

  • fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness

  • that's one of the reasons Jesus was baptized

  • he was baptized for those people like the thief on the cross, who never had the

  • opportunity, or for the soldier in the fox hole that was killed, but who gave his

  • heart to the Lord and never had a chance to be baptized

  • for that person who accepts Christ on his deathbed but has never had the

  • opportunity to be baptized

  • for the child who was not old enough, Jesus was baptized, and that's why He said

  • permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness

  • the baby is perfectly safe in the hands of Jesus and when it becomes old enough

  • to understand then it should make a decision to follow Christ to be baptized

  • so we see that baptism has a very definite meaning in our lives according

  • to scripture

  • when should I be baptized? maybe I should wait two or three years

  • do I need to study for a while before I'm baptized? but let's see what the

  • scripture says

  • Paul, Saul of Tarsus, has been converted on the road to Damascus, the light has shone

  • on him and knocked him to the ground

  • he has said: who are you Lord? and the voice has spoken to him and said: I am Jesus

  • whom you are persecuting

  • and he said: what do you want me to do Lord?

  • and he has to be led by the hand blind to Damascus

  • now Jesus has also spoken to a man by the name of Ananias and he said

  • Ananias I want you to go to the street called Straight and I want you to find Saul of

  • Tarsus and I want you to pray for him that he will receive his sight

  • and Ananias went there and prayed for him and when he had finished praying for

  • him he said these words to him

  • And now why are you waiting?

  • arise and be baptized and wash away your sins calling on the name of the Lord

  • Ananias said:

  • Paul, don't wait any longer

  • get up from here and go and be baptized

  • make a public declaration of your acceptance of Jesus Christ

  • you see there are no long-term baptisms in the Bible, you can't find one

  • not one

  • do you remember when Paul and Silas were over in Pilippi?

  • they had been beaten and put in jail

  • they are chained

  • and it's about midnight

  • and do you know what they're doing?

  • they're singing

  • and there's an earthquake and it rattles the doors and the doors open

  • and the windows open

  • and the chains fall off their arms

  • the jailer thought all the prisoners had escaped and that he would lose his life

  • for losing them

  • but Paul says:

  • don't do any harm to yourself, we are all here

  • and the jailer comes in and falls down before them

  • so they said:

  • believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved, you and your household

  • then they spoke the word of the Lord to him

  • and to all who were in his house

  • and he took them the same hour of the night

  • and washed their stripes

  • and immediately he and all his family were baptized

  • in other words, as a person accepts Jesus Christ as their personal Savior

  • they can be baptized

  • another time when Paul was preaching, we find

  • then those who gladly received his word were baptized

  • and that day about three thousand souls were added to them

  • you see the Bible teaches that when we commit our life to Jesus Christ

  • we are to follow Him in baptism

  • baptism is not graduation

  • it is not when it's all over

  • it's where we begin

  • baptism is where you begin your walk with Jesus Christ

  • that is what it represents, what it means

  • baptism is something you and I are to experience if we've accepted Jesus

  • if you were baptized some other way than the scripture teaches, then you need to

  • be re-baptized

  • maybe you were baptized when you were very young

  • so young that you didn't know what you were doing

  • but now you're in the place where you can make your own decision, now you

  • understand, so you need to be re-baptized

  • there may be some of you that had accepted Jesus

  • but then you've gone off and not followed the Lord, you've walked away

  • from God

  • and maybe not followed Him for a long time

  • and now you're coming back

  • you've recommitted your heart to the Lord

  • then you ought to be baptized again

  • it says that when you accept Him into your heart and you make that public

  • declaration to Him and to the world

  • then He will wash away all your sins

  • and make you whiter than snow

  • God is giving you that opportunity of starting over

  • of having a new life

  • and Jesus will wash the slate absolutely clean

  • and make you whiter than snow

  • make sure you are ready for His kingdom...

Today in our presentation we're going to look at what Jesus said about baptism

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耶穌關於洗禮的說法 (What Jesus Said About Baptism)

  • 40 7
    Precious Annie Liao posted on 2021/01/14
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