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  • INTERVIEW 7: Catching Demons


  • And then there was the one demon.


  • Now this was the scary one.


  • This one was one that got me a little bit afraid to even sleep at night with my light off.

    這一個讓我- 甚至在睡覺時關燈- 還是有點害怕

  • This huge, big demon that kind of rose up in front of me, up into the roof.

    這一個巨大、大型的邪靈- 像是在我面前升起,直到屋頂

  • It was black, very gaunt.


  • It looked like a very old vampire that had been dead for ages. It was so scary.


  • It was like coming out, and rising up and I wanted to catch it,

    它像是出現,並升起- 而我意圖抓住它

  • but I was too afraid to put it inside me. So it would just disappear.


  • I said to Eagle, and I told him about the experience, and I said to him, "You know, there's one demon that really scares the living shit out of me.


  • I can't get it out of my head. I just see that picture of him burning in my mind and I'm too afraid to sleep with the lights off."

    我無法將它趕出我的腦袋,我就是看到他- 他的影像在我心智中燃燒,而我不敢在睡覺時關燈

  • And Eagle said, "Okay. Well, look at it this way. Look at them as pictures.


  • Realize what they are believing themselves to be, is that picture.

    察覺出他們- 信以為自己所是的,是那「圖片」

  • Look "beyond" it, beyond that picture. Because it's not who they are. It's what they believe themselves to be."


  • From that moment, I looked at demons completely differently.


  • I saw them just as pictures.

    我看- 只當他們是個圖片

  • Pictures of what they believed themselves to be. Much simpler. Because, I saw the demons as just pictures.


  • Therefore, can "pictures" harm me? No. They can't.


  • So it was very much simpler to take the demons and put them into my heart the whole time.


  • It was fun. I enjoyed doing that. I loved it.


  • And from then on, I didn't have any fear of demons, whatsoever.


  • And I didn't fear losing myself if I take them and put them into my heart and show them who they are, as one with me.

    而我不恐懼失去我自己- 如果我抓他們並把他們放入我的心- 並向他們展示他們真正是誰,與我等同如一

  • The first time I had the ability to see,


  • I saw human beings and dimensional beings as one.


  • For instance, there was no differentiation between this world and the dimensions.

    例如,這個世界和次元空間- 是無差別的

  • Everything was one. Everything was white.


  • And I saw human beings and dimensional beings as these white "orbs."


  • It's like I would see... You know when you would see in alpha state?

    這就像我看見...你知道- 當你在阿爾法狀態(alpha state)時會看見的?

  • You'd see picture, white, picture, white, picture, white. So I saw human beings walk -


  • picture, white, picture, white, not as everyone sees now, constant pictures everywhere.


  • So now, the dimensional beings I just see it in constant white. Orbs.


  • Now every time I walk, I would be able to see and understand --


  • for instance, there were black holes in human being's presence of themselves.


  • So for instance, if I've seen a human being with a black hole in their stomach area,


  • I'd be able to see, understand, interpret and explain what exactly that black hole represents.

    我能看見、理解,並詮釋和解釋- 這黑洞實際上代表了什麼

  • Usually, it was points of fear or anger that there hadn''t been forgiveness applied.

    通常,那是某一點- 還沒經過自我寬恕應用(解除)的恐懼或憤怒

  • And there was no transcendence yet.


  • The human being thus in that way, "harmed themselves" as the white orb expression as who they are.

    這人類因此用那形式「傷害他們自己」等同他們是誰的表達形式- 這白色球體

  • I wouldn't see anything else but that black hole.

    除了黑洞以外- 其它的我不會看見

  • I was just in a moment understand, interpret, explain exactly what that black hole is.

    我在一刻間理解、詮釋、解釋- 那黑洞確切是什麼

  • And be able to assist and support them in such a way.

    而能夠協助和支援他們- 在這種方式

  • So it was quite fascinating seeing everything in that way.

    所以這是頗有趣的- 用那種方式看每一件事

  • Human beings and dimensional beings looked exactly the same.


  • So I was in both world at once. And I communicated openly with dimensional beings..


  • Even demons I could communicate with.


  • I could see "red spots" as anger.


  • All the colors, I know exactly what they are.


  • I'd see them, I'd understand them, and be able to communicate with both human beings and dimensional beings, equally.


  • Even my mother! I started communicating with her as well. Honey, from the dimensions.She'd come to me and tell me


  • , "I'm worried about you, you know? I'm worried about your father. And your brother and your sister."


  • And I'd say to her, "Forgiveness. You are still stuck in the Mother Matrix System."

    而我對她說:自我寬恕吧,你依然受困於母親矩陣系統之中(Mother Matrix System)

  • And so I'd assist my mother interdimensionally as well.

    所以我同樣協助我媽 - 跨次元的

  • So, this whole world opened up.


  • But then came the Big Fall.


  • So I've told you in terms of what I am able to see and understand, interpret and explain.


  • Experience with the demons, beings, on earth and in the dimensions. Everything. That lasted about a week.


  • And everyone in my world, of course, started to becoming jealous.


  • And angry. And scared.


  • And I allowed that to influence me, extensively.


  • Because nobody liked me. At all.


  • Because, here is this nineteen year old girl that has been here only for a few months, being able to see all these things in one moment.

    因為,這是一個才剛到這裡幾個月的十九歲女孩,就能夠看見所有這些東西- 在一刻間

  • In one moment.


  • And no other experience, nothing.


  • Just opened up in one moment seeing the demons and also seeing both human beings and dimensional beings as one.

    在一瞬間就開啟了,看見這邪靈和- 同樣看見人類和次元空間人仕- 等同如一

  • Being able to communicate with them,


  • seeing these black spots anywhere, anyone, in any given moment I am able to explain what they are,


  • understand where they are, where they come from and how they were created, how it's influencing the human being's world.


  • I could even see human beings and dimensional beings past lives and understand them.


  • I can explain how their past lives are influencing their present life.

    我能夠解釋他們的前世- 是如何影響他們當前的生命

  • And all that in one, singular moment. I was 19 years old.19


  • And all these people that was here, were here for much longer and they hadn't been able to do any of it, yet. At all.


  • And so they kind of felt threatened. Very much so.


  • Which I allowed to influence me, and I fell.


INTERVIEW 7: Catching Demons


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