Likewhen I was, youknow, inthesehookupstages, I wasnervoustothepointwhere, like, mylegswereshakingandlikemybodyheatwouldgodown, I wouldgetfreezingandjustbesofuckingnervoustohangoutwithGirlsweresittingthereonthecouch, makingoutandwatchingTV, andthenshe's reachingherhandsdownmypants.
I'm like, Oh, Godthroughthisisfuckingcrazy.
Like I'm, like, tryingtoclinchmylegstogether, somethingsoshedoesn't like I don't blow.
Ifyouifyou're a onepumpchumplike I was, youknow, justjustbreatheisnotliketheendoftheworldthatyoudon't lastlong, buttowrapthingsup, I actuallyitwasmaybe a yearortwoago I got a Venmorequest, and I don't reallyuseVenmomuch.
I waslike, Itwasfromthegirlthat I losthervirginityto.
Itrequested $50.
Anditsaid, takingmyvirginityAll I wasworthwas $50.
12 I didn't payitbecausethat's prostitution.
What's up, guysOnMarkDonor.
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