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  • ♪♪♪

  • Down came the rain and washed the spider out

  • Out came the sun and dried up all the rain

  • and the itsy bitsy spider crawled up the spout again ♪♪

  • That's your favorite song, again?

  • Again?

  • The itsy bitsy spider crawled up the water spout

  • Down came the rain-- ♪♪

  • (Claire Knox) All of our competencies

  • with regard to understanding child development

  • and understanding dual language learners

  • and understanding mental health issues

  • for young children and understanding special needs,

  • all of these competencies weave together

  • into something that has a character in the early years

  • of life that is different than the character that it has

  • in later years.

  • All gone.

  • Oh, a little bit more actually.

  • (Claire Knox) What's important about early childhood

  • is that it's early childhood, that it is a time in life

  • when children are laying down foundations

  • that are gonna make a difference in terms of

  • their relationships with the world around them,

  • with how they learn, with how they think about things,

  • with how they handle mistakes, with how they deal with things

  • that don't work, with how they feel about working hard

  • to accomplish things.

  • That's what we're doing, and that's why it's important,

  • and that's why it's special.

  • The connection between studies of child development

  • and what we're doing with young children

  • in the early childhood setting is critical,

  • and it provides an essential foundation

  • for all the work that we do to prepare teachers

  • of young children.

  • So when you look at the areas of research

  • that are most informative for our field,

  • there have been incredible advances in terms of

  • what we know about how children think

  • and how they develop knowledge

  • and how they construct knowledge.

  • That has really influenced then how we theorize about the child

  • as a learner and the adult as someone who supports that

  • meaning-making child, so as we think about how do we prepare

  • teachers to work with young children,

  • we need a very strong foundation in knowing who the child is.

  • You notice that we need something there.

  • Will any of these things work?

  • Yeah.

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) One of the things

  • that the study of child development

  • provides us is that children are meaning-making creatures from

  • the moment of birth.

  • They arrive at birth gathering information from the world

  • around them, organizing that information,

  • constructing concepts about themselves,

  • about others, about the object world.

  • That process continues throughout early childhood.

  • What we can be mindful of, those of us who are preparing teachers

  • to work with young children, is how do we help teachers

  • think about the image of the child as a learner

  • and the image of a teacher

  • who supports that child in learning,

  • and what does it mean to teach and to learn when you're working

  • with children from birth through 5 years of age?

  • Here, would you like that?

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) The organizing principles

  • that I would hope that a teacher

  • preparing to work with young children be offered

  • include a very strong foundation in the image of the child

  • as one who constructs understanding

  • from everyday experiences.

  • (Claire Knox) And so

  • developmentally- apppropriate practice

  • has to draw not only on what we know about

  • developmental science and typical patterns and trends

  • in terms of children's social-emotional development,

  • their cognitive development,

  • their development as whole people,

  • but it also calls on us to really think about

  • who's in front of us

  • in terms of what we know about typical development--

  • Can I have that?

  • I was using it first.

  • (Claire Knox) But also the individual,

  • the culture that person is in.

  • Who is this person who's reacting this way?

  • Later I can give you, but--

  • (Claire Knox) What we know about typical pattern and trend

  • and what we know about how children learn

  • and how their behavior changes is like a reference library.

  • We use that as we're working with individual children,

  • individual families, and individual contacts

  • as a resource, but none of that answers the question of,

  • what do I do in the classroom this afternoon?

  • The circle was very, very sad,

  • and Mommy asked him--

  • Baby, why are you crying?

  • Because nobody want to play with me.

  • Why you not ask the square?

  • (Claire Knox) Because I can't answer that question

  • until I also factor into what I'm thinking about

  • the needs and interests of those children,

  • the needs and interests of those families,

  • the challenges that we're facing.

  • What's going on in our community?

  • The contacts that we're in,

  • who's gonna be there in the classroom that day,

  • what kind of caring community I'm trying to build,

  • and what the skills and competencies of the children

  • are in that process.

  • Dump it out and try again?

  • Angel.

  • Angel?

  • Yeah.

  • Are you calling Angel?

  • She's outside right now.

  • Can you see her from there?

  • Thinking about her?

  • Up.

  • Up?

  • You're thinking about going up?

  • We're gonna stay here for a little bit.

  • Do you wanna read a story with us?

  • There are lots of books here.

  • You take a look outside. You say, "Hello."

  • Early care and education is all about relationships to me.

  • That's the way I define it,

  • is that it's all about relationship building.

  • Are you gonna go get it?

  • What are you looking for?

  • (Alice Nakahata) This goes back a lot

  • to how important it is for children

  • to feel emotionally secure

  • so that then they have the freedom

  • to explore, to learn, to be self-confident,

  • and all that comes from the kind of nurturing

  • and the kinds of interactions and relationships

  • that they have had in that growing up period.

  • You went around?

  • You went around?

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) Part of our image as a classroom

  • is we've got a triangle of relationships.

  • We've got children, teachers, and the families,

  • and so how do we engage in dialogue alongside the families

  • occasionally so that they, too, can inform our thinking about

  • their children's ways of learning and thinking?

  • I think that the children want to spend time with

  • their families and their friends and their parents

  • and their grandparents.

  • Some of our children come from very extended families,

  • so there's other people in the home,

  • and I know that they are very important,

  • and they, too, are a part of the child's development.

  • So the family part, for a teacher to say to a parent,

  • to a grandparent, to an auntie, "Here's what we do together."

  • But in working with families what really came across is that

  • is a context for each child.

  • They are the primary caretakers of that child,

  • and that child will learn values,

  • will be able to do things within that context.

  • I think one of the challenges in terms of getting students

  • to be acquainted with the impact of families

  • is for them to see the differences

  • and also to be open to those differences

  • and to be respectful of those differences

  • and how much impact they have on the way

  • that people raise young children.

  • All that asphalt goes down, and the grater goes over,

  • and what does it do?

  • It flattens it out?

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) California developed

  • the foundations and the framework

  • that describe what we want children to learn and how we

  • want to encourage teachers to provide for that learning.

  • This one's big.

  • This one's short, and this one's tiny.

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) Emotional, cognitive, language--

  • [speaking in a foreign language]

  • Motor, all of those domains of learning.

  • For example, young children accomplish this

  • incredible agenda of motor milestones.

  • [children talking]

  • How do we support that process of exploring what they

  • can do with their bodies in a way that is very natural

  • and that allows them to use their bodies freely

  • in order to move through these motor milestones?

  • In the back of a teacher's mind there is a sense of these are

  • the concepts and skills that I know the children

  • are in the process of making sense of

  • with respect to science,

  • with respect to math, with respect to language,

  • literacy, social understanding, et cetera,

  • so as I set up a meaningful context for children to engage

  • in figuring something out I'm aware of the possibility that

  • children may reveal their thinking around some of these

  • concepts and skills.

  • I need a plate.

  • You need a plate? Okay.

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) Play really is the vehicle

  • that allows us to integrate the curriculum

  • because children within play are going to

  • effectively accomplish language, cognitive,

  • social, emotional, physical development

  • all wrapped into one.

  • Hey, Anthony.

  • Hey, Anthony.

  • Anthony, this is yours.

  • This is yours here.

  • Anthony, you sit right here.

  • I'm gonna get this chair for you.

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) And so it's really incumbent

  • on the early childhood teacher

  • to keep that awareness of what are the skills and concepts that

  • we want children to learn.

  • Teacher, what is this?

  • It is a vest.

  • Do you like it?

  • It looks pretty flashy, huh?

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) So when a child enters

  • the room there are play spaces

  • that are inviting the child to discover a wonderful array

  • of engaging materials.

  • What are those, Ella?

  • For looking.

  • Oh, they're binoculars, huh?

  • Yeah, these are for looking like this.

  • Uh-huh.

  • How those play spaces are set up is very intentional,

  • and this is where a well-prepared teacher

  • or team of teachers makes sure that this happens,

  • that the play spaces can be seen as learning spaces and that

  • there is a lot of thought into how they're prepared

  • as context for learning.

  • Fix your bike.

  • Fix your--look.

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) The role of the teacher

  • in setting up the play space is very different

  • than the traditional role of the teacher

  • as one who imparts knowledge or creates an activity

  • that expects a certain answer.

  • It's important that in setting up these environments for

  • learning for young children that we adopt an attitude

  • of not knowing what the children are going to do precisely

  • or not expecting one right way of playing in those play spaces

  • because there is no one right way,

  • but we know we've been successful as teachers

  • if we have children who are deeply engaged in play

  • and if they are using the materials well.

  • Okay, you make a letter, and when you see one like this

  • that means that's mine.

  • When you see one like that, that means it's yours?

  • Oh, you have to put an envelope.

  • The adult part of it is really to observe what is

  • interesting them and then let them lead you in terms of what

  • you are gonna plan for them so that we set out things that

  • we think that they seem to be interested and then to focus on

  • what they do with that.

  • And from that then that would give us information

  • about how to expand that knowledge,

  • and that's where the adult can be helpful,

  • to expand, to enlarge that particular interest.

  • In early childhood settings teachers are always thinking on

  • two levels, who are the children in my classroom,

  • and how do I meet each child where they are in terms of what

  • they are in the process of learning

  • and where they are going next?

  • So I need to know each of my children

  • and each of my children's families

  • well enough so that I can plot a journey for that

  • particular child that I can do with that particular child's

  • family so that we can assure that child is well

  • on his or her way in their journey towards knowledge.

  • We may have children coming in with different languages.

  • We may have children coming in with different experiences with

  • peers, so every child will be different in terms of how they

  • present themselves and that each child's curriculum journey

  • will be different.

  • Does it feel just like the ice?

  • No.

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) Having said that then,

  • I'm organizing context for learning

  • for my whole group of children, so I'm also planning

  • for the group of children.

  • So I'm always working at two levels.

  • You know, I noticed that this side is the same as that side.

  • (Mary Jane Maguire-Fong) With respect to

  • the individualized planning for a child,

  • I think it's most relevant when we think of,

  • what are those aspects of learning that I can offer that

  • child that will support that child in learning alongside

  • other children within the play environment?

  • And then what if I put two?

  • What shape is that? What did you make?

  • I made a square.

  • Oh.

  • ♪♪♪


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兒童發展與學習 (Child Development and Learning)

  • 67 3
    Hhart Budha posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary