Because I havefoundinthistimeofquarantine, yougottabeprettygoodwithcomputers.
No, I'm doingprettygood.
I'm doingYouknow, I lovewhat I dothenew, uh, thisnewageoftechnical, and I'm reallyliketicktocktryingbecause I dostupidstuffeveryday, and I justwanna, youknow, I'm gonnaputontomorrow, I'm gonnaputonkickedout, so I'm goingtojailfromgoingtojail.
Oh, andthenit's a dancecraze.
Yeah, but I shouldn't havesaidthatbecause I don't don't dotrumpjokesanymore.
So, youknow, bytheway, weneedtohave a garagesaletoBecause I gotallthesetrumpjokesaroundherestinkingupthing.
I needtogetridofhim.
Youknow, I'vebeenhappynottalkingabouthim.
I havetosay, I knowthatsomecomedianssay I'm gonnamissdoingthetrumpjokes, and I think I I mean, I triedtonottalkabouthim.
I justgottiredofit.
Andso I'm enjoying I'm enjoyingthistime.
I thinkit's gonnabe a goodtimeforcomedy.
Actually, I don't knowaboutthat.
I don't knowaboutthat.
I mean, I'm doingrightnowwiththelastweek, butwhathashappenedinAmerica?
The 21st, I feltlike a freeslave.
E feltjustgreat.
Andthen I havecourse, I'm democratic, Sobiteit.
ButBiden, I likehim.
But e don't likeit.
I mean, thisguyis e mean, he's donesomegreatstuff, butitisnotgoodforus.
Comedian e gotnojokeonit.
I gotnojokeon.
Youknow, I rememberedustalkingaboutthiswhenObamawaspresident.
Hewashewastoughforcomediansbecausehe's this, uh, handsome, smart, youknow, competentmanwhoisworkinghardtomakethecountry a betterplace.
And, um, youknow, where's thejokeinthat?
But I think, uh, butyouknowwhat I'llsayas a patriot, I'lltakethecompetentpresidentoverthejokesandIfitmeansthatmybusinesssuffers, sobeit.