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Hey guys, how's it going? It's already like
afternoon here
we spent all morning cleaning the house and setting up this blow up mattress because
Keyboard-san's friend from Korea is in Japan for work
He's gonna be coming to hang out with us for a couple days so today
We're gonna go pick him up and have dinner together, and I'm not sure what else we might go somewhere
I woke up to news this morning
That North Korea had launched a missile over Japan, so that's always
good news to wake up to
It appears they launched it right over the area of hokkaido, and it landed in the ocean
Luckily I don't know what they were aiming for or what the purpose was I get lots of comments like
Why do you live in Japan isn't it kind
of dangerous with North Korea doing crazy stuff and
With earthquakes and all this but I don't know I've always kind of felt that I would rather just
Do what I want and live where I want to live and not worry about things that might
Never happen it just kind of seems like a waste of your life to spend it worrying about something that might never happen
So I try not to worry about those things, but it when you wake up to news like that
It's kind of terrifying luckily. I don't live in hokkaido because people received
An alert on their phone Japan has an alert system for when things like this happen, and they got a message
I'm just looking at it here. That said a missile has been
Launched plee a missile has been launched from North Korea
Please get inside a sturdy building or down in a basement
Imagine waking up to that at 6 a.m.
6:02 a.m.. This morning and then
Later on it says it looks like it's passed over us
if you find any any
objects, I guess stuff that could have like fallen off the missile, or I'm not sure please tell the police but
first ones really scary
Those of you guys that live in this area of Asia Japan or South Korea
What do you think about all this does this make you want to leave and move to another country I've just never had that
That feeling I don't
I moved here right after the big earthquake
Because I wanted to be close to my friends that were here because I was worried about them
I never I never really worried that there would be another big earthquake and like
You might get hurt or killed or something? I just really don't worry about things that aren't 100%
For sure gonna happen, but my family probably thinks I'm crazy
and I know my mom wants me to move back to Canada because she's worried about the whole North Korea thing but
One day, I'll go back there one day
Yeah, let me know what your thoughts are on all of that. Do you think I should?
prepare for the worst and leave this area or
Or not let it affect my life
Anyways, I'm gonna finish cleaning up the house
We have some more cleaning up to do I gotta brush the cat's we got them this little
Brushing mitt, and I thought maybe they would like it a little better
Than the typical brush which they absolutely despise
So I'm gonna try that on them today and try and clean up their fur for his feet good seriously don't make a mess
tug you a doll mo
Da Chosen
Koko Anita Abunai Tomo
No, none day
Your nanny sitter Kyle Kinane Kyle. I don't need another commotion and I she
Itsumo, so you go to Erica narrator
Akuma Kumahachi Tomo
Hey, I'll get that on more yarn. I to you
so know what Connie did
Man you want to try the brush you want to try the brush
You up being brushed
So it has this kind of soft rubbery surface. I thought it was Gonna be harder
on one side of the glove
But the hair is supposed to stick to as you brush them and then yeah just a regular glove on the side
Wait good boy
He's not so sure that
Scary, it's okay. Oh good boy
All right, it's Gonna take some warming up try
Good girl
It's Kerry that's scary
Slowly swings, oh hey, I got some hair
It looks like it works. The only problem is getting the cats to stay still for it
Alright, it's a keyboard sons turn. Hopefully he has better luck
Boy good boy
We're just going to pick up his friend now this guy looks, so pretty
Tomorrow okay tomorrow
Really doesn't like guys. He's always good with girls, but not guys
Are you hiding? It's okay? Come here? It's okay. Good boy good boy
Luna's is absolutely terrified of anyone new even people that she's seen like four or five times. She gets scared when I come home
Okay, okay
the boys just left and
Mauro is like frantically
And Lumina. They're like frantically searching the area. He was sitting it and smelling everything. It's okay
He's not Gonna kill you
Go smelly suitcase some more
So the guys went to play Pachinko. I haven't played Pachinko in like
Two years I want to say I used to really like it. I would go all the time
You know pachinko is it you can kind of?
Equate it to slot machines. It's the most popular form of gambling in Japan
It's this machine really noisy machine with little balls in it
And they shoot up
And you gotta try and get them to land in this hole and if they go through there then the story will
Continue and it's playing like a video in the background
it looks like a video game the story will continue as long as you keep getting the balls in there and then
Events will happen throughout the story and if a special event happens
And that's usually when you win
So if this story starts to take like a different turn than usual
Like I usually play the same machine because I'm used to it than I know when something special is happening
And it's really exciting. It's like an icon I'm probably Gonna win
And then yeah anyways, it's like. It's really good thing to explain it basically
it's like a video game, and then it's also like this little ball machine thing and
When you win lots of balls come out?
And they shoot out, and you collect them in a little bucket, and then you exchange the balls for money
So yeah, that's pachinko if you come to Japan, maybe give it a shot
It's really confusing your first time because especially if you don't understand Japanese because you wouldn't get the story
That's happening in the game, and it would just be so confusing that's how I felt the first time I played it
But once you get the hang of it. It's really fun
It's really addictive and I can see what a lot of people have problems getting addicted to it
But I used to have really good luck and I would win most of the time so I would either
Breakeven or went a little bit, so it was pretty fun, but the guys went out to play Pachinko
So I've got the house to myself. I think I'm gonna invite Nicole over
Because I haven't seen her in a while
And we'll just hang out for a bit while they're gone and then we're gonna go eat later quite a bit later
Cuz his friend wasn't hungry yet, so no, I think they want to go to yakiniku
So that'll be interesting I can show you guys what kind of vegan options they have at yakiniku
It's actually more than you would expect you'd think that
Meat Barbeque place would be like the worst place. You could go if you don't eat meat, but they do have lots of
Options, it's pretty good. So I had to miss some ids of my august vlogs by the way
I really wanted to do the everyday thing but then I got invited to go to
Kumamoto to do some Volunteer work
and I didn't want to pass that up because I've never been to kumamoto before and
I love volunteering with anything to do with like the earthquake disaster relief, and yeah
I did like a
Fun Little Workshop down there in the area that was worst hit by the earthquake, and I got taken on a tour of the town
And I filmed a bit it was kind of sad because there wasn't much
Like crumpled houses or like crumbled rocks or anything still laying around but everything had been cleared out
And there was just like nothing left
It was really weird, and then we went to this temple
that had just completely fallen down the stairs had all cracked and
Like the big Torii gate at the entrance of the temple had fallen over and was like lying in the river
So yeah, it was a weird experience cuz I've never really seen anything like that before
Anyways, I'll tell you guys more about that trip on the video that. I'm making about kumamoto. That'll be over on my Japan channel
I thought lots of editing to do on that
It's gonna take a little while to put together, but maybe it'll be up in the next week or so I would say
Yeah, I just got back from Kumamoto, and then on the way home
I got a horrible migraine on the plane
and it took me a couple days to recover from that and I'm
Still feeling kind of gross every time I get a migraine
I get really nauseous and my stomach just
Doesn't recover even though my head pain is gone my stomach
Just felt really gross for the last couple days, and I was not in the mood to vlog so I didn't vlog until today
So sorry for the wait guys
That's what's been going on in my life
What's new with you guys? I met someone down in Kumamoto
He was so nice one of the guys that was working with me
And he said I watch all your videos and meeting you it feels like I've met you before
Like it feels like we're friends already cuz I know so much about you
And I get that a lot people feel like we're friends even though we've never met before and they know so much about my life
and my
Hobbies and
Everything really everything would I choose to share in my videos, and I don't know anything about them
So tell me something about you. What did you guys get up to this week?
Anything exciting happening in your lives anyways yeah, I'm gonna call Nicole
See if she wants to come over for a bit, and I want to do some crafts. I have that aqua beads
That was said to be in the mail
And I really wanted to do it and Nicole has made these before I stuff maybe we can try this together
Nicole's here now we're looking up patterns for the aqua beads
I think I found the ones. I want to do saul the eeveelutions, and they're really tiny
Found the site with these patterns, so I'm gonna try and make all the eeveelutions. Hopefully I have enough colors
Up down. You're like
my God
This is all we could do with the colors that I have so we're gonna spray them now and hope for the best
I didn't see you. Can't even see like until it covers all the whole really
That's how I do it
That's thing well, it's too much
It doesn't even spray it just draw up your upper. It's like it shows it as a spray
We're just watching run BtS online now the cooking one was really funny with episode 1 okay
Episode 20 if you haven't seen episode 20 of run btS. Just look that up
Luna's a btS feb you are me Luna who know who's your favorite?
Who's your favorite?
Hurry Nicole's Gonna go and I'm gonna meet the boys for dinner
my even hungry I
Could eat that my head had a late lunch
I usually get this salad. It's got sea made an onion the cucumber
This it's like a basket of vegetables that you can grill
This is new they don't usually have this one, so I'm going to try this in sudan with you
Sesame debt was going book green onion
We're back home now the yakiniku places. I would have you don't so I ended up not eating anything except for salad and tofu
But that's probably good because I wasn't even that hungry
I just really wanted it because it looked yummy, and it was new on the menu
but anyways
The guys are just drinking and probably gonna play computer games or something and I'm gonna get some editing done
Got a couple videos coming up on my main channel. I need to get up soon, so
Thanks for watching guys. Oh, and if anyone's still around you're still still watching
I'm gonna be doing another box with wishtrend because the last one did really well you guys seem to really like it, so if you
Bought that box and there was something in there that you really liked, and you would like to see it in another
Box in the future let me know I would like to kind of design this next box
Around what you guys want the most or if you were unable to get the last one and there was a product in there that
You really wanted to try
Please let me know
and I will definitely tally up like comments and for what are the most wanted items and include those in this next box and
This time they're gonna have lots of stock prepared. So there won't be any stock problems
I just really didn't expect so many to sell so sorry about all the issues we had with the last one
But this next one should be should be better ship. You should go smoother. All right guys. I'm gonna say goodnight here
Thanks for watching this really chatty video
I just kind of wanted to catch up with you guys cuz it's been so long since I've been able to talk to you
So I hope you didn't mind all the talking and I will see you again soon
I'm going to visit Taylor in a couple days, so there'll be some schaller vlogs coming up. I miss her a lot
I'm really excited to go see here. So look forward to those thanks for watching guys