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  • - Cops and Robbers was initially made in response

  • to the release of the video, killing of Ahmaud Arbery.

  • It was my way through spoken word

  • and videography to show my outrage

  • for this atrocity that was happening once again.

  • and that continues to happen here in America

  • towards black people.

  • - [Arnon] And I saw Timothy's video poem

  • that he released

  • and I was outraged and I felt

  • like I needed to do something and be an ally to the cause.

  • And that would, that started our collaboration

  • - Cops and Robbers was created for all the black men,

  • women and children who are victims

  • of racial profiling, police violence, loss of life

  • and other injustices just for being themselves.

  • - I want to go back

  • to when we use milk crates for basketball hoops,

  • when hands up don't shoot was

  • for people who is blocking jump shots.

  • Now, brown boys, bucket cops shots

  • instead of hoop dreams.

  • It's now cell blocks instead of hoop dreams

  • it's now grave plots

  • Giving me shirts versus skins

  • instead of blue versus black.

  • - [Sports Announcer] The call for racial justice...

  • - [Little Girl] Seven, Eight...

- Cops and Robbers was initially made in response

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