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every player in the NFL is assistant player to some degree and how they fit into what they're doing.
But if you were just starting a team, if you were just drafting players out of the 44 you could choose from then the only Chiefs we came up with that you would take ahead of the corresponding Buccaneer were Mahomes, Travis, Kelsey, Tyree kill Chris Jones and Tyronne Matthew.
Everyone else, we thought we would take the Buccaneer player.
Now that doesn't mean they're a better team.
They're not a better team.
The Chiefs are 15 and 1 17 and one, including the playoffs.
But as far as individual talent is concerned, that really was what R.
C was saying.
And it's just a testament, I think, to just how good this Chiefs team is and how well put together they are, how ridiculously well coached they are and the individual brilliance of their quarterback.
I think so many.
It's one of those were sort of all roads, lead back to one place, and that one place is named Patrick Mahomes greeny.
If Tom Brady, at the age of 43 were to beat this high octane Chiefs offense I mean, where his legacy is already.
It feels like complete is already incredible.
What would that do for his legacy?
You know, it's funny because people who have listened to me for years know that I got my start in the industry in Chicago covering Michael Jordan.
And I always have assumed that someday, when my great grandchildren are asking me about sports, they will say to me greeny because that's what they're gonna call me.
They're gonna call me greeny.
There's no way in the world they call me Grandpa.
I'm not interested in any of that stuff.
Okay, so they're gonna say greenie, um or maybe even the Hall of Famer Mike Greenberg.
Well, one of those two, I haven't decided yet.
I'll have him call me one or the other.
I always assumed they would say, What was it like to cover Michael Jordan?
And I think we have now arrived in a place where that question is going to change.
I think the question is going to be What was it like to watch Tom Brady?
I think he what he has done here at the age of 43 I think, does catapult him.
I heard Zubrin's teas and I think that is right.
I think it puts him at the top of the list of the greatest athletes in the history of American team sports.
It's impossible to compare team sport athletes to individual sport athletes.
There's just there's there's not enough commonality between what they're trying to accomplish.
But I don't know how you could put anyone ahead of him based on what he's already done, and I don't even know that he has to win Sunday to do it.
So green.
If you were to hypothetically, went on Sunday, would you be part of the camp that would want to see Tom Brady continue to play until 45 46 years old?
Or would you want him to write off into the sunset with that type of career and that kind of win?
Had I think it's become pretty clear it this point that the narratives that we want to draw for athletes have no bearing necessarily and what they ultimately decided to do?
Look, Tom Brady, the most amazing thing about him ask yourself this question because and Keyshawn, you played, you know, a long career.
So you know what I'm about to say.
Practically every NFL player I've ever interviewed says to me, If it was just the game on Sunday, I would never have retired.
But it's all of the hours you have to spend all week.
Tom Brady spends 52 weeks a year 24 7, keeping himself in the condition and the position to be what he is doing now.
This is a man with all the money in the world, all the glory in the world and all the options in the world off things that he could do if he chose not to.
And he puts himself through this for the simplest possible reason, which is, obviously that he loves it so so long as he loves it.
I don't see any reason in the world why any of us should have a problem with that.
And he should keep going as long as he wants to keep going.
He has certainly earned that and a whole lot more.
That is, that is true green.
Before we let you go, I haven't had a chance to talk to you at all about the possibilities of your New York Jets.
My new York Jets acquiring DeShaun Watson, Should they?
Oh, my God.
Should they?
Affirmative and answer.
Can a person possibly give?
Um, that would be the single best thing that has happened to the Jets, literally in 50 years.
Um, this is, ah, once once in a lifetime opportunity that a player like this comes available under these kind of circumstances.
So absolutely, if they can, I think you give up whatever it is you have Thio to make it happen.
I find it incredible that day.
Sean seems to be suggesting that the Jets air one of the places that he is interested in going to, but he does seem to feel that way.
And absolutely, I can't see why any team in the NFL, short of maybe Kansas City and two or three others wouldn't be giving up anything they have to.
So give up every draft pick you have and throw in like the Chrysler Building if you have to.
But absolutely.
Get to Sean.
No matter what, you have to give up to get him.
Don't you think so?
I know.
I think you go get him, but it's just I've gone back and forward over the last week or so, trying to figure out what the right right price is because we still have to feel the team of talented players.
And how do we get that like, Is it through the draft?
Is it through free agency?
Because you gotta have some people to play with anybody else?
She'll be Houston in New York.
We don't want that, right?
Of course not.
But the most important part of what you're trying to get ultimately, is a great quarterback.
There's two ways to be a really good NFL team.
One of them is to have a lot of good players and try and carry a quarterback.
The more desirable one is to find one of the like six or seven people currently walking the face of planet Earth who can play that position and lift everyone else around them.
He's one of those people, so yes, they had a terrible year in Houston for a variety of reasons.
But I'll take my chances.
Let's start with him.
I've seen us try and build through the draft too many times and seeing how it's turned out to want to try that path again.