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>>STAGG: What's up, Internet?
My name is David Stagg.
I'm the Creative Director here at Schipul - The Web Marketing Company
and I was blessed by the Google gods to get an invite to Google+.
So today, we're going to run through a couple of the new things that come with Google+,
kind of do a run down of it.
Show you a good overview of it and explain a little bit about what Circles are,
what sharing is, how to share, privacy settings, all the fun stuff.
So if you don't mind, let's jump right in and let's get going.
So currently right here, all I've done is log into my Google+ account.
This kind of shows you the generic dashboard, if you will, of what you see as soon as you
log in.
There are certain things to point out.
Obviously, sort of like Facebook
we have a stream of information that comes from people that I follow.
We can share things right here.
We can also share things up here in the right hand corner,
it's effectively the same box and does the same thing.
You can see over here I have in my circles where I have friends that I have already added
to my circles
and the cool thing about Google+ is that the way that Facebook uses lists,
Google kind of uses circles, and it's centered around the circles,
rather than like Facebook, where it's centered around friending people.
Lists are a kind of part of it and a way to differentiate what you want to show different
Now Google does the same thing here with Google+,
except the whole entire application seems to center around these circles.
Let's start there.
If you look up here in the menu bar,
this last item over here is your circle.
If we click on that, we can head over and right now,
just note right here we have three different options, we have people in your circles,
these are 57 people that I've already added to my circles.
You can see these circles down here. I'll scroll through them here.
But you can also check out people who've added you to circles.
So you can see anybody that's added me to their circles.
And over here, we can find invite other people that we would like to get into our circles.
So let's first start over here with people in my circles.
The cool thing about circles are, just like lists, you can rename them.
It comes with default ones.
The default ones it comes with are friends, family, acquaintances, following,
and I've added networking as my own individual one and Schipulites,
these are people that we work with here at Schipul.
So anybody that I work with ends up in this circle over here.
You can add people to more than one circle.
So a lot of the Schipulites actually double up and show in my friends circle, as well.
If I wanted to go over here and look at the people that have added me,
it shows the thirty people that have added me and
there's a very interesting thing to note here is that it does not show which circle I'm
in on their end,
that they've put me in.
So if, let's say John-Michael over here,
who is a friend of mine if he actually hated me and created a circle for "people I hate"
or "ring of hell," and he put me in that circle, I would never know it.
Only thing I get to see is that I got put into a circle, that makes me feel good,
I don't need to know which one, and that's as far as it's going to go.
Over here on find and invite, this is how you actually get people into your circles.
So let's say for example, April who is our West Coast sales manager,
she is working out there in California for us. Let's try and add her to a circle.
So I want to add her to my Schipulites group.
There's two ways to do this.
I can click here and just begin typing April
and it will actually find her and I can click her
and it will ask me which circle to put her in.
So I can click Schipulites and if I click save it would put her in there.
Now that's not nearly as cool as this, which is what everybody at Google wants you to do,
is just drag her over into your group and drop her off.
My wheel spins. She gets added. You see the plus one happen
and she disappears from my list of available people to put into circles.
Now if I wanted to keep putting her in circles, I could do that again,
you'll see that now it shows her in my Schipulites group
but if I click here and also want to put her as a friend,
I can do that and hit save. It goes through and does it's thing.
Adds a +1 there, no problem.
Let's go ahead and close that and if I try to add her again.
You'll see that now she's listed in two circles as opposed to just one,
that's how you add people into circles.
You can rename the circles just like you would any other one.
So if I wanted to change acquaintances I could just click on it,
right here I have the option to rename it, I can change the description,
these once again all come from default out of the box from Google+
and I can add people directly to it there.
Obviously, I haven't added anybody into my acquaintences yet
as I was just playing with it.
Right here you can actually create new circles.
So if we click over here, create circle,
we want to create a new one called "sports fans" like that.
If I don't want to pepper everybody with my posts about the Houston Texans or the Houston
I can actually keep a running list of sports fans and share things to that circle instead.
I know that my brother, who is also in my family group,
loves sports as well so I'm actually going to add him to this "sports fan" list.
You'll see he jumps up right there.
And my buddy Miguel is also a sports fan,
so let's go ahead and add him.
So you can see that I've added them.
Do I want to add anyone else?
No, that's good for now.
Those are two good people to have.
So right now, I'm going to do create circle with two people.
So it's going to automatically create that circle with those people in it.
And there you go. You can now see that down here,
I have a new circle called "sports fans" and I can always go back and change it,
rename it, do whatever I want with it. That's kind of circles in a nutshell.
Things to notice once again are that most of Google+ circles around these circles
rather than Facebook, it has lists but it's more of a way to keep people segregated.
You really want to start using your circles in Google+
and try to mess around with them and get everybody into a circle and organized first
before you start doing your sharing and I think that's what Google wanted with it.
I'm actually going to head back to my homepage right here.
Let's talk about sharing for just a second. Pretty soon, across the web,
you're going to start seeing these +1's jump up
and it's a little box that has Google colors across the top and a +1 on it.
You'll see them on Google searches,
you can now embed them on sites and we'll go through that a little bit later.
What you want to do if you like that, it's like a Facebook like button,
if you like whatever's going on, you want to +1 it
and then those +1's show up on your profile so people can see what you're out there looking
at and enjoying.