So, youknow, whenyouestablishedyourselfas a dunkers, Youknow, atfirstguysweretryingtoblockDuncan.
Itwaslike a yougotitbecause I wastryingtomake a statement.
I'm backinCharlotteinfrontoftheCarolinafans, and I'm like, I'm abouttogivethem a show.
Oh, no, I E o youseethat?
I hadnoreaction.
2000 versustheHawks.
Hey, Ofallpeople, youknowwhenyougetwhen I got a playerandyoutake I took a peekand I said, Oh, Matomboitt's onewaygofor, youknow, gohardorgohomebecause I knowhe's goingtoblockit.
Andyouknow, I'vedonefor a fewofthemonhim.
He's blocked a fewofthem.
And, youknow, I missed a few.
That's tryingtodobig.
Number 3 2006.
Sotake a lookhereshoringoverthepistons.
I hadonementality, andthatwasif I seeif I seespace, I'm goingtodunkandTayshaunbumpsmeoff.
Yousee, hekindofpushedme a littlefurtherleftthat I wantedThio, and I'm stillholdingontoit.
I waspissedaboutthat.
I hateonethingaboutme, andevenat 40 plus, I hatedmissingdunks.
Youknow, I feltlikeif I'm gonnagoupthereandattempted, I couldmakeitandyouknow, So I heldontotheeverybody's like, I'm holdingontoitandwe'regonnatalkaboutone.
I'm sure I'm stillholdingontotothisdayso I couldwait, Letmegetthere.
Because 1999 thisisnumbertwooffthebackboardofftheinbound, andyoucan't quitegetittogohere.
SoOh, uh, whenyoutalkabout a placelikethis, it's likewedidn't haveItwaslikepointsomething.
Soyouhadtoget a quickshotupandtheideaofoffthebackboard, Youknowwhat I'm saying?