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  • All right. Archery bows come in all different shapes and sizes, depending on what you want

  • to do with archery. This is the basic bow. This is called a recurve bow because it has

  • a recurve on it. It curves and recurves. What happens with this recurve, it gives the bow

  • more power. Because, as you open it up, the spring effect of the recurve shoots the arrow

  • out a lot faster than just a straight bow. This is really the most common kind of bow

  • today. This is the type of bow that's used in the Olympics because it's known world wide.

  • That's why it's allowable in the Olympics, because anybody in the world has access to

  • this type of bow. This particular bow is a basic bow. It has a wood handle and it has

  • limbs that are attached to the wood handle. That makes it, actually, a very good bow for

  • a beginner, because the limbs actually, can be changed to different poundages. As the

  • beginner improves and strengthens, he can change, he or she can change the poundage

  • of the bow. The bow's main part is called the riser. The riser contains an arrow rest

  • where the arrow rests on. It's an elevated arrow rest, so that as the arrow passes the

  • bow, the arrow doesn't interfere, or the bow doesn't interfere with the arrow. This is

  • what we call a basic bow.

All right. Archery bows come in all different shapes and sizes, depending on what you want

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如何使用彎弓|射箭課程 (How to Use a Recurve Bow | Archery Lessons)

  • 215 13
    Hhart Budha posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary