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  • Horses. Greyhounds. Pronghorn antelope. These animals are among some of the world's fastest, clocking in speeds above 55 kilometers per hour!

    馬。格雷伊獵犬。叉角羚。以上是世界上腳程數一數二快的幾個動物,最高時速可以高達每小時 55 公里!

  • Now, compared to us humanswe're relatively slow.


  • That's because on average, we run about 17 kilometers per hour.

    因為我們人類的平均最高速度只能跑到每小時 17 公里左右。

  • But breaking away from the pack is the cheetah. It can reach speeds greater than 100 kilometers per hour, in just three seconds!

    但獵豹才是真的在眾多動物種脫穎而出的那個。牠的最高時速可以超過每小時 100 公里,而且只需要花上三秒就能達成!

  • Some have even hit up to 75 miles per hour!

    有些獵豹甚至可以達到每小時 75 英里 (約 120.7 公里) 的速度!

  • And that's because every part of the cheetah works together to produce this burst of speed.


  • Thanks to a combination of focus, power, flexibility, traction, and the ability to actually steer their bodies like a boat, the cheetah sits at the top as the fastest land animal on Earth!


  • Now, unlike other big cats, whose bodies evolved for power, the cheetahs evolved for speed.


  • Their bodies are aerodynamically built with small heads, light bones, and a slender body.


  • Now, let's start at the top. A cheetah has a short muzzle, small canines, and other features to help reduce the overall weight of its head.


  • All of this results in a skull that weighs just 500 grams.

    這讓牠的頭部僅重達 500 公克而已!

  • Now, cheetahs need this light skull to make space for a large nasal cavity because cheetahs need lots of oxygen.


  • To help meet this need, they have large nostrils that allow for quick and large intakes of air,


  • while the cheetah's large chest holds its lungs and heart, which work together to help circulate the oxygen throughout its body.


  • And during a chase, that's crucial, since a cheetah can take anywhere between 60 to 150 breaths per minute!

    這在獵豹追捕獵物時特別重要,因為當下獵豹每分鐘會呼吸 60 到 150 次!

  • This is a drastic increase since at rest, a cheetah takes in about 9 breaths per minute.

    與獵豹在休息時每分鐘僅呼吸 9 次相比,呼吸的次數提升地非常劇烈。

  • That means that when these cats really get going, their breathing rate goes up to sixteen times faster!


  • What's even more fascinating is that while running, you'll notice that a cheetah's head doesn't move. It stays incredibly still.


  • I mean, just think about it. If you were going 100 kilometers per hour on a highway, you have to focus, otherwise you'd probably crash.

    我是說,你想想看,當你以超過每小時 100 公里的速度疾馳在高速公路時,你必須保持專注,不然很可能會出車禍。

  • Same goes for a cheetah. So focus is key.


  • But what about the power behind these sprints?


  • Well, cheetahs have incredibly powerful muscles that are built for quick bursts of speed.


  • That's because their muscles have a higher amount of a certain fiber called fast-twitch glycolytic fibers.


  • These produce quick and powerful muscle contractions to generate that burst of energy we see as a cheetah accelerates.


  • Now, while most of us might be in awe of its speed, equally impressive is a stride that measures roughly seven meters.


  • The secret behind this incredible stride: a hyper-flexible spine!


  • A bendy spine lets the cheetah's vertical shoulder blades and hips swivel, allowing its front and back legs to overlap.


  • This creates a spring motion, propelling its back legs forward with each step.


  • And for most of these strides, cheetahs are actually airbornewhich is incredible!


  • Once back on the ground, the cheetah relies on its footpads, which are tough and have ridges.


  • These act just like tire treads providing the necessary traction during a chase.


  • Now, unlike other big cats or even domestic ones, whose claws fully retract, cheetahs have semi-retractable claws, which look more like a dog's, like Henry's here.

    與其他的大型貓科動物,甚至是家貓們完全收起的爪子不同的是,獵豹有著可以伸縮到某種程度的爪子,讓它看起來更像是狗的爪子,就像我懷裡的 Henry 一樣。

  • So you always see their little nails, even in little track, you know, footprints and stuff.


  • Cheetah claws aren't covered by a sheath, which is a protective skin fold.


  • The absence of this skin means that these claws act like cleats, helping the cheetah (to) grip to the ground and accelerate when needed.


  • And when it's time to course-correct during a chase, it's all about the cheetah's long and muscular tail.


  • During a chase, a cheetah swings its tail, so it acts like a rudder and a counterweight.


  • This helps to stabilize the cat as it zig-zags towards its prey.


  • One thing to keep in mind: cheetahs are built for short bursts of energy.


  • So at top speed, a typical chase lasts only 30 seconds.

    因此若是以極速奔馳,一場典型的追逐戰通常只會持續 30 秒。

  • That's because the chase puts tremendous stress on every part of the cheetah's body, forcing it to rest for up to 30 minutes in order for its respiratory and heart rates to return to resting levels.

    這是因為奔跑會對獵豹身體的每一個部位都產生極大的壓力,讓牠必須在奔跑之後休息上 30 分鐘,才能回復到平穩狀態時的呼吸速度和心率。

  • Okay. So, we've learned that cheetahs are incredibly fascinating animals, and every part of them works to help achieve incredible speeds.


  • But despite being the fastest, cheetahs are also Africa's most threatened big cat.


  • Over a century ago, there were roughly 100,000 cheetahs, roaming from Africa to the Middle East, to India.

    在一個世紀以前,在非洲、中東與印度約有 10,000 隻獵豹生活著。

  • But now, only about 7,100 are remained in the wild.

    但現在野生的獵豹約只剩下約 7100 隻。

  • Habitat loss, poaching, and human-wildlife conflict are some of the biggest drivers behind this population loss.


  • And that's where conservation is so crucial to helping save this incredible animal from extinction.


  • We know so much about the cheetah that we know we can save it, and the cheetah's survival is in humans hands.


  • If we've got enough oomph with us within a human population, we can save the species.


  • When you've got such small populations of these rare and endangered species, we have a world to change.


  • And our motto from Cheetah Conservation Fund is: Save the cheetah and change the world.


  • And fun fact: Unlike other big cats, cheetahs don't roar.


  • To communicate, they chirp! And even purr like Willie here!

    牠們是用鳴叫的方式來互相溝通的!甚至會像這隻 Willie 一樣發出呼嚕聲!

  • Thanks for watching Seeker's new series Tusks to Tails.

    感謝收看 Seeker 頻道的全新系列節目《從牙到尾重》。

  • I'm Evan Antin, and I hope you've enjoyed this video.

    我是 Evan Antin,希望你喜歡這個影片。

  • (If) there's an animal you want us to cover, leave us a comment. I'll see you next time!


Horses. Greyhounds. Pronghorn antelope. These animals are among some of the world's fastest, clocking in speeds above 55 kilometers per hour!

馬。格雷伊獵犬。叉角羚。以上是世界上腳程數一數二快的幾個動物,最高時速可以高達每小時 55 公里!

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